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Everything posted by Brian9824

  1. I can assure you I most definitely am quitting. I did start an attack against 2 people I had issues with and others like King Of Sparta attacked me on their own trying to get tech. I've just been fooling around before my nation is deleted, i didn't sit down and plan a long drawn out war because I could care less about this game. There is ZILCH to do now in it except buy tech and that is INSANELY boring. Also I had 30 bombers because they were lvl 1 bombers. They apparently do just as much Infra damage :-) ATM i'm selling all my infra for laughs so they can't do anything. Oh and KingofSparta you never knocked me ANYWHERE close to anarchy. It took 6 people 3 days before I was finally knocked into anarchy AND it took a nuke to eliminate my soldiers first. Lets post a few more messages Then there were 2 attacks I launched that you won out of all that. I'll diss the Old Guard because they apparently are pretty freaking stupid. Flyingdutchman has told me at least 4 times now that they are going to ZI my nation and not let me play, bla bla bla. I've told him more then enough times i'm qutting, its in my profile, etc. What more does he need to comprehend?
  2. Someone should really explain to the Old Guard how the game works. Hate to be a member of their alliance. They sent me this message "Your last one in CN though, already covered by our aid transactions. Thanks for making a small dent, we will enjoy the tech and the experience." They must have some crappy math skills. I did about 150 tech damage and 4-500 infra damage to their attacker and they stole maybe 30 tech. I have no intention of buying more soldiers so they won't be able to touch my tech. Pretty sure 30-150 is a loss of tech.
  3. Think i'm basically done. I'd like to thank my tech raiders for being idiotic enough to keep over $10 million on them while attacking me. Their money made it possible for me to keep fighting despite having 6 people attacking me and firing nukes :-) I dropped nuke #5 today and i think I sent one of the top 50 nations who tech raided me back about 150 places.That was fun. I'm sure they will be sending me a round of taunts soon saying how tough they are, and how it took 6 people to beat me, and how they are going to destroy my nation. Then i'll need to remind em again that my nation was going to be deleted and any damage i take is pointless as i'll be deleting it, yadda yadda yadda...
  4. Oh man I love how broken and random combat is in this game lol. I launched 30 bombers against opponents with 30+ fighters 4 times and didnt lose a single one. Plus the guys were stronger then me. Too funny.
  5. I wish the issues of a complete lack of end game were addressed. Sadly the game gets so boring when its reduced to tech deal, tech deal, tech deal, tech deal, buy a wonder. Not to mention the lovely fun of going ape!@#$ when a trade partner disapears.
  6. I have Uranium now I got sanctioned so i Just snagged another trade. Here is a log of my nukes Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by Brian9824. You lost 33653 soldiers, 1,386 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 150.000 miles of land, 47.469 technology, 150.000 infrastructure, and 1/4 of your aircraft force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation. Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by Brian9824. You lost 27172 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 2 cruise missiles, 150.000 miles of land, 50.000 technology, 150.000 infrastructure, and 1/4 of your aircraft force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation. Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by Brian9824. You lost 39476 soldiers, 1,399 defending tanks, 4 cruise missiles, 150.000 miles of land, 50.000 technology, 150.000 infrastructure, and 1/4 of your aircraft force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation. Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by Brian9824. You lost 42097 soldiers, 1,473 defending tanks, 7 cruise missiles, 150.000 miles of land, 50.000 technology, 150.000 infrastructure, and 1/4 of your aircraft force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation. My nation will be gone soon as i'm not even bothering to pay bills. Just getting in my shots before I fall asleep. I've done more then enough damage to tech raiders to make me happy combined with my cruise missles and bombing runs each day. I love how they keep message me saying they will see that I am ZI'd when I tell them I am quitting and they are welcome to it. They don't understand i'm quitting, i could care less about my nation and what happens to it. If they want to keep attacking me i'll keep hitting back.
  7. Oh its going nuclear :-) Suffice to say theres already been 100+ infra damage and 20+ tech damage done to tech raiders via conventional attacks with with my wonders being knocked into Anarchy doesn't even affect my income because my citizen's love it. Sadly CN combat system is STILL broken. Not to mention I must be being attacked by the stupidest people in the game. I log with no money and wake up to find I have over 2.4 million from people who attacked me and got beat...
  8. Oh I could care less about being attacked. Like i said i'm quiting and being attacked has actually given me something to do in the game for another week or two. Most of my friends have quit or are quitting as well so I have no one to give tech to anyways. Might as well put it to use and trade blows with tech raiders. I'll get my nation totalled and reduced to ZI and then i'll give away any leftover tech to whomever hates their alliances the most and then delete my nation. Meanwhile the tech raiders will recieve 10's of million in damage all over a measly 10 tech.
  9. Nah most likely his alliance will just waste money that could have been better spent helping its other nations all because some little 12 year old kid wanted 10 tech and thought he could bully a nation because it didn't have an alliance for 20 minutes...
  10. For that matter who the hell is stupid enough to tech raid a nation in the top 1%? I mean any tech you could possibly steal can be gotten cheaper and easier thru a tech deal when you are at hat level
  11. I was planning on quitting Cybernations and deleting my nation in a few days because its gotten boring. I built up my nation into the top 1% almost entirely on my own. Then I was attacked by the worst tech raider in the world named King of Sparta who belongs to the alliance Illuminati. If anyone in Illuminati happens to read this you all need a better recruitment policy. Lets look at his 2 attacks against me.... Attack #1 You have been attacked by King of Sparta. You lost 9,252 soldiers and 549 tanks. You killed 8,415 soldiers and 0 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $4.28 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. Attack #2 You have been attacked by King of Sparta. You lost 12,096 soldiers and 662 tanks. You killed 15,300 soldiers and 3,000 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $4.97 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. A complete and utter failure on his part to do ANY damage to me whatsoever. And then he threatens me by sending me this message "I have sent peace for the tech raid. Please accept or the war will no longer be limited to ground attacks." I'm pretty sure he's recieved my answer in the form of mass destruction to his nation :-) I think i'll send him MY peace offer now since he is fighting a nation that will raze itself to the ground to inflict as much damage as possible to him. :jihad:
  12. I'd say go with Fast Food, Construction, Beer. I've been there for months and its the best build if it fits your starting resouces. I'm up to the top .8% atm and no one has heard of me. Nation is basically entirely self built with next to no aid to help me.
  13. Just noticed someone else made this topic, i have NO secret trades though, so i dont see as how that would be a factor. Everyone I sent offers too didnt show up yet everyone who sent me an offer was visible.
  14. Apparently when you spy on a nation it will only show you trade partners whom they have recieved offers from. Anyone whom you have sent an offer to won't be visible if you are spied upon.
  15. Anyone here willing to participate in some spy games with me starting tomorow? My nation strength is 38,731.428 No destroying tech, infra, or nukes but anything else is fair game
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