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Legatus Equus

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Posts posted by Legatus Equus

  1. Everwhite-1.png


    An Official Announcement from the Everfree Union




    It is with some melancholy that I must announce that after 433 days of existence, it has become necessary for the Everfree Union to call it quits. We gave it a fine effort, but people's lives change, and sometimes it is no longer feasible to continue with the business of running an alliance and seeing to one another's mutual protection and benefit. In such a case, it is far better to disband than to continue existing as an empty, inactive mockery of what once was.


    Effective immediately, the Everfree Union will merge with our protectors, the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization. GATO has been amazing to us, and I can think of no more appropriate way to end our run as an alliance than lending the strength of EvU to their cause.


    I'd also like to thank the Alternian Empire for their steadfast commitment as our treaty partners, as well as anyone else who was involved with our fun little community in some way, even if it was just popping in to #Everfree occasionally or providing us with worthy opponents during wartime. Most of all, I'd like to thank all of our members, both past and current, who contributed their time to make this such an interesting and fun ride. EvU was founded to be an alliance based on a friendly and awesome community, and although the alliance is going away, that community isn't going anywhere. I am proud to call all of the members of EvU my friends, and that's worth far more to me than any AA.


    Signing off for the last time,


    Legatus Equus, Triumvir of the Everfree Union


  2. Everwhite-1.png



    An Official Announcement from the Everfree Union


    Good evening, everyone! After nearly a year of trial and error, the Everfree Union has decided to restructure our government to better fit the needs of our members. As of tonight, EvU will be headed by a triumvirate consisting of: Legatus Equus, Neptunebyte, and Shave N Haircut.


    For any who are interested, our new charter can be found [url=http://s13.zetaboards.com/Everfree_Union/topic/6928634/1/#new]here[/url]. Be sure to check out the rest of our forums and drop by our IRC, #Everfree on Coldfront, as well!


    It has been a fun and eventful year, full of good friends and the occasional challenging time, and I very much look forward to the future. Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!

  3. Everwhite-1.png


    A Message from the Council of the Everfree Union

    A true true friend helps a friend in need, and we're tired of waiting to help our friends in GATO. We're honored to have a chance to square off against such skilled and honorable opponents, and I look forward to seeing you all on the battlefield. Let's do this.
    The Everfree Union hereby declares war on R&R in defense of the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization.
    Signed for EvU
    Legatus Equus, Consul
    Ignis, Minister of Financial Outreach
    Neptunebyte, Minister of Awesome
    chachonimrod, Wrangler of Smelly Foreigners
    Godot 17, Minister of Morale
    LeninRoxSox, Slayer of Celestia
  4. [center][img]http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u367/Lanore2012/Everwhite-1.png[/img][/center]

    [center][b][size=6]Everfree Union Winter 2012 Election[/size][/b][/center]

    Good evening all! Today, the Everfree Union celebrates three months of existence and the conclusion of its first democratic elections. It's been an interesting and informative three months, and we've faced the challenges of establishing and building our alliance, recruiting and educating new players, and dealing with some positively brilliant rogues. I'm confident that the next term will see further growth and learning, and a further perfection of our democracy. Our elections resulted in a good mix of old and new faces, and I'm excited to work with all of them!

    Without further ado, here are the results of our first election:

    [center][size=5][b]Legatus Equus - Consul[/b][/size][/center]

    [center][size=5][b]Neptunebyte - Minister of Awesome[/b][/size][/center]

    [center][size=5][b]Ignis - Minister of Financial Outreach[/b][/size][/center]

    [center][size=5][b]Godot17 - Minister of Morale[/b][/size][/center]

    [center][size=5][b]nimrod - Wrangler of Smelly Foreigners[/b][/size][/center]

    And that's all. If you'd like, be sure to drop in to our forums at [url="http://s13.zetaboards.com/Everfree_Union/index/"]http://s13.zetaboard...ee_Union/index/[/url] and get to know us better! Thank you for reading, and have a happy war season!

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