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Posts posted by Jackred

  1. Do you think Nordreich members acting as though they were NoV members is beneficial to the NoR cause of leaving the past the past between your 2 alliances or do you think it is just petty shots now that they have some NS and don't have to cower and be humble behind protectors for their gross crimes of the past? Yes this is a shot at NoR, and I claim no tact in making it just being insulted by the arrogance they have gone had sense they weren't in danger of overwhelming enemies referring to the LSFs "crimes" and the "injustices" committed by the left when they moved to secure their future in the world from a fascist group bent on little else than getting lulz out of killing the left periodically.

    As the left has generally dispersed and has a lot of influence in alliances around the world do you still have any aspirations of getting those nations back into the fold of the left wing of CN?

    How are you dealing with the very clear split in orange unity? I ask this not only in the sense of the R&R-ODN break up or the leaving OUT, but as far back as the ODN leaving friendly relations with IRON. ODN moving more towards CnG rather than Orange and the recent turbulence in all aspects of orange(ODN is only the clearest to point out the specific differences, not saying they're the problem rather than the sphere itself degrading its unity from its former self)?

    How are you doing these days?

    visit us on IRC then

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