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Xena of Amphipolis

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Posts posted by Xena of Amphipolis

  1. 1 hour ago, DeathAdder said:


    You were actually being told both by them, and the mods, to shut the $%&@ up. Both of which, you ignored.


    Moderation would like to take this opportunity to remain all of you that references to a certain part of the male anatomy and in particular certain uses of said part are inappropriate for this forum.


    Moderation would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that this is, and always has been, a PG rated venue.  If you cannot manage to insult each other without having your post auto censored or censored by the Mods, perhaps you should rephrase your words.


    Now DeathAdder, you can go back to explaining to The Zigur why he ignored good advice (or whatever it was that he did) and leave the Mods' name out of it.

  2. When your "arguments" consist of OOC accusations, there is no reasoning with you and its clear you're a troll. For an IC forum, I'll only pay attention to those who can keep things IC & responding doesn't require breaking any rules myself.


    How about you all go get some fresh air and come back and try to keep it IC in this section of the forums and stop discussing moderation issues?  Warns have already been issued and more will be issued if you cannot figure it out.

  3. [OOC]Why is it that any thread Immortan Junka gets involved in, rapidly devolves into either;


    1.  Mudslinging.

    2.  Burbling on about the Bourgoisis

    3.  Bemoaning the treatment and present existential status of Hawaians

    4.  The use of Drugs.

    5.  So far off track that people lose track of what the thread was about in the first place.[/OOC]


    So ignoring the self-centred narcissistic witterings of Immortan Junka, Congratulation to ANimalZ on white peace.


    Do you even [OOC]IC/OOC[/OOC] bro


    Hey, "bro", how about both of you step away from the OOC banter and keep things on topic?

  4. Not if you don't turn my comment into the focus of this thread. I would of preferred to try finding common ground in dealing the rogues than see this spark up, but I realize this is past that point.


    Several alliances involved in this are also fighting GOONS & GOONS are hitting many people; so it is a multi-front war we can't lose sight of. My comment wasn't as irrelevant as your reaction would imply.


    I do wish all our allies & friends good luck in this war; as we continue to deal with GOONS as well.


    I am not convinced of the connection between this matter and the matter regarding GOONS.  Therefore your latitude is officially at an end.  


    Let's keep it on topic from this point forward.

  5. People who disagree with me get a sword in their gut, a chakram up side the head, or a warn.  It must be why I do not date much and there is so much sexual tension with the scribe that follows me around.


    Heed the OP's call  for serious discussion please.  Carry on.

  6. A brief timeout here to remind people that 'out of character' posts or comments in an 'in character' area are not permitted.  Some of you could use a refresher on the forums rules, some of you should probably read them for the first time.


    Consider this a friendly reminder and a very gentle verbal warning to everyone.  The next time you hear from me it will be because you could not take a hint and warns will be issued.

  7. Less emphasis on the details of your toilet habits, and no further references to the "game" unless you are speaking of the political games being played on Planet Bob or Digiterra or whatever you boys and girls are calling it these days.  Warns will be forthcoming otherwise.


    Also, was there not a topic here at one time?  How about everyone wander back to it?

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