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Posts posted by Hawky

  1. Irgendwo im fremden Land

    ziehen sie durch Stein und Sand

    fern von zu Haus und vogelfrei

    100 Mann und er ist dabei

    100 Mann und ein Befehl

    und ein Weg, den keiner will

    tagein tagaus, wer weiß wohin

    verbranntes Land und was ist der Sinn?

    Ganz allein in dunkler Nacht

    hast Du oft daran gedacht,

    daß weit von hier der Vollmond scheint

    und weit von hier ein Mädchen weint

    Und die Welt ist doch so schön.

    Könnt ich Dich noch einmal seh'n.

    Nun trennt uns schon ein langes Jahr,

    weil ein Befehl unser Schicksal war.

    Wahllos schlägt das Schicksal zu.

    Heute er und morgen Du

    Ich hör' von fern die Krähen schrei'n

    im Morgenrot, warum muß das sein?

    Irgendwo im fremden Land

    ziehen sie durch Stein und Sand

    fern von zu Haus und vogelfrei

    100 Mann und er ist dabei.

    think about it.


  2. My Foreign Aid offers simply disappear after a few hours without notification that they have been denied or accepted or anything.

    They just...disappear O_O - and i can send the same person a aid offer again.

    Are you sure you used the correct password to send the FA?

    yes its always in the Foreign Aid Offer window as pending Aid Offer with awaiting Authorization

    and then a few hours later in log in to my nation, take a look in the foreign aid offer window and....nothing

    i havent tested it with other nations so far.


    the nation i send aid to: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=195853

    my nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=37120


  3. okay now this thread runs around like a beheaded chicken.

    some guys here obviously miss the topic title. but no problem i will repost it for you:

    BLEU vs. NADC War reasons

    this title indicates

    1. BLEU:

    BLEU is an MDAP bloc of alliances on the Blue Sphere.

    participating Alliances: New Polar Order, Multicolored Cross-X Alliance, Global Democratic Alliance, Sentinels of Unity and Liberty, Echelon, Finnish Cooperation Organization, Overclockers UK, Nueva Vida

    yes amazing isn't it? i know i destroyed some world views by showing that BLEU does not only consist of the New Polar Order. actually it wasnt the evil evil New Polar Order who decided to attack randomly without any reason. wait nooooo, BLEU started this war, BLEU declared war on NADC..theres more than one alliance involved...that means there must have been lot of planning and coordination before the war; therefore the gov didnt act hasty and reckless, all parties involved carefully weigh out the war reasons before they finally came to an agreement.

    2. speaking of the "failure of the Orders" in this thread is completely inappropriate.

    the New Pacific Order does have nothing to do with this war. they aren't even BLEU.

    but it only shows the hatress against the Orders and in this case the New Polar Order, which is, according to some player here simply BLEU.

    i see nobody say $%&@ MXCA or $%&@ Echelon. seriously you guys don't want to discuss the war reasons, you just want to insult the Orders.

    with this prejudged stance i see no further meaning in this discussion which went completely random into a NpPoO blamefest.

  4. The last Year with you as Emperor was full of excitement and epic fun. With your retirement as Emperor of the New Polar Order you left behind a big gap. Is/was it hard to find a worthy successor? Why you choosed an australian donkey who's 3/4 of the day drunk by his own brewed beer? And: Assington is Emperor of the NpO for quite a few months now. As Emperor Emeritus, how do you think is he doing his job so far?


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