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The Prof

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Posts posted by The Prof

  1. The wording of the terms seems to suggest NPO was going to deal with violators on a nation by nation basis. I guess the egregious amount of violations warranted a full scale war on FAN in the eyes of NPO. It is the NPO's judgment to make. They wrote the agreement, and only they know how the terms were originally intended.

    EDIT:: spelling

    The overwhelming evidence against the 306 FAN nations that required a full military attack by NPO and the recruitment of their allies:

    5 FAN Nations having Factories (1.6%)

    1 FAN Nations Breaking terms by having Tanks, Planes, or CM's (0.03%)

    2 FAN Nations having 70 – 89-% Soldiers (.065% of all FAN nations)

    5 FAN Nations 60 – 69% Soldiers (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    5 FAN Nations 50 – 59% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    6 FAN Nations 40 – 49% (1.9% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    11 FAN Nations 30 – 39% (3.6% of all FAN Nations, 5 not registered)

    48 FAN Nations 20 – 29% (15.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    229 FAN Nations 0 - 20% (74.8% of all FAN Nations)

    There is not a portion of the terms that states that FAN must stay below any arbitrary percentage or above any arbitrary percentage.

    278 FAN nations were below 30% soldier percentage. This is 90.8% at minimal soldier levels.

    Of this 90.8%, 74.8% of FAN nation were BELOW 20%. Meaning this percentage of FAN nation were BELOW the level need for population happiness.

    Now, it depend on where you set the arbitrary minimum soldiers "to keep their population happy", of course. However, to believe that 1/3 of FAN was out of compliance with terms is clearly ridiculous.

    Nothing on the list that could not have been handled diplomatically -- A simple blind attack was used on their protectorate. After 2 month and 2 weeks of a 3 month term of peace we get tech raided by NPO and they convince their allies to jump on board. Makes little sense to me.

  2. Data coming from the stats about your alliance. If you guys wanted to avoid it, you would have kept up with those statistics and made sure that you weren't violating them. There's a certain extreme, of course, but whether it's 25% or 30%, it's still something that is noticeable. Now, at 10% or even 15%, that would be questionable on NPO's part. But by your own presented statistics, it's still at 20-30% of your alliance violating the terms, which is stupidly high. Do you think China is going to let Japan get away with a 30% or even 20% too-high violation of their armed forces ratio? They'd do something about it. Yes, there is warmongering on NPO's part. Anyone who cares to look can see that. But at the same time, the fault is on you, FAN, and you're the losers in the first place. You can't rewrite history, so stop trying. All you can do is strive for compromise.


    There are lots of the facts of the data that are incorrect, inconsistent, unexplainable. However, I have tried to simply stick to the only fact that have been presented as evidence of our badness and making NPO feel uncomfortable at our 30% troop level to the make them feel it necessary to pull all of their alliance in to attack our alliance as a whole.

    It's the difference in:

    1. getting a speeding ticket for 5 over....


    2. you can getting a beating by the local cop that pulled you over, have his friend join in for the speeding ticket.


    3. our local cops give us at least a warning.

  3. But thats the point, isn't it. You weren't compliant to the extent you could be. Are you telling me that FAN has no system for rooting out ghosts? Are you telling me that FAN could not tell its members (even just the ones with over 40% troops) to cut back to 20%?

    We can root out the ghost, just can't do anything if they choose to continue.....no military to enforce.

    So, if everyone was 40% or less, it all would have been OK. :rolleyes:

    NPO drug in their allies with faulty data. Simple as that.

  4. FAN is never just "going about their business." The bottom line is if the roles were reversed you guys would have done exactly the same thing if not worse.

    Actually, no, we tried to look at it from NPOs side of the deal. Letter of the law: we broke terms. They attacked us over an excuse.

    No diplomacy: -- "FAN is systematically breaking the terms" -- actually about 10%.

    Evidence was presented to other in a hurry -- other trusted the systematic argument.

    So, other alliances jumped in on the tech raid of FAN.

    There is nothing in this problem that could not have been handled diplomatically, but, they make the rules. We were disarmed and unable to defend ourselves (surprise).

    The Phoenix Federation and other believed NPO over facts that were not true. All I have done is use their number to present my case for FAN. No excuses, just the numbers and the terms.

    NPO wanted an excuse. They drug others in with their faulty reasoning.

    10 days to go on terms and a blind attack on their protectorate -- not those out of terms, the entire alliance. WHY?

    Look over this thread and look at the analysis of THEIR evidence.

