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Not the Carlton

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Posts posted by Not the Carlton

  1. an announcement from NATO






    I am happy to announce that once again, NATO is the one true -ATO.

    and has passed GATO in score.


    also we start elections this weekend so expect new (and potentially used) government members April 1.

  2. I admit I loled at this one:


    Received Expiration Event Description Response Options Current Response
    2/19/2024 3/20/2024 A new, highly addictive drug has hit the streets that causes zombie-like behavior. Many who have taken the drug have been seen roaming the streets attempting to tear the flesh off of innocent people. Option 1: Crack down hard on the drug offenders. Round up these "zombies" and throw away the key. +300 criminals incarceration capacity, -$1.50 citizen income, +50 crime prevention score.
    Option 2: Drugs are not a problem and this is all just a scare tactic from government agencies trying to get funding. These "zombies" just have the munchies and could be stopped if we provide more food to those in need. +1 happiness, -50 crime prevention score, -0.5% citizen income.

    No Response: -100 crime prevention score.


    I'm jailing the zombies.


    Nice one, @admin !

  3. Not sure what to think on this one. It’s just an odap so *yawn* but Pacifica won NATO’s alliance we’d most like to fight poll but many of NATO’s leaders really like The Wolves so I’ll go with “meh.” Hope it serves both parties well and causes an amusing knot in the treaty web. 

  4. On 12/14/2023 at 9:05 AM, Rebel Virginia said:

    The League has an average casualty count of over 17.5M. We exceed every other alliance save for DBDC, yet we are once again overlooked. Rectify this error now. Further insults will not be tolerated.

    You've had fun.


    On 12/17/2023 at 9:58 PM, HeroofTime55 said:

    JA getting the chance to ruin another alliance and that alliance being GATO is one of my favorite things to watch.

    Seems pretty decent to me.  

  5. 2 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    Funnily enough before opening this thread I anticipated it as some kind of jab at us from you after your previous announcement/veiled jab at us about your democratic process. 


    You could always try actually declaring war on us but we all know you won't do that, much easier to puff your chests out about the numbers than lose them. Besides my display shows you still lagging behind at 12th place ;) 




    Congrats either way and happy holidays to you too!

    Nah you weren’t even top 3 on a survey asking our members who they’d like to attack. 

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