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Malik Shabazz

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Posts posted by Malik Shabazz

    OK gonna be honest here, if you seriously think the world is going to be turned into a 'constant state of war' I've got a national bridge improvement to sell you.  I have only seen that happen in one other world, and the conditions that led do it there do not quite exist yet here.

    DBDC has brought these conditions to pass. The tptb will try everything to destroy DBDC because of how powerful they are.
    Doomsphere promotes a theme of Chaos. They do not actually follow Chaos as a direction. They have equal or more treaties than other spheres, they fight in order with chaining treaties in the same way as before, they target specific alliances and play plitics in a processed way.
    So I think the whole premise of this discussion is misplaced.

    Which is the whole point. It's systematic chaos. The current order uses their power to promote stability, whereas Doom promotes chaos by keeping CN in a constant state of war.
  3. Or if wars can be fought between alliances or power spheres without dragging the entire rest of CN in. Then they could be more frequent and as long without everyone getting exhausted.

    CN should be split into two spheres. Alliances from both spheres can go to war as often as they want to, without dragging the larger powers in. While the larger powers merely play support roles until they feel the need to intervene.

  4. I think that CN is moving in a positive direction. We are getting past the post-Karma order and ideology of "stability" and moving towards chaos. I think that chaos is good for CN because the current order makes the game stagnant, but the order that Doomsphere (if they win) promotes chaos and disorder, which is why I believe that I am fighting on the right side, unlike previous wars where it was always wishy-washy.


    Why do you think there is more activity in CN during times of war? Simple: the more conflict there is in CN, the more people want to play. The terrible system of one-two wars a year sucks, and I believe that CN should be in a constant state of strife and conflict. There should be hegemonies, yes, but hegemonies should work towards keeping CN as chaotic as possible, much like pre-Karma NPO did.

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