  5. We are not and were not responsible for removing your ghosts

    Nope. But, that is part of the reason that the terms were written and agreed upon in the fashion that they were. So that FAN and NPO could work together to have teeth while providing NPO the comfort of having us disarmed.

    Thus the reason that I signed those terms. However, NPO needed excuses and 10% seemed a good enough number to attack the alliance that was compliant to the extent that they could be.

  6. NPO seems to think its worth going to war over. Quite frankly i hear the ToS were going to expire in jest a few days before this all occured. If thats the case why couldn't you guys wait another few days to start building up soldiers, factories, ect?

    Actually, we weren't building up at all. We were going about our business. 90% of our alliance between 20 - 30% soldiers seems very reasonable. If 90% of the alliance was at 21%, the same excuse would have been used.

    About 30 nations seem to be out of alignment according to NPO evidence (some are these are not FAN nations (ghost, posers, not registered). Tough to enforce when you don't have troopers in which to enforce -- thus our terms written to account for this.

  7. If anything, I'd say that that implies that FAN nations must have the least troops possible to keep their population happy, as evidenced by the word 'only'.

    FAN nations like more troops. Our nations are just like that. [how 'bout humor this time]

    In a 10,000 citizen nation, the difference between 20% and 30% is 1000 soldiers. Certainly not war footing.

    278 FAN nations were below 30% soldiers. This is 90.8% at minimal soldier levels.

  8. If that is the actual list, then "nearly 1/3" is an overestimation. I count 82 nations in violation, and 9 "ghosts." A total of 91, not the "over 100," although close.

    It was much closer to 1/4 in violation, which is still significant, but without the inflation by the NPO. Still perhaps a just CB.

    That over half of the violators were not even 10% over the 20% (and un-stated) limit, though, is troubling.

    Word of advice to FAN: Always assume the worst possible. Those 30% or more should have known better.

    ...But the thing is, even if we pretend that those 48 were not in violation, whether or not NPO wants to go over 1/8th an alliance violating terms is, well, their decision. Just as it's your decision to question it, I guess.

    I stand with half the Cyberverse when I say "wtf is goin on heur?" I would really like more details to come up. Like, real details, not "omg NPO r eval" or "lol yus guis had it cumin."

    Regardless, I support my allies. I'm curious as to the details like everyone else, but their decision is their decision. If anyone declares on TPF in defense of FAN (lol ya rite), expect a visit.

    FAN will only keep enough soldiers to keep their population happy.

    Inherent in this statement is that FAN nation CAN keep over 20% soldier population. There is not a portion of the terms that states that FAN must stay below any arbitrary percentage or above any arbitrary percentage.

    278 FAN nations were below 30% soldiers. This is 90.8% at minimal soldier levels.

  9. It seems to me that this condition addresses only individual, scattered nations violating the surrender terms. In a situation where fully one third of an alliance is in violation of the terms, this condition is no longer applicable to the situation.

    When the violation of terms becomes so widespread it is no longer an INDIVIDUAL problem, but a SYSTEMIC problem, it is entirely approprate to apply corrective measures to the entire system.

    There was no systematic problem:

    Here's the portion that you are referring to:

    FAN will only keep enough soldiers to keep their population happy.

    Inherent in this statement is that FAN nation CAN keep over 20% soldier population. There is not a portion of the terms that states that FAN must stay below any arbitrary percentage or above any arbitrary percentage.

    278 FAN nations were below 30% soldier percentage. This is 90.8% at minimal soldier levels.

    Of this group, 74.8% of FAN nation were BELOW 20%. Meaning this percentage of FAN nation were BELOW the level need for population happiness.

    Now, it depend on where you set the arbitrary minimum soldiers "to keep their population happy", of course. However, to believe that there was a systematic problem out of compliance with terms is clearly ridiculous.

    It was a BS reason to attack at protectorate for a tech raid (within 2 weeks of the end of terms). Let me repeat that again for the slow in understanding: 90.8% of FAN nations were under 30% soldier at the time of the audit.

    An entire alliance was attacked with a 91% compliance rate -- ghost not excluded - based on NPO's evidence presented. Yes, I'm sure it was systematic and rampant for this level of response

  10. If we add all of that up, it comes out to roughly 1/3 of FAN breaking the terms of the peace treaty, which is what Emperor Revenge and the NPO leadership have been saying all along.

    Bottom line -- FAN did not live up to their part of the surrender terms. Why do they expect the NPO to allow this to happen?

