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Posts posted by Knights111

  1. The Hudson Times

    by Xander Michaels


    IQULIUT-So, with Hudson Kingdom coming into the capital, many questions were answered. Our nation currently has 3 different governments now, with Baffin Island, Hudson Kingdom and Bylot Island. Because of this, the new news.ba is now a newspaper, The Hudson Times. It is great that we finally have a good newspaper to finally report happenings.

    Our nation is now known more commonly as the Baffin-Hudson Republics, with a dual ruling going on. It is quite interesting to me that we did this, but it is great because of how diverse our nation is now. I am so glad that we have these different governments, yet all centered around republic.

    BYLOT ISLAND-The Bylot Island Annexation project, located at bylotbaffin.ba, or bylotislebaffin.hu, is the project that Baffin Island has been working on for months now to add Bylot Island to the land of the Baffin. Of course now, with Hudson added to the team, it is likely that this will be done alot faster. Over 50 proposals have gone to the jury in the past 3 months in regards to how we should deal with Bylot Island's annexation, some being:

    Should Bylot have a government? Approved

    Should Bylot have a monarch? Approved

    Should Bylot be independent? Denied

    Should we ask for permission to take Bylot before annexation? Denied

    Most of these were citizen's request before jury vote, so this represents for the people, and that is why demarchy is great. It is genious, so who could possibly think otherwise?


    Keep paying for us, we'll keep given it to you.

  2. "Good evening. I am Prince Joel Roosevelt of The Hudson Kingdom. We would be honored if you would come and visit the capital of the Baffin-Hudson Republics, Iqualuit. We will have a meeting, and president of Baffin Island, Daniel Mitchell, will be there."

  3. Private

    Prince Roosevelt has withdrawn Hudson's men from mainland Nunavut and instead secured all of the Canadian Arctic Achipelago.



    Baffin-Hudson has moved out of Cascadian Nunavut and focused on Protecting Arctic Archipelago.

  4. "If your men are to stay here they are to be disarmed, If not they must accompany us." The captain walked towards a tracked vehicle and opened the door for the general. "If you'll please." 

    The general disarmed his soldiers and hopped in the vehicle.

  5. The soldier looked at the general questioningly, but after a few moments spoke in a thick Canadian accent, "Hello, I am Captain Greyson, I cannot speak for the King, but as you are a foreign military force I must escort you and your men to the nearest military outpost. There we will wait for a representative from the Ministry."

    "My men will say here, I will bring the king of Hudson, who is currently on his way, to speak on behalf of the Baffin-Hudson republics. Please lead us to the outpost."

  6. The Baffin troops would find around 5,000 Cascadian soldiers spread in companies throughout the mainland of Nunavut.

    The General would approach Cascadian men.

    "Hello. We do not want trouble, we just want Nunavut. We can negotiate on making our own borders for our parts of Nunavut if that is fine, or we may just take it all. Since after all, when you claimed this land, Baffin and Tikal told you to get out but you did not.

    If it is fine with your nation, we will take the all the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, and you may get Mainland of Nunavut. If thisis a deal, we will leave and instead send all troops to the islands."

  7. As Baffin-Hudson troops moved into Nunavut, they would be greeted and welcomed by Tikalian protectors. Considering the miniscule population of the region, they numbered only 2,000 men, freezing their sorry rear ends off in a few outposts nearby notable settlements, and being bored out of their minds. The province was in excellent shape with little of note ever happening.

    "B.H.R. is happy to have Tikal assisting them in running the new protectorate. If you have any questions about the changes to Baffin Island, feel free to let us know. We also believe that Cascadia isn't happy about this, so maybe if you could help with that? We are very unhappy that Cascadia is taking Canada, when Canada is righfully Yours, with the Monroe Doctrine, and ours, as the last True Canadian Nation standing."

  8. Representative Mitchell,


    I am very sorry to hear that you were not invited to the meeting. The intent of the meeting was to simply establish the international organization, however anyone is welcome to join. I am sure the intent was not to keep Baffin Island out. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.


    Samuel Ireland

    Deputy Secretary of State of The Plains Federation

    Mr. Ireland,


    I am Daniel Mitchell, President of Baffin Island. I am sorry for our government's behavior, I for one am fine. We will be sure to keep out of North America's way of advancing without us. I am sorry for the bother, and i guess we will let you know if we decide to join you. We were left out for a reason, and honestly there is no reason we should be caring so much about it. I am sorry we have bothered, once again.



    Daniel Mitchell

    President of Baffin Island

  9. Representative Mitchell,


    Baffin Island is welcome to join The New World Order which is dedicated to protecting the New World from colonialism. Every American nation is welcome to join, including Baffin. 


    Samuel Ireland

    Deputy Secretary of State of The Plains Federation

    "We have learned that MANY North American nations have been flying to UGR thanks to satellite, we guess to talk about this New World Order. We are upset that we were the only North American nation not invited, despite showing that we want to help. Whatever the case, i guess i will talk to my husband,President Daniel Mitchell, about this, but do not be suprised if he say no as most of the government is not too happy with ANY New World nations right now."

    -Lindsey Mitchell

  10. With nations semmingly grouping into other pacts, and with Baffin Island left out of 100 percent of these, Baffin sends a letter to the following american nations.


    Plains Federation

    New England



    Antarctic Federation


    Bylot Island



    Dear nations of America,


    Recently, Baffin Island has withdrawn troops from New York, following there assistance in helping the old USA. Since then, Baffin Island has had no contact with other nations in America, or the whole world for that matter, except for negative responses to the Motor Corp of Baffin Island. This makes us very upset that nations are excluding us out of the types of relations that we care about most: protecting america. Hopefully we may set the record straight about what types of relations Baffin Island participates in, and for a finale possibly talk about an American Union. We will meet at soon-to-be complete Bylot Palace, where Dictator Joel Snyder of Bylot will soon live.


    Best Regards,


    Lindsey Mitchell




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