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King Gerry

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Posts posted by King Gerry

  1. In other circumstances I would have a good laugh at how all these third party alliances seem to think they can speak for the NPO. But in the present circumstances it is much more irritating.

    Well, I can't speak for the whole NPO, not my place, nor do I have enough of an ego to think that I could. However, the disgust that our comrades have been showing in regards to what your emperor released is shared by myself and many others.

  2. I am surprised anyone can think that the Orders and sanity are synonymous in any way.

    Thank you for your opinion. I'm sure both P and p couldn't live without the opinion of the president of the tin foil helmet society.

  3. omg you edited what I wrote, you sir are a true master of whit and intellect.

    Doesn't have to be witty to be dead on accurate. You are like the pot calling the kettle black.

  4. This is nothing but an attempt to deflect from the lying and manipulation that the Imperial Government has perpetrated against the citizens of The Pacific. Your tactics were washed up by the end of GW2, Philo.

    Speaking of someone who is washed up.......

  5. The intent of using MCXA and Echelon as his proverbial puppets, the intent of sowing discord for Polar in our ranks, the intent of attacking our blood brothers in Polaris, the intent of doing it all just so he can "take sponge down a peg"? Give me a bloody break. I have not run for foreign shores to protect my $@!. I have brought truth and you condemn it. Fine. I know there are rational thinkers within the Order who have and will see these actions for what they are.

    I am quite the rational thinker. The only differences I can find between your acts and Anthony's acts are 1. Anthony betrayed us during war and 2. Anthony held a useful position while he was a member.

  6. Just what I'd expect from the likes of you, Gerry. Always the tough guy you try to invoke an extremely offensive red herring by comparing me to that scum who had no love or respect for the Order. You compare my actions to those of Anthony and his entourage. I would like to see where I attempted to take down departments within the Order, where I OOC-harassed the Imperial Staff and blackmailed the Emperor and others into giving me positions and fancy titles (actually, this sounds more like what DM and Bilrow are doing). You never had to put up with his bull**** -- though you certainly like to emulate it -- so if you would kindly get the hell out, I'd appreciate it.


    I compare the actions you both took following your exits yes. Anthony posted private material in order to make himself look good and the Order look bad. You are doing the exact same thing. The only difference is the method in which you chose to partake in your betrayal of the Order you claim to love.

    In regards to your logs, I stand by Dilber's rational explanation of their intent.

  7. Gerry, if you knew Doitzel as well as I do then you wouldn't think that. Also, to compare him to Anthony and company is a bit of a stretch.

    Also, just a minor nitpick here, but MK was already formed when they left. They merely joined it after it was founded.

    I don't know him as well as you do. However, considering he is doing basically the same thing that Anthony and Co. did on their way out, it is not much of a stretch. Although, I will grant you that he speaks a lot more intelligently than Anthony, but who doesn't? Anthony was an immature moron. Regardless, this tread is very similar to that phony "press conference" Anthony had on IRC following his expulsion.

  8. Selective reading. I know you're better than that Gerry. Doitzel wouldn't do this for attention. You know he is more than a one-dimensional attention whore. If all he wanted was attention then he could have done other less damaging things to himself, but here he has given up everything for the Order, which he loves, in doing this. He made sacrifices. An attention whore does not make sacrifices in a search for attention, but a believer will make sacrifices to uphold his beliefs.

    I've seen too many people change over time in this game. To me this is a cry for attention, martyrdom if you will. Doitzel is smart, which is why to some this may not look like a plea for attention and to discredit Pacifica without looking like the former. To me this smacks of the wave of people who left to form a certain alliance I shall not bring up, you probably know who I mean, trolling the NPO and claiming supposedly damming things on their way out.

  9. Gerry, you know Doitzel well enough to know that this was not his reason. For crying out loud stop listening to whatever line is fed to you by the Imperial Staff. Think for yourself damnit.

    This is my own opinion, I read the whole thing and I feel the passage I quoted sums up his reasoning for posting this quite well.

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