    Here's the portion that you are referring to:

    FAN will only keep enough soldiers to keep their population happy.

    Inherent in this statement is that FAN nation CAN keep over 20% soldier population. There is not a portion of the terms that states that FAN must stay below any arbitrary percentage or above any arbitrary percentage.

    278 FAN nations were below 30% soldier percentage. This is 90.8% at minimal soldier levels.

    Of this group, 74.8% of FAN nation were BELOW 20%. Meaning this percentage of FAN nation were BELOW the level need for population happiness.

    Now, it depend on where you set the arbitrary minimum soldiers "to keep their population happy", of course. However, to believe that 1/3 of FAN was out of compliance with terms is clearly ridiculous.

  11. Isn't there some sort of rule about cross-posting spam? I've read the exact same post from "The Prof" on every FAN war thread.

    There are many different alliances attacked FAN based on NPO evidence. I'm assuming that each had their reason and can lend some light on their reasoning. It seems unfair to ask each a different question and then try to make any comparison across alliances as you analyze the results.

    OOC: I thought this to be an in-character forum? There is a more appropriate place to pose your question.

  12. Does it make you feel better having posted that in all DoW threads? was that really necessary anyways? You just admitted to FAN violating the terms...

    Also, I believe you did get those stats after the war began? Aren't many of your nations now in anarchy below the number of soldiers requirement? What does that prove?

    These are NPO's numbers, not mine, not FAN's numbers. These were the number given to FAN by NPO as their reason for the attack.

    Technically, yes, but technically I've even driven 56 mph in a 55 mph speed limit. :rolleyes:

  13. The Grand Global Alliance declares war on the Federation of Armed Nations to assist our allies in the New Pacific Order per the One Vision Treaty as well as the Round Table Accords between the Grand Global Alliance and the New Pacific Order.


    Beareroftruth, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

    Bilrow, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

    Ironchef, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

    ALdbeign, Elder Statesman

    Emperor Lester II, Elder Statesman

    Kevin the Great, Elder Statesman

    DerekJones, Regent

    Tearowe, Vice-Chancellor of War

    The overwhelming evidence that 306 FAN nations required a full military attack by NPO and required you to enforce your MADP was this evidence presented by NPO?

    5 FAN Nations having Factories (1.6%)

    1 FAN Nations Breaking terms by having Tanks, Planes, or CM's (0.03%)

    2 FAN Nations having 70 – 89-% Soldiers (.065% of all FAN nations)

    5 FAN Nations 60 – 69% Soldiers (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    5 FAN Nations 50 – 59% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    6 FAN Nations 40 – 49% (1.9% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    11 FAN Nations 30 – 39% (3.6% of all FAN Nations, 5 not registered)

    48 FAN Nations 20 – 29% (15.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    229 FAN Nations 0 - 20% (74.8% of all FAN Nations)

    Nothing on the list that could not have been handled diplomatically -- A simple blind attack was used. After 2 month and 2 weeks of a 3 month term of peace we get tech raided by NPO and they convince you to jump on board. Makes little sense to me.

    The peace terms (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=2818)

  14. As punishment for not being able to keep their eyes looking in the right direction Valhalla members are now being sent off to fight FAN. You'll learn the hard way that you're supposed to keep your eyes up and not start fires.

    noWedge the Merciful - Regent, Aesir & Tyrant

    The overwhelming evidence that 306 FAN nations required a full military attack by NPO and required you to enforce your MADP was this evidence presented by NPO?

    5 FAN Nations having Factories (1.6%)

    1 FAN Nations Breaking terms by having Tanks, Planes, or CM's (0.03%)

    2 FAN Nations having 70 – 89-% Soldiers (.065% of all FAN nations)

    5 FAN Nations 60 – 69% Soldiers (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    5 FAN Nations 50 – 59% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    6 FAN Nations 40 – 49% (1.9% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    11 FAN Nations 30 – 39% (3.6% of all FAN Nations, 5 not registered)

    48 FAN Nations 20 – 29% (15.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    229 FAN Nations 0 - 20% (74.8% of all FAN Nations)

    Nothing on the list that could not have been handled diplomatically -- A simple blind attack was used. After 2 month and 2 weeks of a 3 month term of peace we get tech raided by NPO and they convince you to jump on board. Makes little sense to me.

    The peace terms (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=2818)

  15. Upon learning of the illegal weapons cache that FAN had been gathering, despite their current terms of peace, Polaris moved into action and pledged support towards her allies in Pacifica and One Vision.

