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Posts posted by Helium

  1. Well, at least we have yet to ask an alliance to come fight our war for us. (SRA if I can recall willingly volunteered)


    You just took the same shit and said it differently. I haven't seen any OC from Kaskus in a while.


    You can't argue Shang and Kashmir didn't ask for help. Just above your friend explained " our top tier was busy" ( paraphrasing there)

    I don't see what part of this is hard to understand. We don't have nations to fight SRA's top two.

  2. I am saying no one cares that Kashmir aggressively warred Kaskus, we welcome it.

    No one cares Java used an optional clause to war SRA, they welcome it.

    But, do not try to stand there waving the defense flag. Do not try and say Shang did not ask for this war in peace time. But above all man up, put your chips on the table and just admit Kashmir, Java, and DL are simply fighting Shangs war because they just have a problem with Kaskus.

    ITP: Unwarranted self-importance

    We went to war, because we were bored. Plain and simple. We chose Kaskus because it's a shit alliance.

  3. I think we can argue Kashmir themselves just said they had no CB making them the aggressor.

    So please Java, declare proudly you warred a 8 man alliance 4x smaller than you. An alliance that already was fighting an alliance at the time 3x larger than it, and you used an optional clause to do it.

    Is this the only line Kaskus ever plays in every war? Try to create some original content instead of rehashing your shitty micro propaganda.

  4. When have I ever used logic?  You over estimate my intentions. You also fail to see the humor in asking an ally to help you fight a tiny micro, I dont.



    I am glad to know both the SRA nations you are reffering to have apparently become the deciding factor in your war against TOP though. Well played :P

    I can't tell if you're fucking with me or if you're actually retarded.

  5. I actually requested for you to continue on posting as it provided me - and still does - with great entertainment. My post was a mere observation from a bystander. Take it as you wish :)

    You seem more like a participant in that verbal beating Rey just handed you.

  6. Although one could make the argument that MQ and DBDC had no business to do with TDO other than taking a cheap shot on them as well.


    Looks like everyone who is playing in the sandbox got dirty, it is just odd that some of them are surprised as well.

    Yeah, but MQ and DBDC have no prior grudge against TDO.


    I suppose ignorance really is bliss.

    We're just not particularly concerned with DBDC. Why would we put those folks at risk when our only quarrel with you is that you accepted nations we were currently in conflict with?

    If you're in for a quad, you might as well be in for the whole pound.

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