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  • Nation Name
    Armed States
  • Alliance Name
    The Austrian Empire
  • Resource 1
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Im a seller to let yk
  2. I'm back in I recreated my nation and now i can do one now FYI nation link is http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=494018
  3. It said that i had multiple nations! wth????
  4. im not too mad i was deleted, im mad about the fact that all the tech deals i was in, i wasnt able to finish. just today i was sposed to send 100 tech
  5. I was back collecting for 11 days, and then try to log on this morning my nation is deleted! The thing says if you don't collect for 25 days your deleted. I didnt collect for 11 days and was deleted. I'm wondering, why was i deleted?????
  6. in 10 days ill have 2 slots open ill sell
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