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Ceres Soveign

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Posts posted by Ceres Soveign


    Y  /  N  : Have you declared war under the terms, "Failed Merger", or some other brag-worthy saying?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : When you declared war, were you sure to have more than 10k NS difference?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Your enemy does not have their SDI wonder built?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Did you attack with two other players?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Now that you have over 25k NS difference, are you still bragging?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Have you used a spy operation to change the preferred government into Anarchy?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Have you posted the spy results of a nation in Anarchy?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Did your alliance lose over 200k NS?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Did your enemy alliance lose over 60k?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Do you overall still think you're winning?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Have you made sure to utilize the mass-messaging technique?

    -Answer: Continue bragging

    Y  /  N  : Did you also realize that you were attacking under the terms of a denied merger? If not, go back to beginning!

    -Answer: Still continue bragging


    Congrats! You're a Monsters Inc member!




    Your nuclear attack against Ceres Soveign was a success. Ceres Soveign lost 0 defending soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 231.840 miles of land, 77.28 technology, 217.93 infrastructure, 75% of their aircraft, and 25% of their nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses Ceres Soveign will experience many days of economic devastation in their nation.


    It's almost as if you're trying, keep it up!

  3. It has always been the belief that allies have the right to choose whether or not to defend their allies.

    But when Monsters Inc goes from demanding absurd amounts of reparations from us, the defenders, to asking for white peace after what they have caused us. Someone needed to tighten the dog's collar before it gets out again, and this time, it happened.


    I'm glad players know how to work the copy/paste function


    We were not extorting reps for peace. Their former leader, El Presidente, Nation name: New Egypt, told Lord Caparo and I that a merger was in place and was occurring on thursday into Friday- we even started drafting a joint constitution and we even informed our allies of the merger. Then Ceres gets pissy and removes El Presidente from power and says no to the merger- on top of that, they insulted us in the process. So we sent them a $*)# you package.


    the 'reps' we installed was like 100 tech per ally we informed because it just didn't sit well. The negotiation process is fairly simple: we ask for more and we expect them to want less and then we settle on what we originally planned, white peace.

    Presidente is still in power, this merger was denied because it didn't have consent of the alliance population. Elite Virgin, who works for Hitchcock, is the one who accepted the merger, not the alliance. Hitchcock tried to fix this merger from the start. Why do you think Monsters Inc committed to war after TSO removed your mole? Because Hitchcock didn't get his way, and war seems to be the only thing he knows. Now, back up and rethink your situation Hitchcock.


    Monsters Inc was totally extorting reps for peace. First we decline your merger because it didn't have consent, so you attack us, and we pay you? Because that makes perfect sense...

  5. maori-10.gif


    The Sovereign Order


    Declaration of Existence 


    "Loyalty, and to promote unity and prosperity for all."


    Alliance Page:



    Information Page (not finished): 










    The Charter of The Sovereign Order
    "Loyalty, and to promote unity and prosperity for all."
    Article I: Acceptance and Denial
    Applicants must PM the Premier who has the right to accept of deny.
    Article II: The Executives 
    The Premier
    The Premier is the acting power and face of the Sovereign Order alliance.
    A bill passed by the Premier is declared constitutional law and amended into the constitution. 
    The Premier may also appoint a Commissioner, equivalent to a Deputy. 
    The Prime Minister
    The Prime Minister is the second-in-command of the alliance. 
    If the case arises in where the Premier is unable to fulfill their duties, the Prime Minister shall take command as acting Premier until the original Premier is able to serve once more. 
    Article III: The Greater Council
    The Council is a group of six individuals, who each retain power over their certain aspect of the alliance. 
    Councilmen openly draft and discuss bills, later deciding whether to pass them on to the Premier.
    Councilmen are also in charge of making relevance to alliance activity.
    The Earl of Defense
    The Earl of Defense is responsible for coordinating member nations during wartime. 
    During a time of threat, the Earl can issue a Declaration. Only the Premier can turn this into a Declaration of War. 
    The Duke of Labor
    The Director of Labor is responsible for forging alliance trade circles.
    Trade circles are not mandatory and every member does not have to be in one. 
    A member nation may remain in a different color sphere, provided that specific trade circle is present. 
    The Technology Baron
    The Baron is in charge of ensuring that Tech Deals are readily available for members.
    The Baron also can set up Tech Circles such as 5x5s or 3x3s, which differ in process. 
    Tech deals are offered to every member but are not mandatory. 
    The Duke of Prosperity
    The Prosperity Duke is responsible for ensuring that members are active and consistently growing their own nations. 
    The Duke directly works with players and other Councilmen. 
    The Foreign Marquis
    The Foreign Marquis is responsible for the foreign affairs of the alliance. 
    The Marquis handles all diplomats from the alliance and any ambassadors from other groups. 
    The Recruitment Baronet
    The Baronet is the main recruiter of the alliance.
    The Baronet also manages all alliance recruiters.
    Article IV: Title Positions
    Elder Senator
    The Elder Senator is the candidate up for elections in the color sphere senate race. 
    Lord Chief
    Or Alliance Judge, the Lord Chief holds cases that result in the internal affairs of the alliance. Cases among the lines or impeachment, rogue declarations, and also maintaining that elections run smoothly. 
    Jurors are appointed by the Lord Chief, they overall hold no governmental authority. During alliance cases, the Jurors provide their own opinions to help guide the Lord Chief in deciding upon a case. The secondary duty of a Juror is to maintain that alliance members remain active.
    A Viscount is an alliance member who is noted for taking up arms or defense during a conflict. The entity of, “Alliance before self”.
    The title of Baron is reserved for those who take serious involvement into the alliance and awarded by the Premier.
    Article V: Alliance Policies
    -No attacking foreign players under any alliance names.
    -Participation is optional, activity is required."

    (Our full constitution can be found on our forums site.)


    The Sovereign Order was originally formed by the merger of the Central Orders Representing Epistemology and the Varangian Guard in mid-November 2014.


    The Sandstorm Confederacy (MDoAP) is our current ally.


    (We also deal 6/100, our list can be found here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/125505-tech-sellers-6100s/)

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