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Posts posted by thatguyuknow

  1. Your the person who spends their time acting like an idiot to get attention on the internet. I'd don't really think you are the best judge of who has a life.

    Haha i dont, you notice how you all attack within minutes of the next day, you guys literately waited all day to attack me, you know why we did not defend after like 6 Pm ish? We had stuff to do, we dont have time to spend every hour of our existance in this game. Now lets stop attacking each other personally, its not right. 

  2. sorry, but I just HAD to chime in, seeing as how funny it is with the sand pouring into LNCR's ears in this "debate", when at least one of said members used to be in R&R and Ni (somebody holding a "grudge"?).

    I have a feeling this "war" will end sooner than the memory span of a goldfish. it might as well not even register as a "memory", even for the squirrel with the least acute senses.


    sorry, but I just HAD to chime in, seeing as how funny it is with the sand pouring into LNCR's ears in this "debate", when at least one of said members used to be in R&R and Ni (somebody holding a "grudge"?).

    I have a feeling this "war" will end sooner than the memory span of a goldfish. it might as well not even register as a "memory", even for the squirrel with the least acute senses.

    My members did not suffer at all, we had a blast messing with you guys, it truly was quite fun :)

  3. To my critics: You see, you all hopelessly fail to understand that this is a game, not real life, (though sadly for most of you this is your life) games are meant to be fun. What fun is it if the same people have the power all the time? Games for fun, and fun is change. It was fun to revolt, to stir things up, I had a blast making a change. The idea behind a game is that anyone could do anything, change anything, so what is wrong with a revolt? Nothing. It was just me and some friends having fun, that's what its about. Personally I find it hilarious how serious you people take this game. Someday i will revolt again, and again till others join me or i get board. For what is the point if there is no change? You can call us stupid, idiots, and retards, but why? Its just a game, to fight with your words over a game, it just goes to show how sad you are. I understand that i am going to get a ton of hate for posting this, but this is a free game, i can do what i want, think what i want, thank you for giving me a fun and amusing Friday. Maybe next time i will last two days :D

  4. Theirs a difference between "doing it different" and "willingly attacking alliances that they know are popular and get other new members disinterested in cybernations because he leads them on a crusade with the delusion that he's actually onto something"

    The comment about how large alliances are trying to gain popularity is definitely in the top ten funniest things you've said. I doubt they need to become more popular considering they already are comprised of pretty much everyone.

    I'm not a puppet, I'm a free thinking individual who happens to smell some serious bull#%^* with this revolution. Plus theirs a fine line between bravery and stupidity. And now people have to suffer because of his stupidity.

    HAHA ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I have not suffered one bit! This was a blast! Given the chance i would do it a 100 times over thank you all for participating :D

  5. As I said before, I have nothing against RnR. It's just that since this was a "test revolt" you made the perfect alliance to test with. This is because you have a lot of members with a good military, but not the best military. Plus your a well liked alliance so it was going to be interesting to see if anyone would join us and go against you. But I can assure you that the upcoming revolts will not be against RNR.


    Must have been nice to find, what, sixteen friends who decided that they wanted to try but didn't like the game but decided to send you every last bit of cash that they had to your little alliance?  But oh, wait... you're the one screaming and throwing a tantrum about honor. 


    You see, here's the thing- I'm fairly certain that between all the alliances you've managed to irritate into action, we could take your entire little fan club down to ZI and hold you there as long as it takes for the message to sink in that irritating larger alliances is (surprisingly) a bad idea. But the thing is, the way you're acting, that ego-driven and full of yourselves... acting like you have nothing to lose... yeah, I expect once the admin gets done checking your alliance's nations and the nations of your "friends" that threw all that money to you, there won't be much of the LCNR left.


    Not to mention when you declare war, this isn't like a game of Pokemon, where you tell your buddy not to use his EV-tailored team because you always lose. If you attack a much stronger nation, you expect that they will chuck everything they have your way- you don't beg and plead for them to not use the nukes or the cruise missiles or the other friendly nations in thier alliance that can declare on you- you sit down, suck it up and hope that peace terms come in the mail sooner rather than later from whatever nation you struck at first or that the war expires before too long.


    To be honest, I think you're a hypocrite- making up a bunch of nations simply to funnel aid to you and your buddies while screaming about honor and that we should give you a fighting chance.  Maybe you ought to look in the mirror when you start pointing fingers about not having any honor.  

    Say want you want, those irl friends where real and legit nuke us, we dont care, i am fighting will i have not a single citizen left, remember this day, as it is only the beginning, the beginning of something much much larger. 

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