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King Gerry

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Posts posted by King Gerry

  1. What morals and ideas, this is a video game. Get over yourself. You are an armchair revolutionary. But the point is that I left on good terms. No explusion, no nothing. And comon, I really can't be that despised when joining 3 channels I'm being asked by multiple people to rejoin the game(even from some of your Vox Populi members :D). Comon now.

    Hooray for Cager :P

  2. SO you're saying we weren't going to be pounded into dust anyway? Hmmm, interesting. I don't believe you strangely enough!

    FAN was smarter than us? Now that's a burn. Damn. Seriously. Ouch. FAN being smarter than anybody is... well, ouch.

    No, you were..... but now its going to be whatever is a finer particle than dust.

    And I may have crossed the line on that one..... nah.

  3. Gerry, I made you some propaganda. If you post this as a reply to whatever an MK says, that'll be awesome, thanks.


    It'll be more relivant than comparing us to FAN or saying this is a LUEicide.

    Also learn what a LUEicide is, thanks.

    Where exactly did I say Archon was gay or I was bored. I don't care who he schtupps and am greatly entertained.

    Yeah, 1st Strike nuking us generally results in being pounded into dust. Did you miss that memo?

    And you're right, FAN was smarter and better organized than you guys. I'll quit insulting them by comparing them to you.

    I know what a LUEicide is.... I'm taking artistic license with the term.

  4. We're a petit FAN?

    Now I've heard it all, I thought we were just LUE...

    Make up your mind.

    Enjoy your nukes fellas.

    Also, you knew our policy on nukes, you provoked us, so... how is it on our heads that our allies and newfound allies are now gonna get it? Give me a break, your schtick is pathetic.

    At least we give our allies someone to blame for starting it, that way at least someone will stay off your permaZI lists. Time to burn NPO... Enjoy the fire.

    Reading comprehension FTW.... I said at best. You are still at your core LUE 2.0. And if that doesn't annoy you, why keep trying to prove you aren't? Truth hurts don't it chachi.

  5. FAN also knew they were up against GOONS and NPO at their peak, who were launching their best nations against FAN's top 40. I should know, I was in that charge.

    In this case, we're fighting a far less capable force. Sure, you've got numbers on your side, but that's about it.

    Considering the difference in size between you and the uncastrated version of FAN, that is exactly what you are up against. If you think we are less capable at many million NS stronger (then we were at the start of the FAN war) you are in for a rather unpleasant surprise.

  6. 1. FAN didn't commit LUEicide OR Fungicide.

    2. This announcement doesn't mean we're just nuking the $%&@ out of whoever we want. There is a strategy in the midst of all this chaos.

    3. You're still missing the difference. LUE made its grandstand worthless by just going out and dying with no real goals left. The Kingdom, however, will die knowing it did its best protecting its friends and allies with the weapons we have available.

    1. Never said they did.

    2. Yeah, it basically does.

    3. Goals or no goals, you're making a worthless gesture that will in the end accomplish nothing.

  7. well at least back then we all had the pleasure of seeing NPO baww about losing their pixels and just deal with FAN in the typical underhanded way.

    By "baww about losing pixels" you must mean stomp FAN and come out stronger in the end.

    By typical underhanded way I assume you mean pound them into dust and reduce them to a barking pug from the wolf they used to be.

  8. LUEicide is the act of killing yourself pointlessly. Fungicide is the act of killing yourself in battle, dying for true friends.

    Which is basically what is being done by using nukes. I don't give two craps about my pixels. I was just hoping for a bit more suffering to be inflicted on our enemies. I mean, at least FAN had the brains to get more nations into peace mode. They're a petit FAN at best, at least FAN had over 2,000 nukes and it was back when SDIs were a figment of the imagination

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