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Posts posted by hoff10

  1. That there was this kind of (OOC) spying and skullduggery going on by Lurking is unconscionable (in the context of the game). As a Wolfpack member I will eagerly admit that. And that the alliance as whole is the target of this mountain of condemnation is understandable, given the evidence against lurking and some members of the leadership. That we are punished by war is reasonable, given the rules under which Planet Bob operates.

    I previously didn't take an active role in the inner workings of my own alliance, content to live on the fringe and grow my nation, interacting only when called upon. My ignorance to what was going on is no excuse, I know. This is my own fault, as I now see the cost of inaction greatly outweighing the cost of involvement. That we are bearing the burden of these actions is the price we have to pay, even among those of us who knew nothing about this.

    Let me just say, however, that there are many, many, shocked nations in this particular alliance today. With the evidence laid out in this way, even if there were an alternative theory, it wouldn't matter. Events are real in their consequences as they are perceived to be real. Right now, that reality is both stark and bleak. We are eager to make this right in whatever manner that is possible.

    I concur

  2. Hoff, you may have done nothing, that could be entirely true, but here is what we have, which btw, Im getting tired of explaining to all of the Wolfpack Gov...from now on, share info.

    Lurking came to us in Mid-February...back when he was a VERY well respected member of the Wolfpack Government and LONG before he had ever considered leaving CN, which may or may not be true. He was venting frustration about the lack of activity in wolfpack...saying how he must keep Wolfpack safe by any means necessary...

    Mroche and I kept him talking...and eventually he let the word "SID" slip, which I have forgotten what it stands for but it is in the logs, which I dutifully screenshotted. He explained that this mass spy operations hit almost every big alliance out there including, but not limited to: NPO, NpO, and "working on IRON." Given the fact that he held two General positions, that seems totally logical that he, their most active member, would be head of the activity that would require the most activity (sorry for the redundance).

    We also noticed his IP was a similar IP to that of our new member, shdwcld...upon further digging, it was indeed, not just similar, but the EXACT same. I screenshotted that too. With this, we went to IRON.

    A couple of weeks passed and we still needed to prove that the nation was not just a multi, but also a spy who was relaying info back to wolfpack. I expected Lurking to ask about the "war with California," (war = Fake, a trap) a protectorate of TPF's who we have close relations with; however, it was Wolfprince that came to me asking whether we believed we had been spied upon and assuring me that we need not suspect wolfpack of anything. There is only one way he knew we were "planning the war" and suspected spies to be on our boards...He must have gotten the info from the spy on our forums. Again, this is all while lurking was in VERY good standing and LONG before he turned in his resignation.

    We let it sit for a while, letting the tension recede...when 4 extra nations suddenly popped up one day and started receiving aid from lurking. I naturally assumed it was him trying to ditch his old nation, which he must have known would be toast, and trying to relocate to (a) new one(s). With this, we went to IRON again and this time it was too much.

    As you can see, the war hammer has been held back many times. No, Im sure not EVERYONE in wolfpack is guilty of directly implementing the spies. Im sure not everyone infultrated an alliance. But wolfpack is a sudo-democracy/republic where you guys elected your leadership, they chose to do this and we have more than enough proof. I really dont see how there could be a conspiracy theory as it is more than likely that lurking tried to start over because they learned they had been compromised as oppose to "going rogue" in mid february.

    In the end, I have many old friends there from my time in Wolfpack, yes, but that doesnt changed what happened. I am sorry, but it is what it is.

    Again, I would like to take the time to thank IRON for helping us through this intense, difficult situation. It is to them that we owe our fast growth and our alliance wide safety. Mroche said it all in his statement, but I believe this deserves to be repeated several times over. Thanks again and thanks to all alliances who came to our aid. I am forever greatful.


    Thank you Desert Fox for this detailed explanation. This explanation sounds like Lurking is the bad guy who was himself spying and running multiple nations though.

    I know the pack has been damned and there is not going to be any changing of minds here. All I am asking is to salvage the nations who are innocent and had no knowledge of any of these happenings.

    As for Shigh's comment above and his attacking me, he too is a former Wolfpack military leader. In fact, he is the very same military leader I talked about earlier who was a staunch supporter of the Pack gov. and who's bullying and rash leadership style I questioned which led to the blow out I mentioned and many days of infighting. I thought that it was all be hind us but by the looks of it a grudge has been kept and I am paying for it.

