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Everything posted by Vexalor

  1. I have two related questions about environment. I feel as though I'm missing something here. 1.) Today, I was toying with improvements. GRL is at 5.00 (or at least the effect is due to the cap) and I've had two border walls for a while to be at environment 6.00. I scrapped my border walls for my experimenting, and my environment became 7.50. All good so far. When I added back the first border wall, environment went to 6.50. But when I added the second, it stayed at 6.50 instead of going to 6.00. I'm almost certain, but not completely certain, that my environment was 6.00 before I removed the two border walls. I didn't end up changing any of my improvements in the interim, so why is the second border wall doing nothing? What am I missing? EDIT: The above issue disappeared when I added a third border wall. It was either a brief glitch in the environment display or I'm just plain delusional. 2.) This question has been brewing for a while. A ways back, I tested to see what effect on environment the ratio of infrastructure to land has. Various sources have told me that having at least half your quantity of infrastructure in land improves environment, but I bought land past 50% of my infrastructure worth of land and nothing happened to my environment despite there being room to grow (environment was worse then 1+GRL). I then bought infrastructure past 200% of my land count. Again nothing happened, despite there being room to fall (no effects boosting environment past the cap). Is the environment boost a gradual effect? Am I again missing something? Does it not exist at all and the infrastructure to land ratio affect something else? Any answers are appreciated.
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