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Posts posted by Haklangr

  1. [quote name='bobdd' timestamp='1301940151' post='2684075']
    No strategy. This probably isn't possible on this type of game, but it would be really fun if you could actually have a battle screen, direct your troops throughout the fight, telling them where to go, who to engage and what to do. that's probably too advanced for cybernations but you have to admit that'd make the game way more fun.[/quote]
    Well, I wouldn't really like any sort of RTS element in Cyber Nations. Part of the reason I like this game is the slow-paced, cerebral, simple (tech-wise) feel to it. I would like to see a little more strategy, though... perhaps some more "moves", like "Flanking Attack", or even just making some of the little-used options (Dogfight?) more viable.

    [quote]Plus there's nothing to really define a nation in this game. All there is to tell one nation from another is basically its name and strength. the only choices we have to the culture of the game is small things like the gov. and religion, the ethnicity, and the gov. positions. no extra stuff like education, healthcare, holidays, crime, or customs and traditions. plus the citizens really don't do anything. They're just there. No protests, no civil wars, no uprisings, no special citizens or advisers, no criminals, no scientific discoveries, no assassination attempts, no racism, no discrimination, no calls for social or economic reform, they don't do anything except give you taxes. Maybe if they DID something, the game would be more entertaining.
    Yeah, definitely agreed. I always roleplay my nation to give it an identity, but I'd like it if there were some more in-game effects from this; perhaps being Viking, my people don't mind fighting wars as much, but also don't grow population as fast, or something.

  2. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301682457' post='2682322']
    No. They don't. Ask just about anyone and they'll consider sending money, soldiers, and tech to someone an act of war. Especially when soldiers are included since that's an obvious "aiding the war effort" act. They could give a crap if you're supplying them with marble. Very rarely someone will try to push the uranium supplying issue, but that's still a gray area on planet Bob. If you think you can make attacking trade partners the new thing, I wish you luck. You will have very little support.
    It doesn't matter what common opinion is, though; the point is that even resource trading is aiding the enemy. It's just a matter of degree - it might not be worth doing anything about at that level, but if you're against tech deals at war you should, at least in theory, be against trading circles in war too.

    Edit: Then again, tech deals could very well turn the tide of a war, but a broken trade circle wouldn't spell immediate disaster, AFAIK. Hmm.

  3. I'm not bored with the gameplay, exactly; I'm bored because it's too slow. Right now, I can do four things involving my cybernation: arrange tech deals, arrange trade circle, pay bills, collect taxes. The first two I can do once, then they're done. They only require PMs and forums, anyway, and I'm stuck at the pace of the other parties.

    So what I'm stuck doing is paying bills. That's all I can do! Literally my entire cybernations experience, until the one day a week I make some infra purchases, is paying bills. I can't even collect taxes, since it's inefficient to do that every day; for the same reason, I can't buy infrastructure or tech. I have hours of free time, and I'd like to devote them to my newest hobby and grow my nation... but all I can do is wait for update, then [b]pay bills[/b]!

    At least give me some kind of mini-game that grows my nation minutely, or something! A "random event" button, a "random challenge" button... anything! My nation moves at a snail's pace and I want to manage something!

    [quote name='bobdd' timestamp='1301761625' post='2682891']
    There's not much to do in cybernations and each day we're losing more and more players. All there really is to do is trade, aid, and war with roleplay as the most exciting thing that really happens.
    Well, what else would you like to do? What changes do you want to see?

  4. Thanks, y'all. I have re-rolled and ended up with Gold and Iron; how does that sound?

    I think it seems much better, but I'm not sure by how much. I still would prefer to be in the "top tier" of resource combinations, even if it requires more re-rolling. If I play this game for a while, I think even small disadvantages will accumulate!

    So to use htmlmaster's criteria, I guess I'm asking if these two resources fit into a good trade ring. I think they fall under Tier #2 in his ranking... hmm. I can't decide if it'd be worth chancing a re-roll.

  5. Yep, it's a new nation. I'll just reroll when I can, then. Thanks a lot for your (collective your) help!

    Question: my nation appears to be happy with Monarchy AND Norse religion. As I recall, Monarchy is one of the best governments for a small-to-medium nation (or something like that?), and based on my nation theme I'd be pretty disappointed if my nation turned out to want to practice Voodoo or whatever. Is your starting preferred government and preferred religion important? Can you ever get your populace to change?

  6. How important are your starting resources? I seem to recall getting some starting resources being much better than getting others... I think because if you have a certain resource, or combination of resources, then you will be useless for the better types of trade circles. I may be misremembering, however.

    Am I alright with Coal and Gems, or should I start over once I can delete my nation...? Advice please!

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