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Everything posted by markfrancos

  1. [quote name='nishiyoshi' timestamp='1357805694' post='3073746'] Timeline of events: Coup! Support for the former Govt. Coup leader states, "Just for lolz! Will be stepping down soon. Glad GPF got message about being more Democracy-based, etc." Former Govt. reinstated, former leader offers pardon; rest of the world is "WTF those fools should burn", but holds tongue since it's GPF's business. Coup leader applauds getting 15 seconds of fame, while not taking a scratch, but gives warning about retribution (???). GPF implements democracy-based actions by recognizing members asking for an appeal of the original pardon. BFF comes in wanting to help since they are harboring Coup member. GPF member appeal overturns Mark's original decision. ZI is the verdict since BFF negotiated deal is rejected. Martyr is born. The irony lies within the purpose of the coup being the reason for the coup member getting justice, albeit delayed a bit and not as straightforward as the process could have been. I believe that MHA will assist GPF with this matter if asked upon. [/quote] Your right yeah everyone just look at this Sums it up perfectly.
  2. [quote name='Namayan' timestamp='1357782605' post='3073509'] I find this odd that GPF, particularly markfrancos, did not uphold his word as within his power vested upon the GPF Charter. He pardon all coup plotters as proof [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114663"]http://forums.cybern...howtopic=114663[/url] After pardoning, suddenly turned his back on his word and posted this. Due to the new events, How are we going to trust GPF and markfrancos in the future, when GPF can break any promises they make? How can GPF allies trust GPF, now that GPF broke their word? These are perfectly valid questions on the GPF alliance. [/quote] valid questions Bern brought it upon himself I pardoned him yes . It was not I who started off the whole reps thing. If you look at one of my earlier posts with logs you will see that I was approached on behalf of Bern to pay reps. In reality he should have known to expect them. Otheir collaborators were expecting them. The pardon was from war and destroyal. Yes now it looks like I am going back on my word but when his negotiating representative took back the deal he refused to pay anything. He actually welcomed zi and war even when I tried to negotiate and I hope that Bern will be a man and state that this is true otherwise it will just be revealed in s few hours time when I am back on my pc. And I show the logs.
  3. my stance has not been at all clear. You will probably still launch the abuse on GPF . I must say that the early topics on this coup were when I believed in mercy. In many ways I still believe in that yet I come from a democratic alliance and accordingly what I think is not always what I personally believe. The membership prefered ZI. You have got to remember that this was all done in the heat of the moment. Also has Bern put those logs down yet. That would clear my alliance's name as of course people on the owf come to conclusions without all of the facts. Understandable. If you happened to know everything it would breach the security measures in place. 95 per cent will not know me and therefore with all due respect should not make mass assumptions that you cannot trust me. When more facts are revealed and all evidence is collected then feel free to comment on me. Until then hold your tongue ;p
  4. more abuse come on do something I don't expect
  5. he just refused point blank to agree to what his appointed negotiator had got for him
  6. [quote name='Gingervites' timestamp='1357772388' post='3073409'] you are getting yourself ZIed over 15m... [img]http://www.clearpathtofitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/picard-facepalm1-300x200.jpg[/img] [/quote] This is why I was confused and then later annoyed he wanted this just so he could attempt to take me apart on forums. I'll show logs from him tomorrow unless Bern would be kind enough to show them himself. I somehow doubt he will it gave me no other option not for the lack of me trying.
  7. whoa uncalled for. Back to talk although on tablet so a little slow
  8. i have to sleep lol. abuse me when i wake up.
  9. Ok what happened. Ernesto came as a representative of Bern to commence negotiations. If you don't believe me look at logs. http://pastebin.com/DqhAh0sw It is all shown in here.
  10. If logs are required please ask and i will deliver. It shows the whole negotiation.
  11. This was due to the backlash i received from an unhappy membership. Surely you understand this and now just want to cause us a load of un needed stress. And also where does it say unconditional
  12. The terms offered were to pay only 1 round of aid. 5 slots of 3m to a select 5 nations which would be counted as repatriations. Then he could walk free. Very nice reps in my opinion.
