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Viktor Kelshack

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Everything posted by Viktor Kelshack

  1. [font="Comic Sans MS"]Thanorian News Report.[/font] Today the son of Viktor Kelshack has been found. And he has decided to run against his father in a traditinal election. A vote was made and Viktor Kelshack the second was elected, he has started major reforms of Goverment. And has decided to reform the councel. The Deathcamp crisis was abolished and the camps destroyed, Viktor Kelshack the first was sent off to a jail and the Goverment changed to a Democracy, while still keeping Thalorian traditions. So far the Economy is being reformed. While Viktor Kelshack has made plans to sell some territory of the Goverment for now, so far there will be a massive change in Goverment. News of Viktor Kelshack the second planning to join a National alliance has reached the people, who do not think much of it.
  2. [font="Comic Sans MS"]Thanorian News report...[/font] Today a shocking discovery was made, the current leader of Thanoria Viktor Kelshack son of Lakari Kelshack and father of Viktor Kelshack the Second, has made Death Camps in the deserts of the Thanorian capital. An approximent of 30 people has been sent to these Death Camps, public protests are in effect, but no action has been made against them. The son of Viktor Kelshack has also went missing, and has not been heard from for three days. When asked about the Death Camps Viktor has no comment. Due to the technological decline of Thanoria during the rule of Viktor Kelshack, many have been questoning his rule. He has also welcomed Slavery, a thing that has been abolished since Thanoria has been founded by Thanor Kelshack, back then it was called Thaloria. And was generally in a good state. During a press confrence held one hour ago, Viktor Kelshack has stated that the "True" people of the Thanorian state shall rise again and immigrancy will soon be blocked off, it has been found out that the Death Camps had non Thalorian's in it. This act has proven that Viktor Kelshack is indeed insaine, and yet the people are content under his rule. The military advisor to Viktor Kelshack had this to say, "It has been made apparent that Viktor has generally been become more insaine, the createing of Death Camps has been against the tradition's of the Thanorian people ever since the rule of Thanor." he also added, "If Viktor does not change now the people will eventrally revolt against him. As the councel does not agree with him." Viktor Kelshack is currently in his estate right now in the heart of Thanoria. And has sent orders to dissolve the Thanorian Councel. Effectively makeing him the one true ruler of Thanoria, and he has given orders to the Military to begin blocking off the capital of Thanoria. There is still no sign of Viktor Kelshack the second.
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