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Posts posted by Stylesjl

  1. I would like to make a few predictions as to how wars in Cybernations will be waged in the future. My assumptions rely on the idea of what war will be in a major inter-bloc conflict in the next few months (from the start of 2008 and onwards)

    There are some things that have changed about the war system recently which prompt me to write this. If you find my predictions or assumptions unrealistic, or if you find my data inaccurate, I will welcome criticism to improve this. I would also welcome your own contributions to build a better picture

    The first thing to understand is the implementation of military wonders. This, I predict will change many aspects of warfare. Especially nuclear warfare among the top tier nations

    My first prediction is that nuclear weapons will become far more common over the next few months. Any nation with a large enough income could now buy a manhatten project to build nuclear weapons. This will result in a greater number of nuclear rogues and will result in many small alliances also gaining access to a greater number of nuclear weapons. This in turn will result in nuclear wars and wars in general becoming a more destructive endeavour. The counterbalance to this however will be the SDI wonder, this will result in nuclear wars also decreasing in the level of devestation for individual nations whom have invested in SDI. However the destruction will now be more "Evenly" spread across the board of an alliance as now many more nations will be victims of nuclear weapons

    My second prediction is that a stark contrast will begin to develop between economic based alliances and military prepared alliances. Alliances that are in a frequent state of war or alliances that are downright paranoid of being attacked will invest heavily into military based wonders such as the SDI, Hidden Silo, CIA and Manhatten Project. This will come at the expense of their economic growth as they lose the income gained from the normal economic wonders. So in future military based alliances could become very powerful as they can be sheilded from nuclear attacks, have more spies, have a greater number of nuke armed nations and this will result in military investing alliances having an advantage over economic alliances, at the expense of their long term growth of their nations from the oppurtunity cost of not buying income enhancing wonders

    The third prediction is that in the future it will be harder to bring down small alliances and rogue nations. A well prepared nation could hold out for a very long time if they stockpile a great deal of cash and use many military enhancing wonders, such as the manhatten project (which will allow nukes to be bought even at ZI). This could result in relative power shifting away from large, well resourced alliances. However this could be wrong, as this rule will only apply to large and well developed nations being brought down to Zero Infrastructure

    So questions/comments/insults?

    Edit: Fixed one of my points

  2. maybe but how many nation honestly make enough to buy that that are under the 5% of the nations.. 100million isnt a small amount.. it takes a long time to get that for me and im prety high up. i dont think nations under the 5% wil lget that

    I can get it in 25 days If I wanted at 4 million a day. Right now I have no pressing need for more nukes since I am maxed out already, so I will buy it maybe in a few months time (depends on political circumstances). I can also push myself over the top 5% if I inflated my strength with military. Right now it sucks up upkeep costs so I don't inflate my strength.

    But I think it will come in handy in the future especially when the top 5% becomes richer and richer

  3. Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo - $30,000,000 - Allows your nation to develop +5 nuclear missiles that cannot be destroyed in spy attacks.

    Can admin or anyone clarify this for me, does this wonder allow you to purchase an additional 5 nukes on top of the current 20 nuke cap, or does it just protect 5 of the nukes in your arsenal from spy attacks?

    It allows you to have up to 25 nukes, with your last five being immune to spies

  4. Doesn't that make the SDI nearly useless? It's easy to re-buy nukes, so this really wouldn't justify the $75m cost.

    Indeed, does this mean that a single nation can launch multiple nukes until one hits?

    Can a mod please confirm this?

    You can only buy one nuke per day, so the SDI is good because a foe will burn through nukes that would otherwise do damage.

  5. prior to GW2 if my memory serves :rolleyes:

    It indirectly triggered Great War 2 I think. Because when it got into the media, Fark saw the news and posted a link to this place on their web site. Then they started coming in, then GOONS attacked then LUE intervened and bam Great War 2 kicked off :awesome:

  6. They all sound pretty neat, except the Federal Aid Agency. But I think the Manhatten Project is probaly the best thing. The latest tech re-evaluation set me back under the top 5% The manhatten project would reduce the pressure to buy so much technology off the market

  7. Uranium and Spices have never really given me stable trades, it's hard to find good resources and the traders quite often pullout (athough I did manage to have some trades that lasted a couple of months). But today I was offered a trade circle so finally I think I will have permanent stability and some really decent resources

  8. I find the non-war political and financial side fun as well. In fact I haven't had a "Real" war in a long time (I have fought wars but they never fought back due to inactivity). Alliance politics, financial transfers and generally establishing social networks are a fun aspect of the game. Although I think the threat of war also helps. That is the main purpose behind alliances for example, to protect others from attack, and the threat of war can help spice up politics ("I have more guns and allies then you do, so do as I tell you" for example)

  9. I roleplay Pontbridge as an island city state. It is a sovereign nation much like Singapore. I think of alliances as a kind of Regional (or global for large alliances) organisation that has varying levels of control over their members (depends on the alliance). And with blocs and treaties being agreements between these supernational organisations. But I generally think of all the nations as being fairly small amounts of towns and cities

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