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Posts posted by WarriorSoul

  1. 5 hours ago, Garion said:


    The impression I got was that this whole martyrdom complex started right after you got shafted by your oh so carefully selected allies, allies that were as entagled in the web as any other alliance and whose objectives you had no problem supporting. You gotta admit that picking TOP-Umb et cetera as first moves of your FA policy hardly strikes us as a bold political statement. What happened in the span of the following years was of course a different story and the endurance of your former alliance in the face of adversity cannot be questioned: still, that only happened as consequence to your FA choices and your behavior as an alliance (and membership). If MI6 hadn't been "screwed" by its former allies I doubt you would have pursued a bold and revolutionary FA strategy: on the contrary, you would have adapted to the existing FA narrative like everyone else.


    To summarize, your brave stand to this cruel world was more forced by events onto you than a willing and meaningful choice. That's how I see it at least, as an external spectator to your alliance's history.


    Since when are you even still alive?

  2. 8 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    Most alternatives I know of do not feature complex political systems and comprehensive worldviews like Francoism, Moralism or Producerism. History and culture tends to be less developed.


    Simply running around and shooting pixels is boring to me without fundamental philosophy involved.


    Could be because you're the only one who subscribes to it anymore. :rolleyes:

  3. On 8/26/2016 at 5:15 PM, Immortan Junka said:

    I disagree with the idea that number of players is something we necessarily need to increase. What sets cybernations apart from other games {mod edit} is that we enjoy an elevated structure of social development, manifested in concepts like the treaty web, alliance sovereignty and Casus Belli. If we suddenly increased the playing of the base to 2007 levels (i.e. 40,000 players), I don't think that would necessarily benefit the game nor the existing community, and indeed may promote chaos (i.e. what happened with /b/).


    In fact, in my opinion the game has benefited by having a reduced, dedicated player base. To make the most of this game requires daily activity (especially during wars), and it's why we make high activity a continuous membership standard in my own alliance. An alliance with a small number of dedicated, active nations is superior to a large one full of three week inactives. Even of the game shrank to a mere 2000 nations community, I wouldn't see that being a bad thing, it just represents less active nations deleting.


    As long as the servers are maintained, and there are no drastic changes to gameplay that robs producer-nations of political power, I will continue to play. Participating in Cybernations is a choice, and people without patience or intelligence are free to go camp in call of duty or some other game.


    I realize I'm late to this thread. Whatever.


    The problem with your argument is that it assumes that for those of us who play CN, the options are either stay here or play an entirely different genre of game altogether. That's plainly not the case, as there are alternatives with more thought-out mechanics and a greater attention to player needs and desires. I have no attachment to CN other than the community that has been established here and the history built here. If the first of those were to leave, I would have no issue following it.

  4. 2 hours ago, Sagad said:

    if i was Fark or MHA i would personally be ashamed of declaring on an alliance already at war with 9 other alliances but i'm not, i'm Sparta, and i'm kicking the ass of the few stupid people willing to go against me. so Bring it on you bunch of soft pricks, If any of you have the stones. i'll be waiting on your declaration.


    I think you underestimate the ill will your alliance has garnered over the years.

  5. 4 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    Water under the bridge however. I am just glad that PPO fought on the losing end of our victorious legitimacy (suck it Xanth)


    To: Xanth    From: Lord Hitchcock    Date: 5/30/2016 6:33:49 PM

    Subject: So the war


    Message: Neener neener neener, you fought on the losing side and we are now legitimate.




    Interesting you would gloat like that considering you did literally nothing to contribute to this war but continue to annoyingly remind people of your existence.

  6. 4 hours ago, the rebel said:


    Whom was the first?


    Given that Christianity is an available religion on Bob, one would assume he has already come once. :P


    4 hours ago, Walshington said:


    Now THERE is a tenuous analogy to a historical event LOL.


    Good to be back WS!


    If I'm good for nothing else, I'm at least good for that.

  7. 1 hour ago, Jacob Reiffenstein said:


    So saith a "newbie?"


    That he has only occasionally posted on the OWF does not discredit him. Rather, I feel it shows a level of judgment few of us have exercised.


    1 hour ago, Judge X said:

    To be clear, I and TPF have great respect for RnR and I wish that I had been able to broker a treaty with both you and RIA and possibly ODN. Having said that our CB is rock solid and I have no doubt that there is political twisting going on to be seen as a whole so as not to become a target. We are not along for any quarter at all, but I'll point out that those aligned against NPO are taking notes right now looking to see who they really need to focus on treating to or hitting first to marginalize them in their limp wristed fighting, yet heavy handed politics. I have no doubt that many allies are looking on and wondering just how much of a liability NPO is. 


    Also, I miss the days of NATO as well where politics were less important than knowing that we had each others back. Too bad NPO acts like they were the only ones who dug them out of the holeading they were in. 


    I'm not disputing your CB as others are. Revenge is as good a CB as anything else. The only point that I made was to say that as valid as your CB is, so, too is our justification for fighting TPF.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Jacob Reiffenstein said:


    It seems like you're out of touch with your membership.  Go talk to them about being forced into meatshield duty for an incompetent NPO and then get back to me.  We're hearing plenty from them, believe me.  And you quite unintentionally confirm that by noting the overwhelming lack of responses from Atlas and RnR on this thread.  Wonder why that is?  No enthusiasm for defending your treaty partner?



    Not that we really care at this point....just pointing out the truth to you guys, which you already know in your hearts.  Do your troops have doubts about what they are doing and being subjected to?  I think the answer is yes, but you know that too.


    I think the lack of responses on this thread indicates something other than that. Might just be that it's been the same nonsense for 17 pages and if you've read one page, you've read 'em all. But you don't want to hear that, so believe what you'd like!


    And it would seem you do care at this point, otherwise you wouldn't continue to push your anti-ebil NPO message to everyone you come across. But what do I know? :rolleyes:

  9. Just now, Jacob Reiffenstein said:


    And you would be guessing wrong...go ask them.


    Since there's been a surprising lack of Atlas and R&R folks in this thread since you've started putting words in our mouths, I suppose I'll respond.


    It's a shame that we're fighting you guys. I always liked TPF, and supported NATO (one of our closest treaty partners) when they signed you a couple years back. I, along with the majority of R&R, don't really have any issue with TPF. However, you've launched a kamikaze-style attack on NPO, with whom we have a MD-level treaty. That means that when they ask us to come hit you, we do it. You see it as vile manipulation on the part of NPO, we see it as holding up our end of a deal. That's how this world works, and you older members of TPF should know as much. I'm sorry that y'all are bitter as a whole about how your relationship with NPO went south in a heartbeat, but that's not our concern.


    Additionally, you can go ahead and stop with your messages to Stevepick and everyone else about "the lying, backstabbing NPO" (actual quote). We've seen 'em, and it's not a good look.

  10. A shame to see it couldn't work out for you, Ziggy. You worked hard, and you'll be a valuable asset wherever you end up next.



    You guys never did anything... And thanks for doing planet bob a favor! (And you should have done it sooner)... Useless scum

    Says the ankle biter whose claim to fame is getting beaten on by everyone he comes across.

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