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Posts posted by Thorr

  1. There's a saying, I'm sure you've all heard, that when God gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Now, I loathe to use such a cliche, but I love extended metaphors. You see, good people of Planet Bob, from the founding of my nation I was thrown a particularly sour lemon. I was born in a time when freedom was a distant memory, when once proud men lay broken and groveling before a witless man-child with a cow fetish, who heaped praise upon them for their timely payments of tribute. It was a sick, repugnant age, the darkest age this world has ever seen.

    Like many of you I found solace and purpose in the resistance: the fight against EZI, secret terms, tech extortion, viceroys, perpetual war, the rewriting of history, member censorship. There were many living under the tyranny of the Hegemony that couldn't speak and fight for themselves. We fought for them. There were many that didn't even know their oppression and argued vociferously against us. We fought for them too. And even among us, there were some that were freer than others. We looked to the freest of us for inspiration. I joined the Greenland Republic after exchanging messages with Virillus and being told that GR wasn't afraid to fight and die for a cause. And indeed, their long and rich history is endearingly rife with examples. We were among the freer ones, and our relations with some of our allies sometimes suffered for it.

    As the hegemony began to slowly unravel before us, we wondered what to do. Would we join a Continuum civil war? And on whose side? Few were interested in being either side's meatshield. In fact, I can't recall anyone that was. Fortunately though, the choice was made for us. Twisted and sadistic, the hegemony refused to implode and destroy itself. It had to be destroyed, perhaps fittingly, with a last ditch attempt at tyranny.

    The Karma War was seen by many as an opportunity to write all the wrongs of the ancien regime. In those first weeks we were euphoric. A new age was dawning on Planet Bob. Just as we had done during the resistance, we fought for everybody. We fought for the oppressed, and the unknowingly oppressed. But there was one new group we fought for. A small but powerful, and respected, enclave of rulers turned their noses at us in cynical judgment. Karma, according to them, was tainted by the past of some of its members, its disorganization, and its ambiguous goals. We fought for these people as well, the people that knew a Karma victory would benefit them but for whom Karma wasn't good enough. And as tyranny gave way to liberty, you could see it manifest in their words.

    I felt the same way as the cynics though. I knew Karma wasn't what so many thought it was, but I believed it was a necessary evil, and the only chance we had at saving this world. I, like others I'm sure, held our noses and fought for that better world.

    But I was wrong and the cynics that did nothing but complain were right. It wasn't "Just-As-Bad", pre-terms or supposedly harsh surrender terms that they were right about though. They were right about the virtue of being self-righteous do-nothing prigs. I should have expected moral perfection from Karma and haughtily rejected them for the slightest blemish. Working hard in the muck with others looking down on me, is not the path of a dignified man such as myself. Unflinching principle resulting in practical inaction is the correct position. I've realized this now and taken steps to act accordingly. Now that I am removed from this war, I can confidently look down on you all and feel the great self-satisfaction the cynics must have felt.

    I'm so much better than you now.

    Thank you Karma.

    This is why I didn't join Karma side. Very good post. I fought against the NPO in the past and knew I couldn't this time. Many of them was on both sides. I figured the results would end up like it did.

  2. Did you send that nation a peace offer/pm stating your intention for terms what not?

    He had already done full attacks on me that day and that was perfectly fine. But he then followed it all over again the next day after update over 1 spy attack he said I shouldn't have done.

    A cheap shot would have been me doing ground attacks and cruise missle attacks and nuke that I didn't do.

    Yes I did his response is

    To: Thorr From: Crohl Date: 4/29/2009 2:36:54 AM

    Subject: Your surrender

    Message: You're not going to get a cheap shot in with the spy attack then think you can achieve peace without repercussions. You recieved one more round of attacks. If you wish for peace now, then make sure you meet all terms and send a peace offer again.

    If you retaliate your peace discussions will be considered null and void. You will also not be eligible for surrender terms for the duration of the war if you attack. You will be forced to wait out the war until TPF either gets peace or they disband.

    I spied on him and Timlee before starting a conversation with Timlee and finding about TOP situation.

    After telling him he needs to pay reps his response is and if he had problems with the spy attack it could of been resolved with Aid.

    To: Thorr From: Crohl Date: 4/29/2009 11:59:13 AM

    Subject: RE: Your attack

    Message: You won't be getting them. In fact I'm tempted to nuke you for even asking. If you hadn't noticed I've gone rogue on TPF.

    Therefore you have a rogue you all need to deal with and anyone who wants to verify this I will be willing to accept any inquiry into my nation's messages as necessary.

  3. So what you're saying is that you're upset you're not allowed to get a cheap shot in before surrendering? If someone launches an attack on me just before surrendering I'd make sure they're getting hit back before getting peace too.

    Very funny I didn't attack before I surrendered I only spied 1 time changing his defcon. I did a few bomb runs right after update many hours before any of this happened. Then started talking to Timlee about the war and found things I didn't know. I started looking into things as I saw TOP attacking our allies and was wondering why. Thus changing my mind to fight in this war. I did no cruise missle attack or ground attacks onto him that day.

    I have proof of this.

    I also sent no nukes that day and that can be verified as well. If you don't know what you are talking about it is wise to not say anything.

  4. Surrendering

    I know I was at the raw end of one of these bullying deals with Shadow Slayer being forced to say he did something he didn't do. Me Rambo SS and others was forming a small alliance The Horde a while ago. I am not interested in fighting for such nonsense. I don't surrender due to fear of loosing Infra.

    There is still a small problem on the other side and that is sethB though you know.

  5. :lol: That is a simplified way of looking at it. Any competent general will declare war when the pre battle preparations are completed and victory is obtainable; war is after all a means to advance your interests. The object of war is victory, not protracted campaigns.



