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Posts posted by WarGod0001

  1. On June 18, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Lord Hitchcock said:

    Diplomatic approach?


    This was the ONLY message sent to our sovereign alliance:


    To: Lord Hitchcock    From: TsarRobert    Date: 6/17/2016 3:41:58 PM

    Subject: one and only oppertunity


    Message: I don't need to remind you of the revenge doctrine that NPO has on the red spear so call off your attack go home and all will be forgiven.



    Let's not pretend that you are some peaceful monk.


    I've had bigger poops than your alliance.



    Seems legit, almost overly diplomatic if you ask me, not sure why it came to war :rolleyes:

  2. You're one of the people in Polar I liked but again, more pointless chest thumping. The vast majority of our members under attack fight back, but you guys want to make a big deal out of a minority of inactives who just now login after receiving email alerts.

    Do you want me to expend the effort to put together a list of Polar's poor warfighters during the Doom war? Pointless bravado.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa!! There was no chest thumping there.

    I was merely pointing out, after your boisterous "Friends, Romans, Countrymen" speech that not everyone of your nations have taken up the cause. You have the bravado to try and sell this to your members as some sort of righteous fight. That the attack was unwarranted, when the truth is that they are suffering because their leader's ego has put them in this spot. I don't know what lies you feed them, but the rest of us don't eat it.

  3. One thing I am proud of though is the courage of Imperators who fight against overwhelming odds, their dignity in the face of constant insults, their dedication and willingness to fight for eternity to preserve the Imperial Truth against a crass and hateful enemy. I am proud to call them my family.


    Sooo, you're definitely not proud of this guy right? Cause he didn't even fire one shot yet.


    To: WarGod0001    From: kajkajete    Date: 3/29/2016 5:50:53 PM

    Subject: Peace Offer


    Message: A peace offer has been submitted by kajkajete for the following reason: Cessation of Hostilities

    As soon as both nations accept peace the war will end. If either nation attacks one another this peace offer will be automatically canceled.
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