    We do not take the evasion of peace terms lightly and thus the Federation of Armed Nations is now in a state of war with the New Polar Order. The forces of Polaris shall endeavor to remove the illegal weapons from the possession of FAN nations and deliver a just punishment for their deceit.

    The overwhelming evidence that 306 FAN nations required a full military attack by NPO and required you to enforce your MADP was this evidence presented by NPO?

    5 FAN Nations having Factories (1.6%)

    1 FAN Nations Breaking terms by having Tanks, Planes, or CM's (0.03%)

    2 FAN Nations having 70 – 89-% Soldiers (.065% of all FAN nations)

    5 FAN Nations 60 – 69% Soldiers (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    5 FAN Nations 50 – 59% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    6 FAN Nations 40 – 49% (1.9% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    11 FAN Nations 30 – 39% (3.6% of all FAN Nations, 5 not registered)

    48 FAN Nations 20 – 29% (15.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    229 FAN Nations 0 - 20% (74.8% of all FAN Nations)

    Nothing on the list that could not have been handled diplomatically -- A simple blind attack was used. After 2 month and 2 weeks of a 3 month term of peace we get tech raided by NPO and they convince you to jump on board. Makes little sense to me.

    The peace terms (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=2818)

  16. IRONflag2.png

    We, the Independent Republic of Orange Nations, hereby honor our treaty with our friends, the New Pacific Order. New Pacific Order's reasons are just and honorable. IRON will always support our allies in their time of need.

    Therefore, in accordance with our treaty obligations and effective at the time of this post, a state of war exists between the Independent Republic of Orange Nations and the Federation of Armed Nations.

    May Admin have mercy on your souls, for we certainly will not.

    Cheers. :jihad: :jihad:

    Edit: flag

    The overwhelming evidence that 306 FAN nations required a full military attack by NPO and required you to enforce your MADP was this evidence presented by NPO?

    5 FAN Nations having Factories (1.6%)

    1 FAN Nations Breaking terms by having Tanks, Planes, or CM's (0.03%)

    2 FAN Nations having 70 – 89-% Soldiers (.065% of all FAN nations)

    5 FAN Nations 60 – 69% Soldiers (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    5 FAN Nations 50 – 59% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    6 FAN Nations 40 – 49% (1.9% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    11 FAN Nations 30 – 39% (3.6% of all FAN Nations, 5 not registered)

    48 FAN Nations 20 – 29% (15.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    229 FAN Nations 0 - 20% (74.8% of all FAN Nations)

    Nothing on the list that could not have been handled diplomatically -- A simple blind attack was used. After 2 month and 2 weeks of a 3 month term of peace we get tech raided by NPO and they convince you to jump on board. Makes little sense to me.

    The peace terms (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=2818)

  17. Persuant to our MADP with the New Pacific Order, The Phoenix Federation declares war on FAN.

    For the cookies!

    The overwhelming evidence that 306 FAN nations required a full military attack by NPO and required you to enforce your MADP was this evidence presented by NPO:

    5 FAN Nations having Factories (1.6%)

    1 FAN Nations Breaking terms by having Tanks, Planes, or CM's (0.03%)

    2 FAN Nations having 70 – 89-% Soldiers (.065% of all FAN nations)

    5 FAN Nations 60 – 69% Soldiers (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    5 FAN Nations 50 – 59% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    6 FAN Nations 40 – 49% (1.9% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    11 FAN Nations 30 – 39% (3.6% of all FAN Nations, 5 not registered)

    48 FAN Nations 20 – 29% (15.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    229 FAN Nations 0 - 20% (74.8% of all FAN Nations)

    Nothing on the list that could not have been handled diplomatically -- A simple blind attack was used. After 2 month and 2 weeks of a 3 month term of peace we get tech raided by NPO and they convince you to jump on board. Makes little sense to me.

    The peace terms (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=2818)

  18. I'll summarize and leave this thread to the NPO masses.

    So, the overwhelming evidence that 306 FAN nations (including non-registered) required a full military attack by NPO and Co:

    5 FAN Nations having Factories (1.6%)

    1 FAN Nations Breaking terms by having Tanks, Planes, or CM's (0.03%)

    2 FAN Nations having 70 – 89-% Soldiers (.065% of all FAN nations)

    5 FAN Nations 60 – 69% Soldiers (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    5 FAN Nations 50 – 59% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    6 FAN Nations 40 – 49% (1.9% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    11 FAN Nations 30 – 39% (3.6% of all FAN Nations, 5 not registered)

    48 FAN Nations 20 – 29% (15.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    229 FAN Nations 0 - 20% (74.8% of all FAN Nations)

    Again, I see nothing on the list that could not have been handled diplomatically.

