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Melon Lube

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Posts posted by Melon Lube

  1. Maybe its just me, but I dont really much see the difference in one person surrendering and an entire alliance bound by MDP surrendering. On one hand, in the charter of the alliance, you pledge yourself to the protection of that AA at any and all costs(so to speak), and in an MDP, you pledge yourself to defend your brother alliance any time they are attacked. If your ally is still under attack, and your alliance surrenders, does that make you any different than an individual surrender? Your word should be your word, yet entire AAs who achieve peace while their MDP partners are still taking a pounding, are hailed for achieving peace and congratulated for fighting well to the best of their abilities. Words are words, and bonds are bonds, or so they should be.

    Which of our allies have we congratulated for getting peace while leaving us for dead? I haven't seen that happen...

  2. First I want to say that entering the war to defend your protectorate against heavy odds is an honorable move. I know that had the STA been in the same position we would have done the same, but I still want to make one point. I didn't read the whole thread so pardon me if this point has already been made.

    From the Polaris DoW thread...and now we have this thread I am posting in...

    ^Answering the question about having the ability to declare war, implying you have no ability to back up this DoW at the current moment.

    So, Melon Lube, have you changed your mind on what a "pathetic gesture" is?

    Edit: clarity

    Nope, this is pretty pathetic, but it's honorable. :)

    ETA: This isn't a DoW, it's an AoW. :P

  3. So I'm being subtly threatened because I tell you that I find the excessive repetition of the offer insulting.

    You read the line that most fired you up and ignored the rest.

    I thought you are better than that, WC.

    Our opponents are in this thing for the same reasons we are, treaty obligations. They have been nothing but honorable to friend and foe alike. Let's just do what we gotta do and move on.

  4. NSO, STA, NpO, ML, DOOM, TPF, IoM, TGR, MK and anyone else I may have over looked in this chain are all fighting defensive wars to protect their allies.

    None of us need to be at war right now. The fact is this whole mess leads back to one alliance and one alliance only.


    As soon as our brothers are in the clear, Molon Labe is willing to put down the sword and pick up a shot glass. But our brothers must receive peace.

    . We don't have a problem with you or our other opponents, heck, the only problem we've got with MK is their war with TPF. I hope when the underlying issue is resolved all of us in this little clusterxxxx can lay down our weapons and walk together off the field of battle as new found friends. Until that resolution comes about, I don't expect any and would be disappointed in a cessation of hostilities by an alliance in our little circle.

    I know I've been an $@! for the last 18 hours but it's really disheartening for me personally to be seen as fighting for something I absolutely don't believe in. The only stake we've had in this is TPF and now DOOM. And we can't leave until they get peace.

  5. I understand but some of the statements being made by some of you guys and your protectorate about NpO are very off base. My statement you quoted has nothing to do with labeling you guys as part of the hegemony. You know we respect what you guys are doing, it is simply the comments about NpO that I am calling out.

    You were implying that the NpO didn't come in against us due to the fact that they didn't want to get involved with the Karma/Hegemony conflict. I'm stating we had nothing to do with that conflict. Attacking us would have not brought them in that mess. But it may have brought some of our big friends in. And that's what this is really about.

  6. While I respect your commitment to your protectorate, I fail to see what "opportunity" the New Polar Order grasped by attacking DOOM. I for one would have much preferred if they had kept their hands off our STA and their partner in war NSO. What must be done must be done, please grow up a little bit and realize that instead of throwing around insults.

    DOOM did not attack the STA.

  7. You know, this is all pretty cut and dry. ML is completely covered on their defensive slots. Polar attacking them would be completely symbolic at this point as they would have no one to attack. DOOM is a different case though, surprisingly for a protectorate they have quite a few high NS nations. As was said most of our high NS nations are in nuclear anarchy thanks to our new friends in ML so they are unable to help our friends over at NSO. Nonetheless STA will declare in aid of our close friends and do what we can. Our other friends in NpO asked if we would need help in such and despite the nation numbers we actually did need some help to cover the attack slots on DOOM's higher nations.

    That is what Polar did, they came to the aid of their closest friends when it was needed and ONLY when it was needed. If they were bandwagoning they would have declared on ML.

    I have to say I have grown to respect ML quite a bit and I am willing to transfer that respect to DOOM as ML seems to think they are good people. So far though that respect is being widdled away by the atrocity I see of them and some ML folks calling our great friends at Polar cowards.

    Are you kidding me???

    If you wish to know the depths of NpO honor you could still be given a war that they were given and terms they were given. Wish to relive history? I doubt you do so please take a good hard look at what is really going on with this. We all respect what you guys are doing as it is mirrorlike of what NpO and STA had to go through in the last war but enough with the empty insults.

    We aren't affiliated with the Hegemony. The only reason we are here is to honor our treaty with TPF, period.

  8. There is no obligation in either case. Their assistance was not solicited - it was optional and offered. I cannot presume to speak for Polar, so I cannot address your concern in full. I would like to point out though, that the number of nations versus number of nations in this theater of conflict does not tell the whole story. The STA is not an especially high ANS alliance; most of our nations that could engage DOOM are in nuclear anarchy, and we were hard-pressed to scrape up enough forces to hit just those DOOMers who had declared on our Sith brethren.

    I'm not pretending that our back was to the wall by any means, but Polar is providing a very real assistance to us here, and also to a much greater degree than they would have in our first round.

    I'm not going argue with you bzelger. I've gained too much respect for the STA and you personally to put that on the line over this.

    Edit: After reading, this post seems crappy, but read it as it's written. Out of respect I really don't want to argue with you. :)

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