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BillyBob Kenobi

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Posts posted by BillyBob Kenobi

  1. [quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1297124169' post='2624723']
    Does this apply if they're just joining for the duration of the war? It doesn't specify either way.


    There would be little point in enacting a policy intended to prevent people from AA-jumping into a war and then skating out afterwards to avoid facing the same terms as the defeated alliance if it didn't apply to them.

  2. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1297081131' post='2623924']Alliance members get peace when an alliance gets peace.[/quote]

    Gee, whatever happened to viewing individual nations "as sovereign entities capable of making their own decisions?"

    [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1297081131' post='2623924']You're trying to use a war to determine who another alliance is allowed to accept into its ranks.

    This talking point hasn't stopped being wrong simply because you repeat it [i]ad nauseum[/i].

  3. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1296943680' post='2620998']
    [color="#0000FF"]They may ask for the dreaded beer review. If they ask for that, then I'll get upset with them. Yes, I'm fine with them doing this so long as they don't PZI. Or ask for beer reviews. You've been warned Fark.

    Do not force my cold, angry words. You will regret that. Or laugh. One or the other.[/color]

    What about demanding tribute in bacon recipes?

    Strictly hypothetically speaking, of course....

  4. I personally would like to see what would happen in said experiment. It would be interesting to see what would happen to FARK, or indeed any alliance against a well armed opponent such as IRON (with MPs & WRCs to continue the nuclear funzzies) would have on the longterm development and stability of whoever was silly enough to try such a thing.

    You're witnessing it -- and even contributing to it, in a way, by supplying uranium to draw out the nuclear slugging match a little longer. The amusing part is that you seem to think you're helping them by prolonging the misery. Perhaps it would help if I made my point in convenient picture format.

  5. ...also watch out for the nukes we still have 16 times as many you do and we fired 2800 of them already. :awesome:

    It's just adorable to see you trying to brandish your nuclear phallus substitute at someone while the territories of IRON are being turned into a long-term experiment in radioactive salting.

    (But think of the money you'll save on lightbulbs! :ehm: )

  6. We received the following message from Trowa, formerly of the alliance Illuminati:

    To: THE HOLY DICTATOR From: Trowa 2/29/2008 7:43:50 PM Subject: Surrender

    According to the surrender terms, I was supposed to post in the CN forums of my surrender and send the link to my attackers. However, I am unalbe to register on the forums for some reason and cannot make the post. So I am notifying you through these means because it is all I can do. I have already changed my AA to "SuperFriends POW" and will lower my soldiers and tanks tomorrow due to the fact that I cannot do so at the current time. Thank you.


    As neither Trowa nor the original recipient of the message have CN forum accounts, I am posting it on Trowa's behalf to satisfy the terms of surrender.

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