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Orville Reginbacher

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Posts posted by Orville Reginbacher

  1. With announcements like these, I'm more shocked that you question why you are labeled as LUE 2.0.

    Have fun committing LUEicide.

    Man...thanks for adding nothing involving wit, sarcasm, humor, significant substance, or even decent trolling to this thread... :P:v:

  2. I found the OP laughable. I smiled as I watched you weakly try to paint yourselves as innocents. "Oh, we NEVER did anything aggressive! We NEVER did anything wrong!"

    Don't you have a protectorate with Hyperion? Or are you going to try and duck out of that one as well?

    The protectorate was transferred a long time ago...if you are going to be an obvious troll, do your research, so that at least you could claim to be an educated troll...unfortunately for all of us, that just can't be the case, now can it?

  3. Doitzel, like many others, i will miss you.

    Using moderation as a weapon of war, then making accusations like that as a parting shot is low though, i should not be surprised. Your a traitor of the very best pedigree.

    But i'll miss you.

    Don't troll the man's goodbye thread. 'Tis a tad classless.

    o/ Doitzel, you will be missed by many, and were appreciated by more.

  4. We were "completely politically unopposed" before Sponge left, by that logic. Unless you accept the fact that Sponge was working against his brothers.

    Uh, not to sound stupid or anything...but I thought that was why everything happened the way it did, right? :awesome:

    Good luck BDC, these terms were very good terms!

  5. Ok, I've been pressured into this (not really, I just felt like biting the bullet for it), and this will end the debate that is occurring once and for all. I ask that only those who truly dislike one or the other vote in this thread, and if you feel so inclined you can state your reason.

    Be respectful, though...Keep it civil, just vote and share your reason, whether it is a canceled Iron Trade, etc.

    And as a note to anyone worried this might be a call for trolling, etc., they have both been asked, and love the idea...there is a bet, too. If you are lucky, they may even come out of peacemode to fulfill their bet. All the more incentive to vote, haha :awesome:

    Let us begin our voting to crown the Emperor of Dislike! :jihad:

    Edit: Grammar

  6. Actually, to clarify, I didn't read why he resigned, and I don't see why everyone has to call me ignorant and stupid for the remark I made.

    This is where you are supposed to apologize, Batallion, for making the insensitive remark, and move on...Not saying you have to, just saying what the normal person might do, your mistake was understandable, but uh...do what's right.

    [/off topic]

    [on topic]

    Good luck GPA during this time of transition, and good luck to you, Mr. Former President man, take care of yourself. Stress can really do a number on you when you are recovering from something, my advice would be stay away from the forums, too, haha. Godspeed to a speedy recovery!



    [edit: wanted to fix stuffs]

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