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Posts posted by Gilly754

  1. Gilly's bro is indeed sitting his nation, though there's no way to know if either of them were respnosible for this, since it is rather out of character for them (not the OOC kind). Gilly's bro happens to know some things because he used to play. He didn't want to register a new account, but he was willing to take care of Gilly's nation.

    My brother was in CN a while back but left after numerous arguments and boredom

    p.s. i will be making an announcement soon (which invicta now has)

  2. Well i was the deputy minister inside invicta reading through threads and found out that INVICTA are planning on re-grouping and building them selves back up once they have for a while they are planning to re-enter this nice big conflict that is going on

    they may come in here saying their not but they are talking about it in the government area and at the moment they are clearly up for re-entering as jorost(the president) regrets getting out of it and wants back in the war to help their allies

    I for one do not like NPO so i sat in PM while invicta was in the war as i didn't want to have this nation destroyed preotecting NPO i have hated them ever since i had my nation about 2 years ago and i will continue to hate them for it

    now they will come in saying their not coming back in (isn't that what all allainces would say) but they are once they have powered them selves back up and out of anarchy

    the reason im doing this is to stop invicta going back in as i like invicta(hopefully this will stop their scheming)

    have fun invicta im OUT

    gilly754's bro

    p.s. gilly's in hospital so im sitting(i not got an account)

  3. invicta.jpg

    Somehow, I think you are mistaken.

    compare that to ORIONS loss and see the difference

    The Killers is a peaceful nation. War is not an option.

    I don't think yoou're kicking anyone's butt.


    as i said earlier

    i will be leaving Peace mode on monday at 10am UK time so i can start then

    im only in PM as im not at home for a while and don't wanna get attacked and not be able to attack

  4. But then it would be 8 on 1. Do they have that many alliances?

    Surely they have no one left. :rolleyes:

    Dear admin, please increase my defensive war slots to 6, I do not have enough to help them.


    they can't have many more our size thats why they sent in TOP and ROK as were were kicking the 5 allainces butts and were hardly getting dented

  5. well

    Lumber - Lowers infrastructure purchase cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.

    Marble - Lowers infrastructure purchase cost -10%.

    they lower infra costs/upkeep costs quite huge and are part of a lot of trade sets/circles so yes they are brilliant resources

  6. I have all 4 sellers and will send out the money on the 5th October

    i send NATION A 3 mill

    10 days later nation A sends me 50 tech

    10 days later nation A sends me the last 50 tech

    i send NATION B 3 mill

    10 days later nation B sends me 50 tech

    10 days later nation B sends me the last 50 tech

    i send NATION C 3 mill

    10 days later nation C sends me 50 tech

    10 days later nation C sends me the last 50 tech

    i send NATION D 3 mill

    10 days later nation D sends me 50 tech

    10 days later nation D sends me the last 50 tech

    Please post here or message me my nation in-game if intrested

    sellers are

    1) Mao Tse Tung



    4) Norse god

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