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Posts posted by IrishX

  1. Well that makes me feel a little better. I have been seeing a lot of "Heil", but we have a lot of germanic-language participants so I was willing to kinda turn a blind eye to that. Then I found a few nations who are at least tacitly honoring the Nazi regime; they don't come right out and say it (I'm sure they'd be censured for that) but you can tell that's what they have in mind. Then this. I was starting to get a really bad taste in my mouth. I work with a Veteran's organization, most of whom were WWII guys. You can imagine the distaste I have for anything that might even HINT at a positive reference to that Evil.

    ooc: discussing this in depth would open a whole can of worms, just remember that CN allows and encourages roleplaying by its very nature (at least it used to), and many players look to the mitteleuropean nations of the XIX - early XX centuries as models to roleplay their nations. I have no problem with that, just like I have no problem with, say, The Mafia.

    On the other hand, we have seen efforts by "white nationalism" extremists (i.e. Stormfront) to infiltrate CN and those have been dealt with accordingly (i.e. stomped into deletion).

    I'll stop here because I don't want to hijack this thread by our good friends in the MCXA. ;)

  2. This is none of my business which of course means I will now express my opinion on it.

    You said what you said in a threatening way as subtle as it may have been. Perhaps thats not how you intended it but it defiantly can be interpreted that way. Now can we play nice yet?

    NO U :P

    Back to the topic at hand:

    o/ Valhalla

    o/ NPO

    o/ TPF

    Good luck to Zha'dum :)

  3. Coldfront or syn, as long as it's not esper. If we could just get Fark to move, I could close off that server window forever.

    Quoted for truth and great justice... only with "USN" instead of "FARK" (with all due respect to FARK).

  4. I have to say that this result isn't surprising. Legion really hasn't done anything right politically for a long long time. I am curious though, how does forcing 600 or so trade partners off of an already sparsely populated color constitute a victory? By forcing Legion to move to gray you are essentially removing half of the active nations on your team with resources that you need to make your trades and economy run at maximum efficiency. That part does not make sense to me.

    Actually it's around 300, not 600. Moreover, legionnaires usually keep trades within their alliance; at least, that's the idea I got from staying in the purple sphere for 4 months.

  5. And Anachronism's still to blame for you joining...and the name ;)

    Cheers Sqrt, good luck~!

    Yes, I think we are among the few who can actually understand where his name comes from...

    Don't pay attention to the trolls, Srqt. I'm sure you were a valuable member to your alliance. Good luck in RL, man... and remember to visit the Anachronism boards sometimes. ;)

  6. Valhalla's great war machine which didn't crush CoAN as it said is taking on Legion?

    I am dissapointed in you LC, and certainly Jim!


    and I understand this is a game, some people forget this.

    At least check your facts before trolling. We never said we would "crush" CoAN. Lurk moar, then come back to me stop embarassing yourself.

    Also, what is this "game" you speak of? The government of Provence-Alpes takes war as a grave and serious affair.

    ^ OOC translation: this is an in-character forum, troll.

  7. Hi, Irish, glad to see you on the battlefield, although we are fighting different foes.

    o/ Valhalla

    sup Mace, it's nice to see that we're again by the same side... although this is a bit of a change from USN ;)

    Anyone with half a brain already knows that the Legion declaration in this war was sound, as was the Valhalla declaration. Those who somehow manage to find fault in a casus belli of "Defending a treaty partner" are not worth arguing with, as they are clearly too lacking in intellectual prowess to hold a decent conversation.
    I don't get why people keep degrading eachother for declarations, when the only thing people are doing is just honoring their treaties. Most of these DoW's are not personal, they are just contractual obligations to come to the aid of one another.

    Quoted for great justice, although I'm skeptic as those displays of logic, facts and good manners will scare the trolls away. -_-

  8. Weird. Legion government, and many Legion members, acknowledged our DoW as fair and honourable (as well as various alliances members... is that the NADC founder I see in this very page? :wub: )

    Yet, certain individuals are striving and struggling to troll us without an apparent reason. I suggest they get out of this thread before they further embarass themselves.

    To Legion:good luck. We will meet on the battlefield, and we'll share a beer and some war tales after this is over. ;)

  9. UPN puppet eh??? hmmm hows this sound ppl all over the cybervesre started liking CSE after you left UPN finally talked to real officials and we signed a MADP hows that a puppet UPN and CSE remain sovereign and strong with a everlasting tie of strength so keep ur ignorant and ill kept mouth to your self

    Reported. Posting entirely in a foreign language is against the IPB Terms of Service.


    You need some reading skills. English is not my native language and I have perfectly understood it. With no effort.

    Check your sarcasm detector batteries.

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