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Posts posted by Neuromancer7

  1. I'm trying to remember if I remember you. What alliances were you in?


    I was in the FCC twice, the MCXA, TSO, OMFG, and The House of Lords, before retireing to Creole where I eventually fell due to apathy and deletion. I announced the disbandment of Citadel and oversaw the quiet death/dissolution of the FCC. I made some noise after TSO broke away from MCXA(no lets not start that again). I talked to people,. though mostly on private forums in embassies and on IRC.

    But ultimately i never really mattered all that much, But then again, who does?


    Welcome back, I vaguely remember you :P

    Thank you most kindly.

  2. As it says in my new Nation Information: "Salamandastron7 was built on the ruins of Salmandastron7 The tragically misspelled nation by the ruler of the same name and identity. In a previous life Neuromancer7 ruled over this nation through war, but mostly prosperity hitting a peak rank of 67th in Cyber Nations and remaining in the top 1-5% thereafter until finally succumbing to apathy. Only time will tell how long this resurrection will endure."


    You have officially been warned. Keep to the code. You can't keep the sky from me.


    Also: Hi!

  3. I hope you know I love you both.

    While it is nice, though somewhat uncharacteristic, to see this in letter, the ideals have long existed in Spirit.

    Should anyone attack either of you it will be nothing short of hilarious. Though why anyone would ever want to, or furthermore think it would be a good idea, is well beyond my imagination.

    In any case, this announcement pleases me... And I just thought you should know.

  4. We don't seem to have data for June up yet...

    I haven't been paying much attention lately, since I've had no trades anyway... But that looks like it might be fixed soon.

    c/p from mars wonder thingy

    Mine Effectiveness: 80%
    Last Moved: 4/9/2011
    Location: -46.00000, -69.00000

  5. FYI you get 12 trades total, unless you're doubling up on something for no apparent reason.

    Water is a requirement for Beer. With 3BR Beer, Fast Food and Construction, you get to round it out with TWO extra resources... Fish and Uranium are popular.

  6. Pigs: Neuromancer7
    Sugar: Neuromancer7
    Cattle: draggie
    Water: draggie
    Wheat: baxter66
    Iron: foxtwo
    Fish: foxtwo
    Uranium/Gems/Wine: baxter66

    I don't really care if we finish with Uranium or Gems. Or even Wine or Silver. Gems > Uranium > Silver > Wine or thereabouts(Note: This is based on offhand guesswork. I'm a veteran and know the game.. But I didn't exactly run the numbers now did I?)

    draggie foxtwo and I are all long term veterans etc. We're not likely to be leaving the game any time soon. And, yes we can afford to help you buy a Harbor.

  7. [quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1303001417' post='2691734']
    Black weeps :(. You shall be missed.

    Well said, and I second this heartily.

    It certainly does seem as though we are approaching the heat death of the universe as we know it. We're not there yet, but I think it's safe to say that it's on the horizon.

  8. I relocated my three mars thingies...

    Data points for November are(Data listed in the order it's displayed):
    67% -> -25.79989, -6.32813
    60% -> -65.65827, 40.78125
    50% -> -27.99440, 169.80469

    It's rather doubtful that I'll bother doing the math... But there's the data if someone wants to run the number for Novembers hotspot.

  9. [quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1284223728' post='2449917']
    I just imagined Deligo in a french maid outfit.



    [quote name='PhysicsJunky' timestamp='1284225573' post='2449941']
    I've heard of retirement alliances but I think you've almost gone a step further and become a retired alliance. ^_^
    Coming from Creole? I don't even know what to say to that.

  10. I am required by internal referendum to Post in this Epic thread...

    And by epic I mean epic fail.

    Obviously "the dark lords" and "TOLWYN" need to GTFO until they RTFM.


    This has been an official communication from the Salmandastron7 Department of Condemnation.

    That is All.

  11. [center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/a/a2/Fcc_fcc_main_bar_flag_300x200.png[/img]
    This is an Official Announcement of the FCC

    "A toast, A TOAST... QUIET! Shut UP! I'm a, I got words, I'm saying, This is an Auspicious day. We all know what day it is. A Glorious day for all the proud members of the FCC, Ratification Day! The dawn of a new galaxy! Four years ago today we ratified a new kind of charter for a new kind of Alliance."
    ~ The Train Job, Firefly(Paraphrased ofc)
    Note: Apologies to Joss Whedon

    That's right folks. While there was something of a prototype before this date four years ago... This is the day that we Ratified our first charter and technically and officially came into existence. We're always been different and somewhat strange, But we've enjoyed our freedom, democracy, and most of the time peace in the four years we've been around.

    Happy Birthday to us, Happy birthday to us, Happy Birthday dear FCC... Happy birthday to us.

    In other news, the Citadel Trading Company is no longer under our protection as of this date.


    Cake, pie and booze will be served at the reception. The Cake is a lie, but Pi is always true.

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