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Posts posted by ToiletGaming3000

  1. I keep hearing freddy noises in my kitchen guys, and keep hearing loud metal banging in my sisters room...? What is going on????????? Also a guy with a hockey mask keeps looking at me and always leaves ramen noodle packages?? Like wtf bro, its not hockey season and I don't like beef ramen noodles, chicken is best.

  2. Are you interested in joining an alliance? Then join Toilets United(TU). We need you now! The leader of the group(the one writing this stupid advertisement thing lol) has just been defeated in war! This prompted him to create this alliance. In the TU, we stay united during troubling times. Even if we are under war, know that not one man shall ever be eliminated!


    If you really want to trade with anyone, then you can join today to insert yourself into a trade ring (aka, a trade circle).




    Rule 1: No declaring war on a member unless told to.

    Rule 2: You are to not manage 2 nations at a time unless you got permission to do so.

    Rule 3: Do not change trades unless you get permission.

    Rule 4: Every nation is not a man for himself. If you want to be left alone but still want to remain in the alliance, you need to tell the mods. You are to help other nations as well.

    Rule 5: Should a young nation be too weak and is losing war? Do not fear, for we are here to support you. Do you feel threatened by a member? Tell a mod and we will settle this peacefully. (feeling suicidal, call 988 or talk to a member and we can try and do our best to help you. We aren't here to make you feel unsafe.)


    (Warning: If you are caught declaring war on a member, be prepared to share info on why you declared war on the chosen member. If you declare war on a member for simply no reason then you will be questioned and if you try and ghost us, then you will be banned from joining the alliance

    If you are caught managing 2 nations, be prepared to explain why or otherwise, you will be kicked. You can send an appeal after the time you have been banned for is up. If you sent a nation sitting request on the cyber nations forums, just post on the moderator board that you have sent a nation sitting request to the mods and you must show proof otherwise, you are banned.)


    Go here now to join today: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=17127


    Please feel free to join the forums as we really need more members and moderators.

    Forums Link: https://toiletsunited.boards.net/


    IRC Server Name: CN IRC #3000

    IRC Server: open.ircnet.in:6667


    I have the flags but I do not know how to convert it into a url


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