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Scandalous Rumour

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Posts posted by Scandalous Rumour

  1. All true.

    All hindered from change by the game structure however. Admin has given the game relatively nothing worth fighting over in the first place- imagine new capturable structures of power like the existing Senates with more ability to influence the day to day, more things to use in different ways and thus actually divide opinion and strength. Imagine a move to reclaim the relevance of team politics with such new structures.

    Ultimately the climbing, neverending nature of NS in the game, whilst attracting donations aplenty in the short term, has strangled any possibility for a reset/drastic reshaping of the game to make it more interesting and enhance the prospects for war. Which is a crying shame.


  2. [quote name='Kochers' timestamp='1338152657' post='2973313']
    If by "members" you mean ONOS, then sure. Though ONOS only fought NPO, after leaving the bloc by their own choosing, not the entire Initiative.

    As to being terrible...GUARD largely did what it set out to accomplish during its time. It guaranteed mutual protection to its members and provided an alternative to the MDP web of the time. It gave alliances some breathing room in the bi-polar world many had no interest in pursuing. If Charles had been more active, GUARD could have had a lasting impact on CN politics. It would be interesting to see how a similar bloc would function in our current political climate...

    so it set out to accomplish one of its flagship alliances being picked off at NPOs leisure? and it set out to accomplish consignment to the backrows of CNs History Archive? GUARD could work now, your right, but in it's own time it failed to change the climate to one like the present day, and you'd be doing a disservice both to it's memory and to a more realistic memory of the excesses of hegemony power to pretend otherwise.

    I like both the signatories of this here treaty, i wish you both well :)


  3. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1337090186' post='2967699']
    I know this. You don't have to have that goonbah post his elementary diplomatic spin on it here. You would have then denied my opportunity to rage against the machine.

    In his defence Hiro I posted because I was in international for two years and I love LSF. ;)


  4. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1337088808' post='2967690']
    All I got from that post was, yadda, yadda insult because I can't answer him. yadda yadda. You're an idiot.

    What part of they have no obligation to chat to you are you not understanding? Are you that stupid you can't grasp that? Or is it just a case you don't like it when it gets done to you, but okay when you do it to others. Ahhh okay, I got ya.

    There is nothing to negotiate you goonbah, You have no formal protection over this alliance, Thus you have no right to dictate to anyone what they should or shouldn't do about a legitimate raid.

    Are you new here? Are you a bit slow on the uptake of how things work?

    Also, you should play dodge ball, you would be great at it.

    I've played this game for enough years to know that it works like this. Alliances do what alliances have the capacity to do. I've seen plenty of alliances step in over tech selling issues without formal protection before.

    Neither are we dictating what LSF do, we would just prefer to get our tech out, and that doesn't inconvenience LSF in the slightest.

    If you would prefer to create yet another ego-pulling session out of an easily resolvable diplomatic situation then go ahead, but I for one lack the time or the patience to debate with a sub-par troll from a black team micro.


    EDIT: as an aside, a 40 day old nation that is a reroll of a 4 year old one who remembers when CN had real players to debate with, none of your sub par bollocks. :)

  5. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1337088278' post='2967686']
    Are NG protecting this alliance that's being raided? Or is anyone for that matter? If they have no protection then they don't need to approach you for jack !@#$. If you had money invested then you should have had the savvy to protect your investment before it got raided.

    If I thought for a minute that that this deserved a response I'd be giving you to much credit. $%&@ off.

    As it is I have respect for LSF and just want to make sure we sort this out without them and NG having any trouble or bad blood. Because sometimes we actually negotiate.

    If you could kindly crawl back into irrelevence that would be much appreciated.


  6. [quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1337076918' post='2967664']
    I understand that this may cause you some inconvenience. Although this isn't considered to be a war by us it is also not an opportunistic tech raid. We won't tolerate the existence of the Blackguard AA

    I'd suggest you messaging your tech sellers and asking them to leave the Blackguard AA would be the fastest way to resolve the issue.

    I'd suggest you come and talk to the NG triumvirate about the fastest way to resolve this issue. We completely understand your grievances and we have no love for any NGers seceding but there is money invested. Let's talk this one out.


  7. It isn't helped by the fact that Nuclear war, unsurprisingly, is highly damaging to any alliance's standing, even if they extract an absolute tonne of reparations afterwards, they will have lost position relative to those who elected not to fight. In the same way the threat of heavy reparations drives alliances to fight longer to avoid them, increasing the damage done on all sides.

    NS on Bob just keeps on climbing, and most alliances are happier to avoid shaking the ladders too often in favour of consolidating strength than to pursue dynamic political goals that seem often to result in full scale destruction.


  8. FOK has been a fantastic CN staple and a deadly force on the battlefields of countless fantastic conflicts. It is a great sadness to see them merge, even if it brings a fantastic wealth of new talent to Non Grata.

    To the Bal Masque team posting and reposting in an effort to lure out standard NG/noble rest of the world debate, have some of the respect you are constantly reiterating in your attempts to bait and leave the NG question out of this. This is a tribute thread to a fantastic alliance.


  9. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1336357008' post='2964641']
    Of course making a deal with the devil can only mean bad things, but in the short term it might seem like a good idea.

    Depends who your devils are. And what you consider bad things to be. And what you consider a good idea to be. Other than that you are incredibly on the vein and not entirely vaporous.

    This is a treaty between two alliances that like each other, and have delicious forum/IRC nonsense together. If we were snuggling up any CN 'devils' you'd think we'd be rocking around the Pandora's Box still. And I mean that purely for its sinful connotations.


  10. [quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1336318406' post='2964471']
    I think some people get frustrated with micros because the stats could go towards other alliances that are already in the fold.

    That and they add to the general haze and confusion that stops big alliances just duking it out more often. sigh.


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