  13. [quote name='Bernkastel' timestamp='1357770132' post='3073372'] Greetings and salutations to all. I did not accept the terms forwarded to me because I saw no need to accept the extortion being placed upon me and I did not allow my good family in BFF to be extorted by the the GPF government. I was granted amnesty and was given Secretary-General MarkFrancos' word that if I ended it peacefully that I would walk away with no problems in the future. It's a shame to see he is not a man of his word and his alliance isn't a dignified and honorable place. I guess you can be wrong about people as I was wrong about Mark and the Triumvirate of GPF. [b]You will get nothing.[/b] Deal with it. - Bernkastel [/quote] Why try and turn this on me, i am simply here to do my duty to my alliance, i didn't try and coup a democratically elected gov did i ? I will not be dragged into a pointless argument with a traitor to my alliance.
  14. wait i meant ZI LOL i mucked up there, my apologies everyone, take them from a stressed out leader of a alliance just been couped
  15. [center][img]http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t102/Swat63/GPFFlag.gif[/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]An Official GPF Announcement[/b][/size][/center] As many of you members of Planet Bob understand, it has been a January of Coups. Now GPF's wasn't the biggest or most fancy you will ever see, yet it was still one of the most treacherous. A complete breach of trust was made and destabilized a alliance which has been just getting back to it's feet after a very tricky 6 months. This statement is to simply clarify the situation with the ringleader of the operation, Bernkastel of the nation "Country of Miracles", this statement attempts to clarify why the actions taken below were made after some serious consideration by many. After a period of negotiation we thought we had sealed a very solid deal for all, as many of you understand that i was offering mercy, yet some among us understandably wanted more. Now I must say something : BFF have assisted us with diffusing the situation and helped in the negotiation processes. We are very thankful for their help but it seems that some are beyond helping. We asked for a simple 15 million in aid to be sent to some of our smaller nations in exchange for a peaceful resolution. Unfortunately such a simple solution could not be found with Bernkastel and as such negotiations fell through. I would like to take this time to once again thank BFF for their assistance but now comes time that we must punish those who have wronged us even after giving them a way out. Now what do we do next, well due to Bernkastel lack of negotiation skills and blatant lack of manners and honour, i am forced to do what i have never done before and condemn Bernkastel to ................................... [size=6] [/size][size=6]ZI.[/size] With regards markfrancos Secretary General of GPF.
  16. It takes strength to be merciful. I will be ruthless if the call needs to be made. So don't think we would just be a pushover. Just a warning to those who may try. We know your out there
  17. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Jersey Shore: CN edition. [/font][/color] Thats it . HELL YEAH. LETS GET TOGETHER AND DO THIS
  18. lol that would be very amusing and is seriously being considered by me at least. Not sure what the rest of my goiv will say, or the membership for that matter lol
  19. [center][img]http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t102/Swat63/GPFFlag.gif[/img][/center] [center][b][size=6]An Official GPF Announcement[/size][/b][/center] [center][size=5][b]Section 1 : Legitimate Government[/b][/size][/center] [b][size=4]This is to simply state that the legitimate government of the Global Protection Force contains the figures which you will have seen elected in the past. These are :[/size][/b] [center][size=5][b]markfrancos - Secretary General[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]Cress - Triumvir of Internal Affairs[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]Mr Chaos - Triumvir of Military Affairs[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]Comrade Ronjoy - Triumvir of Foreign Affairs[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]Section 2 : Support[/b][/size][/center] [b]I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who granted their support to us in our time of need. These areas of support came from our loyal membership, our great allies and fellow members of alliances who saw an alliance in difficulty and just wished to assist.[/b] [center][size=5][b]Section 3 : What Happens to the Coup Members?[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]An official pardon is being offered to the members involved in the coup, b[/b][b]oth parties in this situation have been in communication in private to come to see what and why things happened how they did. The Conclusion was that the members involved were only involved for the good of the people.[/b][/center] [center][b]In reality this is how we see them.[/b][/center] [center][b][size=8]Really Twisted Nice Guys[/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=8][size=5]Section 4 : Conclusion[/size][/size][/b][/center] [center][size=4][b]GPF remains a democratic alliance who stuck with its government even when times were tough.[/b][b]We have learnt from the mistakes made and have now decided that it is impossible to trust anyone with the name Irule . You should always know that they want to be a Dictator.[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]Signed[/b][/center] [center][i][b]markfrancos - Secretary General[/b][/i][/center]
  20. All will become clear when the documentation is published. Im gonna describe the coupers as a group of twisted really evil nice guys lol.
  21. 16 Days in the alliance for Bernkastel. 22 Days in the alliance for Irule777 22 Days in the alliance for Pangui Well this looks like a long serving legitimate leadership of GPF If you want convincing just look at the facts.
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