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    Socialist Peoples Alliance
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  1. Yes they are. It was a raid (clearly not anymore apparently or we wouldnt even be having this coversation).
  2. Again asked you. If I had ordered you to "stand up for Guinness" then be mad at me. But I didnt. You made the choice.
  3. Whatever you want to call it Ceres. You had a "war" on your "war" screen. The fact remains, I asked you and did not order you.
  4. I asked you to get involved in the war because at the time that was my job. If you wish to be angry at me because of that that is your choice. The key thing, Ceres, is that I ASKED you. You made the final decision to get involved. There was not an order demanding you get involved. And yes, I supported the war, but not yesterday. I wanted peace for Guinness, and I still want peace for Guinness. You did not take hits for me as I am far to small currently to have been involved in that war at all. I could not send aid or anything. All I did was do paperwork for the Chancellery of Defense. I am dissapointed that you have zero respect for me: I remember when I resigned I was told "best of luck" from Vosegus. Not sure what changed, but from what I was aware of at the time he did not oppose us resigning. Yet now Guinness is all over us for it. A strange change in attitudes. If Guinness feels so upset about this, why did they not attempt to get us to change our minds? Instead of litterally wishing us the best of luck and sending us on our way.
  5. That is clearly the case Saxplayer, but not what we were told at the time.
  6. Gentlemen, here are logs from IRC regarding us being told that peace had been reached, including questions as to why we didnt have a say in that peace: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/inI17dNR
  7. That is a pure lie Vosegus: you wanted war just like the rest of us. And you told us the war was over. You told us peace had been reached, which apparently is not the case. But it is hardly our fault that we acted on what we had been told. You call us deserters? I cannot speak for our Comrade Members, but the reason I left is that you, SIR, lie, you circumvent the constitution, you undermine the authority of your elected government officials, and more. Im sorry that we left in the middle of a war, but as I stated: that war was over. At least as far as you informed us from your private negotiations.
  8. It is a protectorate agreement that is reviewed monthly until we get a perminent protector
  9. Comrades, friends, fellow citizens of the world of Bob; I am before you today to announce the formation, or rather, reformation of the Socialist Peoples Alliance. Since 2009, this alliance has been defunct. But the former members have always wanted this Alliance back since that time. However, with all that has been going on it has waited, the plans remaining dorment, in our minds until now. Now with new and old members alike we have reformed the Socialist Peoples Alliance into something better, stronger, and more determined than ever. We look forward to working with our friends in other alliances in order to form our position on Bob into a strong one; and in order to ensure we become something greater than ever before. It is not everyday that one is given another chance at something great in a situation such as this and we are looking forward to making that chance worthwhile. In addition, our team will be Maroon Team, which will be implimented shortly Below I have included our Charter for the communities knoledge. Respectfully and in Service to the Comrade Membership; Brezhnev Party Chairman of the Socialist Peoples Alliance
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