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Posts posted by Thugnationleader

  1. its just people dont want this guy in their allaince because all he does is try to take over, trolls, make false accusations, trys to manipulate, fails to win, talks alot of bull, trys to be awesome and the worst of all, hes a traitor. does anyone want a traitor in their allaince..................... honestly.

  2. ericcarlson. DO NOT BE TAKING THE CLAIMS FROM THIS! I will be sending them to you individually as I will determine whether or not someone claimed to much land, are joking or I straight up think they dont belong.
    Thugnationleaders claim of Greenland and the three Canadian Territorys is DENIED and is to be removed IMMEDIATELLY.


    How is that fair. My land claim is smaller than yours. Your being a silly gm. Give me green land and nunavut.
  3. During The SYW's diplomatic team's trip, They talk amongst themselfs about diplomatic tie's and where the embassy would be built in this city. The team decides to start writing up a trade and peace agreement. They list what would be an even trade. The Peace agreement is going to be somewhat difficult. When they get Into downtown manila, They take pictures. The team gets to the hotel and see's how amazing of a place it is.


    When they get summond, they talk to the woman behind the counter. With-in minutes after , They go up the elevator. Once more, they are shocked about how fast and how nice a hotel is in this country. The Minister of Foreign affairs has never been to this country. John carter haney: I can't wait to sign my first diplomatic treaty.  Deputy jeesie muchamaca: Yes, the diplomatic process is a fun one. its going to be a long trip here. i hope to see the nice side of selenactos. When this is over and the embassy is built, you sir, will owe me atleast a week off.


    Later on:

    As the team waits for the next day begins, They think about how their family's. Then they start writing up the peace treaty.



    Peace treaty: selenactos

     This hereby treaty states that their will be peace between the countrie's of selenactos and Syndicated Yessirian wasteland. The governments hereby agree to peace and will not go to war with eachother unless they mutualy agree. The Government of SYW has asked for these trades. Oil if you have it. vegetables if you have it. Also we would like to set up a mutual defense pact with you. if possible.  (this is to be forwared to the leader of the country.

  4. In breaking news: The government has declared that taxes will be at 14%.   The high tax rate comes with the news of a new schools and better military funding. The Ministry of defense and the ministry of education, both got a 10,000,000 dollar budget for now.


    The Ministry of defence is currently looking for a upgrade From the AR-15. The military has been using this gun and they do not like the results. General Kane O'pane  released this statement: our current assault rifles jam alot. they are very inaccurate.. We have a new budget so we can possibly find a better gun.



    In a later statement :

    The Ministry of education will be opening schools in 1 month from this day. The kids of this nation shall be educated like a 1st world country.

  5. Thug n. Leader has realease this statement:

    Today, marks a great day in The Syndicated yesserian wasteland. We have been placed on the recent map. Our people in the northern lans have surrendered to us and they will be assimlitated into our new culture. General nakamuna has surrendered with his retaliation force. We outnumbered them 6-1 soldiers.


          We also have a new flag and a charter of our national rights. This is the said document.




                                                                                     Syndicated Yessirian Wasteland

                             Preamble: keeping independance and freedom
    Section one: The Government: current ministers added
                    The Ministrys:  Foreign Affairs  - John carter haney
                                             Internal Affairs  -   Eichen slurlander
                                             Defense            -   1st General kane O pane
                                             Fianance          -    Jeffery fry
                                             Education         -      hans Bigsmith
                                             Human Affairs   -     James hansel
                           IL Commanderio: Since we are a socialist society our leader has picked said title. First in command: Thug N. Leader
                           Commander IL duece:  Secondary leader. takes over when the main leader dies:  Mack Nesbiat
                           Three Sedars: The Commanderio's council: John Nero, James jackenson, Roberto astrono
                           Human Rights: all men and woman of this new country shall have open rights. 
                                                   Freedom of speech: the Right to say anything they wish and please but nothing traitorous about the government.
                                                   Freedom of media: The media has the right about most thing they please. slanderous media will be shut down. tabloids do not have right in this country.                                      
                                                   Freedom of Recreation: All people have the right to do as they please on their days off. their are certain laws that cannot be broke(bomb building, terrorist activitie's.)   They are allowed to smoke herbs such as tabbacco and marijauna.4
                                                    Freedom to Bare Armaments: this right give people the right to have guns: Long barrel and short barrel. Automatic or Semi Automatic.
                                                    Freedom of confidentiality: the government does not spy on their citizens and will not spy on its citizens.
                                                    Freedom  of Religion: The people of this country are not bounded by one religion.
                                                    The government has no tolernce for high treason or people who revolt against the newly built country.
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