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Cosmic Chocolate

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Posts posted by Cosmic Chocolate

  1. 15 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:



    Having come back to this world, it appears to me that my bills are ever-so-high.


    I left this world during the great micro-persecution and hope to receive free aid so that I can once again help other nations grow and prosper, and maybe start a peaceful alliance. 




    If I ever wanted to help one person in this world..it wouldn’t be this one. Save your aid 

  2. 16 hours ago, Master Hakai said:

    I put together a list of anticipated FAQs with official answers from Post Grunge Supergroup, to help clarify certain talking points:


    1. Q: LOL one of your nations did "X" your alliance is bad at CN! A: That is a great observation! We are, in fact, bad at doing CN, and.
    2. Q: I spied one of your nations and he/she/they has a bad warchest. A: That's crazy, wow. What?! No way.
    3. Q: Why are you doing this? A: Because it is the right thing to do.
    4. Q: Your old name was better. A: Okay SirWilliam, thank you for the input.
    5. Q: I noticed not many of your nations have attacked yet, what a terrible "blitz!" A: Holy cowwwww! That is super interesting.

    I laughed too hard at this…

  3. 8 minutes ago, SeaBeeGipson said:

    1 ) If this was of concern to you, you very well could have addressed it in the thread when the announcement was made. 

    2) Least the proper type of treaty was activated. Signing treaties and declaring wars has happened before on Planet Bob. oA into an ODP treaty is not one that comes to immediate memory. However, there has been plenty of situations over the course of the decades of this planet and precedence could very well exist that I am missing.

    3) Neither CCC nor Turtles, or any involved parties involved with the direct OP of this thread. That was a decision between MONGOLS and Non Grata (whom is active in this thread but not whom your comment was directed to) and was directed at Oculus AAs at war with Non Grata. DoomSphere was not a factor in the decision.


    Or maybe it’s because I’m not a “make it up as I go kind of thing” the irony of CCC and NG complaining about this is that they pull some off the wall stuff for a war. 

    My court my rules kind of gig..laughable really. 

  4. 41 minutes ago, HeroofTime55 said:

    KoRT does not hold MA, oA, or MD level treaties with anyone.  So, yeah, you can't activate an oA clause if you do not hold an oA clause.  KoRT only signs ODP treaties.  Which, incidentally, is the sort of FA policy that allows such flexibility to put in minimal effort and protect one's own pixels.

    Perhaps they should have gone the "sign treaty and retroactively activate it" route.  But they didn't.  It's sheer laziness, an incredible embarrassment.

    How did JA enter this war? 😜

  5. 36 minutes ago, HeroofTime55 said:

    KoRT does not hold MA, oA, or MD level treaties with anyone.  So, yeah, you can't activate an oA clause if you do not hold an oA clause.  KoRT only signs ODP treaties.  Which, incidentally, is the sort of FA policy that allows such flexibility to put in minimal effort and protect one's own pixels.

    Perhaps they should have gone the "sign treaty and retroactively activate it" route.  But they didn't.  It's sheer laziness, an incredible embarrassment.

    I find it more embarrassing you upload a treaty mid war..Almost like you need more friends to help you fight but hey, whatever it takes am I right? 

  6. 5 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:


    People from DS keep saying this like it means anything in the context of this specific DoW. Did KoRT sign an oA treaty for the first time in their history that I'm not aware of? Or are you arguing that because a few alliances retroactively activated newly signed treaties (which is by no means a novel idea in CN history), that suddenly all rules are out the window and KoRT is allowed to make up whatever pretext they want in order to enter the war? Maybe it has nothing to do with anything and you're all just really bothered by MHA, idk.

    Sounds to me like you’re bothered by this. Common theme on the opposing side. It’s insane to me that you think it’s ok to activate a “Newly signed treaty” mid war but not act on behalf of an aggressor..

  7. 1 hour ago, The Big Bad said:


    You are not keeping up at all here, are you?  You might try reading the entire thing.  Or having someone read it to you so you can keep up with things.  To keep it simple for you, the Doom alliance that other guy is in agreed that nothing he said was true, that he has no power and should be treated as such.  Maybe get somebody to read that to you and break it down to one syllable words.  Then try ask them what is going on so you can avoid looking confused.  

    Considering I’m one of those people in that Doom alliance I think I know full well what’s going on. You should try reading to keep up on that. I’m pretty sure I stated that in a previous comment that “that doom person” and I have the same sentiment. You should probably catch up :)

  8. 8 minutes ago, jerdge said:

    With all due respect, TBB could have written a couple dozen books on the subject of CN trolling well before the most of us had heard of CN at all.

    He's not above criticism, but you probably have to choose another subject entirely.


    Technical issues coupled with personal issues of our forum admin. They'll be up again at some point in the future.

    However they've been dead for literally years before they went down.

    CN trolling makes him a master of trolling? Sorry not going to buy that. I troll on a day to day basis outside of CN. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to troll. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, A1ph4 0m3ga said:

    I can math pretty good and that vote appeared to be 9 for cancelling and 3 for keeping it…Seems the rest would agree with you and firingline about cancelling CLAWS.


    Would you be willing to share the final results of that poll? 

    Votes change and come in all the time 🤷🏿‍♂️ Just look at Americas last election. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Gh0s7 said:

    Lol, are we ignoring 'longest allies'? If he leaked the members chat, you'd see me and Hersh defending them every step of the way. And in the end, Hershey uktimately.makes all decisions within our alliance. We can express our opinions, but he is the one that makes any and all decisions.


    It's nice to see Armen is a snake though

    I’ll back this statement…mostly FL and I talking about the CLAWS treaty the rest of them seem to back having the treaty 🤷🏿‍♂️

  11. On 7/17/2022 at 4:31 PM, White Chocolate said:

    Perfect.  @Tevron might even accept this as a flag.  :P 

    Indeed, Doom Squad is one of the best.  A great Protector of CLAWS!


    I just have one little complaint, but you all know WHO that is



    Now - back to business - what was I going to say?


    Oh yeah - #3 is the new #1 in 2022



    I’ll trade you complaint for complaint…let’s name drop 🤔

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