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Posts posted by Talbrys

  1. 52 minutes ago, James Spanier said:


    There's no real middle ground to convince, so why commit to an argument that will never resolve in a satisfactory way? Everyone thinks they're the hero of the story.


    Then why even bother presenting the argument in the first place if you aren't going to commit to it.  As has been mentioned many times throughout this whole thing, just say "we don't like you therefore we're deccing you."

  2. 4 minutes ago, Nolegdai said:

    Ignored because the narrative you are spinning is so preposterous I didn't even consider anyone would try.


    The narrative is your alliance's, not ours.  We're just posting all the evidence while your side only posted part of the evidence.  If you think it's preposterous maybe you should be rethinking your allegiances.

  3. 56 minutes ago, Nolegdai said:

    If it is so agreeable to you, why do you not simply share it? Do you expect me to back down? Perhaps it's not what you share that will damn you, but what you withhold. If you've nothing to hide, then lets have it all.

    He did share it earlier in the thread.  Maybe rtft before posting.  Since I'm such a nice guy I'll even give you the link so you don't have to :effort:




    14 minutes ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    These legalities have also been vetted by lawyers who recognize this legal framework to be, and should be, recognized by Cobra who voided their obligation. Therefore, KNB does not recognize Cobra as they have become a Failed State.“


    Pretty sure we stopped recognizing it when we realized you never were a legitimate state to begin with.


    Disclaimer: I'm not gov

  5. 5 hours ago, White Chocolate said:

    Any conversation about "moral high ground" regarding "raiding" coming from the leader of an alliance that allows raiding is clearly disingenuous. 




    You call it raiding, we call it providing a valuable service of education on war in CN and the importance of joining an AA.

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