    If you are waging war with unconventional tactics intended to terrorize a group of nations, then terrorism is an apt description (with a negative connotation, certainly).

    The object of someones war is what ever they want it to be. Not every war has been logically fought. Actually I have to say no war is ever logically fought as war is illogical in it self. War never needs to happen. Every battle has a winner and a loser! So how is both sides able to have victory obtainable, and who can say whose interests are being advanced but the individual himself? Also who says what is conventional and unconventional? You can't terrorize nations when both sides declared war onto each other. You can only terrorize those that don't fight back.

    Once again you yard stick that is 3.6962893610923651890369814263098165981365908612893560923 feet is not the standards for all as their yard stick is 3.78908781903789153891625890169834618923649081 feet long.

  6. :lol:

    No, the war is waged as a security measure to ensure the continuing growth and industry of the civilized alliance and its nations. The alliances continue to operate and function, or more importantly allow it's members the ability to achieve their potential, the war on Vox is part of what it takes to ensure that continued status quo.

    Now, if the Continuum were to lose this war against Vox to the point that industry and growth fall below what is possible in the state of nature, then you could call it a proper fallen or lost civlization (like FAN is now).

    Also false, because peace mode brings with it a large number of penalties that severely handicap the nations ability to grow or engage in industrial enterprise. An entire alliance in peace mode is a static one, unable of even the most basic industry, and at best represents a decaying once-been civilization (like FAN).

    Certainly, but the key you missed here is that internal (and external) conflict must be reduced to the point that nations are able to raise themselves above what would be normal in the state of nature. Not all internal conflict must be eliminated (although that would be theoretically optimum).

    Or rather, you should not presume that I need to do such "research."

    Ok so war is only good if you are gauranteed to win. If you are not gauranteed to win you are a radical terrorist.

    I do know peace mode does not make nations static but does reduce their growth. Still they are not static.

    You are right and noone else is right? Very Interesting. I am not for Vox Populi but I can see why they have problems with you.

  7. I will work out deals to have people send you 3 mil 50 tech 4x if you can donate to my nation in December. I will get all the details worked out or send it from my nation if need be.

    Any amount of cash / tech can send me an offer and I will consider it.

    I am a top 100 nation so you have nothing to worry as I have connections and the means.

  8. Unless you have the wonder that allows more than 3 million you cannot send more than 3 mil at once. You need a middleman to get 2 offers of 3 mil sent to you from the same nation. If you are wanting to do a deal send me a message in game. After you donate I will get you 18 mil.

  9. Recognition of War

    Why on earth would Valhalla be unhappy that Sponge was removed? I echo what my leader said, we have experienced a similar situation and it certainly is not easy. Best of luck to Grub and the rest of Polaris during these trying times.

    not : Recreation of War?

    We know you all love war!

    Joking aside

    Glad to see that the new leadership is working. Definitely hope all the burned bridges can be rebuilt.

  10. Stop playing e-lawyer, no we do not. Polaris are still brothers to us... they have been deceived onto the wrong path.

    Exactly NPO hasn't declared war why does everyone keep pushing for it. :rolleyes:

    Hate to see it come to this, but if Pacifica feels the need to back out, it is their decision.

    While I do not agree the actions of Sponge, and think he went WAY overboard with his OOC attacks, PAIN will not back out of our MDoAP with Polar. We will still stand by our allies. I believe a peaceful solution can still be made, and if it means getting rid of Sponge, so be it. One person should not be the destroyer of a relationship that has lasted for 2 years. I wish the best of luck to both Orders and hope a peaceful solution can be made ASAP.

    *note this is not a call from PAIN saying to expel Sponge, but that we hope the Orders will do whatever it takes to restore their relationship*

    This is a very sad day and unfortunately what you state would be a resolution. Let's hope NpO can fix the damage.

  11. It would be interesting to see a nation created by admin to fight everyone.

    Remove caps on tech purchase infra purchase and land purchase so he could buy 1 billion infra at the cost of level 1 infra and having 100 trillion dollars.

    Give himself every wonder and improvement and reduce his bills to basically zero.

    Remove his cap on wars and cap on nuke purchasing soldiers cap etc.

  12. At very high infra you gain way more than 3 mil. I get over 1 million per day from dropping the laborcamps. I can profit 21.5 million doing 22 day swaps. Also buying more infra barely profits me. It is almost a must to wait 20 days paying bills then buy infra. The savings in bills is much more than buying more infra every day. If I go to 15000 infra I will only gain in net each day about 600,000 which is very little compared to the cost of buying another 1000 infra. Thus I make more at my 14000 infra doing labor camp swaps then I do at 15000 infra not doing them.

  13. The idea I have is simple. An alliance has a leader and that leader is given the ability to trade sanction anyone using the alliance affiliation. This will help the sanctioned alliance remove noob nations using their AA. Nations of 100 strength require nations of 200 or less to attack them and usually a large alliance builds up it's new nations to a thousand in no time making it impossible to deal with small nations.

    It will be given to sanctioned alliances only as it affects the score which keeps them sanctioned. It will also discourage rogues using the AA during a war to attack allies of said AA.

  14. Caps on bad and good events is a good idea also. I suggested capping all events at 3 but 3 for either is also doable then you can at least gain some positive ones trying to get rid of the negative ones by paying bills every day. Thus you should grow after the negative ones drop off.

  15. Chances aren't higher, it is just bad luck, as you can easily flip a coin and get tails 4 times in a row. 50 percent chance never means you will get half good and half bad especially when it comes to computers. I play the game of conquer club which works like risk. In real life you get a lot better rolls than this game gives. I have seen 3 dice loose to 1 dice 7 times.

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