    Simply, the above was used as an excuse to tech raid your protectorate. After 2 month and 2 weeks of a 3 month term of peace we get tech raided.

  19. Perhaps you could point me to the part of the terms where it states we are obligated to make diplomatic contact before enforcing them. Regardless, given the massive number of violations that occurred simultaneously (yes, simultaneously--those nations caught in violation were picked up in a single sweep), any "diplomacy" on our part would have amounted to us informing you of the systematic pattern of violations and then attacking you for it. We preferred not to let you all slip into peace mode.

    I stated in my orginal post:

    I see nothing on the list that could not have been handled diplomatically.

    I stand by the above statement. NPO simply chose not to handle it diplomatically.

    Based on your responses -- It seems, in retrospect, a poor decision to reduce our ability to defend ourselves and to place our alliance under your protection. We needed not to protect ourselves from other alliances - our worry in the signing of these terms, but we needed to worry about protecting ourselves from those that would protect us.

    A necessary sweep, I'm sure, after 3 months under terms and a NAP to follow the terms. I'm left speechless -- NPO just wanted a reason to attack. Any seems as if it would suffice.

    Diplomacy was not an option. Just send everybody to attack every nation in the alliance. Not those in non-compliance. All nations in the alliance. Must have been nice to attack 200 nations in complying to terms and under no ability to defend themselves.

    I'm sure it makes sense so someone. Not to this Prof

  20. We gave you a chance to handle things diplomatically when we allowed you to surrender. You shouldn't have agreed to the terms if you were planning to have over 100 nations violate them (and even if you discount those violators between 21-25% troop levels, there are still well over 60 of them).

    Surrender terms are the only chance to handle things diplomatically? FAN congress, Servers, and NPO handled many diplomatic issues during the course of these terms. Issue of protection, factories, compliance issues. In my memory, I never remember a discussion of 20% (or specific % of) solider. Thus my surprise at the violation reasons.

    Surrender terms were written to designate minimal troops. In a 10,000 citizen nation difference in 20 and 30 % is only 1000 soldiers. A simple infra jump can cause a change of 1000 soldiers needed.

    The spirit of this type of agreement is that the alliance is not on war footing (a treat to security). The spirit of terms is not that each nation is teetering on the edge of anarchy at exactly 20%. Thus the reason that terms were not written in this manner to designate an exact percentage.

    20 – 29% (15.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    I'm trying to understand the lack of diplomacy before an attack on an unarmed alliance under NPOs protection. This is something that I cannot explain to those that ask within the alliance -- I have been asked numerous time since I served in both signing the terms and working through over two months of the terms.

  21. If you're not government then how are you suitable to speak on whether or not diplomatic attempts were made to fix the problem?

    Odd situation here.

    Reading FTW.

    I served as a congressman during the signing of peace (I'm one of the signatures). I served congress until about 2 weeks ago. I'm an honored members and speak with the current .gov on a daily basis as a department head dealing with diplomatic and other issues.

    I would welcome the proof that there was a diplomatic attempt that was ignored by FAN. FAN has been unable to find any attempt at diplomacy before this surprise attack.

  22. 2 duplicates on the NPO presented list:


    AZStan (not a registered FAN member)

    11 are not registered FAN members

    AZStan (not a registered FAN member)

    Republic of Cali (not a registered FAN member)

    killem all (not a registered FAN member)

    Republic of Cali (not a registered FAN member).

    smackeyland (not a registered FAN member)

    Gun Land (not a registered FAN member)

    Empire of Terra (not a registered FAN member)

    Freedom Republic (not a registered FAN member)

    Bugaha Land (not a registered FAN member)

    Oliver's Empire (not a registered FAN member)

    Jagerland (not a registered FAN member)

    FAN Violators having Factories:

    Oil Country



    The Riech


    Total Forum Post: 200

    Average Post: 33.33 post

    Max: 58 post

    Min: 6 post

    FAN Nations Breaking terms by having Tanks, Planes, or CM's

    Coldworld (18 days in alliance, not found to be in violation)

    Jagerland (not a registered FAN member)

    FAN Nations listed by order of %Soldiers of Population:

    70 – 89-% (.065% of all FAN nations (306 in FAN) 1 not registered)

