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Everything posted by 52897_1460756739

  1. RT @AstroKatie: In case you were wondering: “supermoon” = moon is full when at closest point in orbit around Earth (usually a few/year) “bl…

  2. RT @NotChiefWiggum: In “Soonish,” a book about emerging tech written by @FuSchmu & @ZachWeiner, they have a chapter on programmable matter…

  3. RT @XplodingUnicorn: Me: School is delayed. There's too much ice. 5-year-old: *whispering* Thanks, Elsa.

  4. @AnaIsabelSecher https://t.co/ZaiDsSnU8A

  5. RT @NASAhistory: A very #HappyBirthday to the one and only Buzz Aldrin @TheRealBuzz who turns 88 today! In 1963 Buzz was selected to NASA A…

  6. RT @AstroKatie: Visible matter makes up only 5% of our universe, which is dominated by dark, unexplained forces. Congrats on being one of…

  7. @juaneslewin @indierod The Deuce estuvo muy bien. Y me encantó la anterior, Treme.

  8. RT @HardingRacing88: We’re official. 2018 full-time competitors in the Verizon @indycar series with @gabbychaves at the wheel. #IndyCar #Go…

  9. @caycedo Tienes razón, confundí las fotos. La que muestra el planetario fue la primera que tomaron de toda la tierr… https://t.co/e2GlMRV8x7

  10. RT @meyerweb: It’s easy to forget how they had to do this in 1964. They sent an automated system with a pair of motion-stabilized 70mm fil…

  11. RT @sadserver: remember how optimistic you were that 2018 was going to be better? lol

  12. @LuisGuitarElect @picomile @caycedo @WarNov @adricapeco @Alejandits Feliz año!

  13. RT @Nextlaunch: 2017 - 84 successful orbital launches, 6 unsuccessful orbital launches and perhaps most amazingly, some sort of public laun…

  14. @manolitosalazar @ETB Don @manolitosalazar, una certificación de calidad quiere decir que los procesos son definido… https://t.co/xg2hsR3MQp

  15. RT @MerriamWebster: The word 'wassail' ultimately comes from the Old Norse toast 'ves heill,' or "be in good health." https://t.co/kGejVo4c…

  16. RT @Number10cat: A reminder that some of us already had a blue passport, which Brexit is putting at risk https://t.co/0yftJ4CvHT

  17. RT @IDTBogota: #Travesía uno de los espectáculos más hermosos del mundo, tendrá cuatro funciones diarias que empiezan cada hora, así: 🎭 Pri…

  18. @playfuturama In the words of George Takei: wrong franchise

  19. RT @airandspace: 45 years ago today, Eugene Cernan took last steps on the Moon. Pictured here are the boots he wore and brought back to Ear…

  20. RT @astVintageSpace: And cue one of my favourite Apollo images... #Apollo17 https://t.co/ketO55fhRe

  21. RT @ElleOhHell: If Wonder Woman and Spider-Man go into business together, they should call it Amazon Web Services.

  22. @Rand_Simberg @SciGuySpace Transcriptions and CC are a work in progress https://t.co/NpeAGW2LW4

  23. RT @e_mcguire_: This is basically halfway to being a children's book https://t.co/DjwUPHy9Wz

  24. @caycedo Y la gente que tiene un miedo papa? O miedo yuca?

  25. RT @CodeWisdom: "Einstein argued that there must be simplified explanations of nature, because God is not capricious or arbitrary. No such…

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