  3. Doesnt your alpha control the justice system of wolfpack, or at least have a large input in it?

    That's why I said if any of this is even true and we would have called him on it and nothing changed then people would have left.

  4. Brought to justice...hmmm i see so you would bring your leader to justice, i would love to see that.... i would actually pay to see that.

    If he was involved in a clandestine spy operation, which I've seen no hard evidence of other than a heresay statement that he was aware of it, then yes, he should be held accountable and I personally would have raised my voice within the Pack to make everyone aware and if need be, left the alliance. I'm sure a lot of nations within Wolfpack would have. Some of our attackers now were the staunchest supporters of the Wolfpack leaders in our forums a few months ago andv after I raised some cane with them for their leadership styles they left....only to now be attacking us after our ntions had been depleted to nothing.

    My nation will not retaliate to defend a clandestine spy operation if one did in fact exist but it does, along with many more innocent nations within the pack, wish to survive these times and continue to conduct itself with honor, integrity, and respect throughout the world of cyberverse.

  5. never knew a rogue could be a general?

    Learn something new everyday dont you?

    Young Ceaser, you used to be a Pack member and you know well enough that we have unfortunately had a couple of questionable leaders in military roles as of late hence a big blow out fight we had on our forums a few months back. I'm not saying there isn't a problem within the wolfpack but true pack members conducting a spy network is not one of them. Had they been know to be conducting spy operations, they would have been brought to justice.

  6. I feel kind of bad for Stevent, as it seems he genuinely did not know they were spying, and now he will be dragged down. Good luck resolving this.
    Yes I saw that and was also told in IRC one of our members, yourlurkingshadow is accused of spying on ROT for us and heading up some grand spy ring.

    Odd how lurking the guy in the screen shots accused of spying on ROT for us said he was quitting cn and is now sending aid to all these ROT nations, not Wolfpack nations. They are all nones until u click on the nations and see they suddenly have became ROT AA's.


    So again why would we spy on NPO and why would the guy heading up the spying decide not only to tell ROT he was the master spy but to aid them all his stuff before conveniently telling wolfpack he was quiting cn while sending all his tech and money to ROT nations?

    We noticed these too and allowed them to sit in order to avoid suspicion that they had been found.
    lol, no, they were never masked or even applied on our forums. They just popped up one day and since we knew it would all be over soon, we let it go in order to prevent suspicions that they had indeed been found. This would have caused the popping up of hippie camps all over Wolfpack...and needless to say, that was not needed. We had all the evidence required of us.

    They were left alone until the war started. As we speak they are being posted on our forums as ghosts.

    BTW, no where in there did I say spy. Til this point, they are just ghosts, and now, they are dead ghosts.

    It seems to me that the rogue nation of YourLurkinbg Shadow has set the Wolfpack up for destruction. By aiding the RoT nations it appears he was not funding spies but rather, passing on his resources ($, tyech, soldiers)....possibly to nations that he himself operates....so that he would not lose them if the Wolfpack caught him doing this. Lurking was a rogue within the pack and on many occasssions was asked to leave I believe. So this brings us to why he would say these things that simply are not true. Just because he was mad at the wolfpack just as certain other former members of the wolfpack who are now attacking our nations are mad at us. I will be the 1st to admit that communication within the general wolfpack forums as of late has been lacking but I am certain that had we known a rogue nation was conducting clandastine spy operations or had we known a rogue nation was accusing the pack of clandestine spy operations we would have been open and honest to all on planet Bob and worked with them to uncover the truth and eradicate all nations intent on conducting spy operations or treason.

    If a spy network did exist, I can say with confidence that 99.99% of Wolfpack nations did not know of it, did not participate in it, and would not under any circumstance condone it.

    It seems to me the YourLurkingShodow should be the common enemy of all, not thev wolfpack.

    I am speaking as an independent nation within the Wolfpack Alliance and not on behalf of the alliance as I am not a member of the government nor do I have the clearance from the government to do so. I am speaking because I believe the real truth needs to be uncovered before numerous nations within the alliance, including myself, who are completely innocent of any wrong doing are completely obliterated.

    Respectfully and Honorably,


    Ruler of Montuky

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