    Oil Country, 79% (Base member with 55 post in FAN forums, 400 days old)

    killem all, 71%, Not registered

    Barajas , 71% (Base members with 10 post in FAN forums, 335 days old)

    60 – 69% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    The United Joseph, 69%,

    Republic of Cali., 68%, Not registered

    Illumines , 66%,

    Gotland , 63%,

    coldworld , 63%, 18 days in alliance

    Aldenia , 60%,

    50 – 59% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    dinosaur island , 57%,

    Confederate Alliance , 56%,

    The Red States , 56%,

    heroes and legends , 54%,

    Glockinstan , 53%,

    smackeyland , 52%, Not registered

    40 – 49% (1.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    Kingdom of Zurx , 49%,

    Krasnovian Republic , 48%,

    Tashbahn , 48%,

    CruachanMC , 44%,

    Basement Republic, 44%,

    Jagerland, 44%, Not registered

    turflodge, 43%,

    30 – 39% (3.6% of all FAN Nations, 5 not registered)

    Bimmerland , 38%,

    Evil Queen Natalie , 38%,

    Gun Land , 36%, Not registered

    Zurgues , 36%,

    Empire of Terra , 34%, Not registered

    Rainier , 34%,

    Greenland Republic , 33%,

    Black Rifle 223 , 33%,

    Freedom Republic , 33%, Not registered

    Side 3 , 33%,

    Medicmandans_World , 33%,

    Kalashnikovnia , 32%,

    Bugaha Land , 32%, Not registered

    Serenus , 31%,

    LedZepland , 31%,

    AZSTAN , 30%, Not registered

    20 – 29% (15.6% of all FAN Nations, 1 not registered)

    Land of the Ceasars , 29%,

    Tyrshaven , 29%,

    Republic of Brouland , 29%,

    Utzland , 29%,

    hukedonfoneks , 28%,

    Fishmarket , 28%,

    Pennston , 28%,

    afghanistanimation , 28%,

    The Atlas States , 28%,

    Oliver's Empire , 27%, Not registered

    smokehouse , 27%,

    Deride , 27%,

    Mosintopia , 26%,

    Capitalia , 26%,

    Jammin , 25%,

    Lauzonia , 25%,

    Palatine , 25%,

    Hornyville , 25%,

    Templar , 24%,

    NukeMecca , 24%,

    VaultTec , 24%,

    Ralphie Land , 24%,

    Dijonmustardistan , 24%,

    Timmastan , 24%,

    Postfalia , 23%,

    Banlovit , 23%,

    NewRomania , 23%,

    Cochise , 23%,

    Legion of JMB , 23%,

    Huskerville , 23%,

    smoke and a pancake , 23%,

    Land Of Andy , 22%,

    87istan , 22%,

    Tatamagouche , 22%,

    Wolfistan, 22%,

    Eaglenest , 22%,

    DarkTide , 21%,

    Francophile , 21%,

    Rhodesia , 21%,

    Kalashnistan , 21%,

    Pennglock , 21%,

    Unholy Nation , 21%,

    Lupus Specus , 21%,

    Royal Cartmanland , 21%,

    Darryayah , 21%,

    Large Tractor , 21%,

    Silent Burger Nation , 21%,

    Browning , 21%,

    Liberty Republic , 21%,

    I see nothing on the list that could not have been handled diplomatically.

    I served FAN in congress during the signing of peace terms and through two months of the peace terms there was no actual percentage placed on the peace terms (may want to correct video).

    We NEVER heard any discussion from NPO about the number of soldier during the 2 month and 3 week of terms upheld. FAN and NPO were in communication during the entire peace terms. I no longer serve in .gov of FAN, however, there have been no recent problem in the past week.

    Yes, factories have been a problem at times (early). These have been handled on an individual basis throughout the term in a manner sufficient for both NPO and FAN -- members have been expelled, and ZIed as appropriate.

    The data above does not look at time of growth when soldier are purchase to handle infra jumps, or low vs high infra nations. There were several data point that stood out on the above list, these have been noted.

    I have studied the data since the time that the proof of violations was presented. I'm still at a loss to understand how an alliance under protection of another can be suddenly attacked by its protector. There is no war footing that I can find in any of the evidence presented.

    Are there violations, I guess -- but there is no violation of the spirit of the terms on an alliance level. 3 months is a long time to go have this level of problems at the end of terms (2 weeks to go) based on the evidence presented.

    Rational thought would be appreciated. I'm just an Indian, not a Chief -- however, I served in a leadership position for during the signing of terms and during the terms.

    The (perplexed) Prof

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