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Posts posted by Alex987

  1. >_<




    cant i let the other 250+ members do sumthing Y_Y


    and be lazy :3


    i mean its not in the red xP




    Excuse me I did more recruiting last summer than you did from the beginning of 2012 to now, you need to support the reputation you have :P

  2. Right, because the same alliances whose passions are inflamed enough to fight indefinitely also think they could not re-engage if Polaris et al actually imposed terms so wild that the same passions would be inflamed.

    The fear held by the AAs you've stood yourselves beside is not that we've got an evil plan for NPO, it's that we might do to them what they did to us--that's a you problem not an us problem.


    Start surrendering, start the peace process.


    So rather than the standard "peace, no re-entry", you're going to be proposing "peace, re-enter if you feel like it" terms? You and I both know that there's a large grey area that grants permissibility to unfair terms when you need to break a peace treaty in order to ensure that they don't happen. Unjust peace terms will still be unjust without being outrageous enough for the entire coalition to break their peace deals, which is why peacing separately isn't an option that makes both sides better off as people keep claiming.


    Rhetoric aside it's worth noting that GOD isn't actually helping their ally by entering- to the contrary they are extending the duration of the conflict and scuttling an existing peace process. GOD entered to seize limelight for both itself and its leader, that's the singular material impact of this move. It isn't honorable or heroic - it's silly.


    This is the same bad scaled-up logic as saying that everybody except NPO peacing out will allow the war to end the quickest. Yes, it will end quickly, but without opposition you are free to impose terms arbitrarily. "Shortest war" =/= "Least damage", because if that were true then there would be no reason to fight in a losing war at any point. And GOD followed through on GOONS' callout. In a sense this whole situation is a lose-lose for both parties, but that's what happens when you declare a war with the tact of a walrus.


    Doesn't change the fact that you are appealing to personal considerations as opposed to logic or reason to deflect from the points I made. For the record, an opinion is an extension of said person.




    This back-and-forth has been me saying "Here are the numbers, this is the explanation for why our peripheral front is escalating while the center is remaining the same". And your response has basically just been "Nuh uh - I swear! Stop being so egotistical to think we care enough to roll YOU!"


    So you've done it... you made me research why STA was so heavily attacked, by looking at the war web thread, and within 3 seconds I determined the answer for you. STA had an entirely different set of alliances at war with them: RIA, Echelon, GOD, TTK, and IRON. Yes, IRON. Whereas NPO and R&R are both at war with TOP, MI6, and now GOONS. The same set of resources is being redistributed from fighting NPO to fighting R&R.


    The reason STA was so heavily attacked is blatantly due to treaty chains, but GOONS was already at war with NPO (because they did not have an NAP with them like IRON) and has switched to attack R&R. The implications are pretty obvious, and hardly constitute a conspiracy theory.


    The relevance is that STA's was just like R&R in terms of how they entered the war. The odds they faced were far greater than R&R. By your logic, you would say that the new motive of the war was to wreck STA -- even though that's nonsensical. For the record STA did not complain and whine about the fact they were covered, nor did they make up conspiracies that the war is now about them.


    You have such an over inflated opinion of yourself to think that this war has now become about you.


    Like I said, I haven't followed the war in regards to STA, but my understanding is that they were attacked because them peacing out separately was actually feasible, but I think we've made it abundantly clear that we're not doing the same.



    If there was an agenda to focus our efforts on Plan B, we would never of offered you a fair exit out of the war, and certainly would not of made certain concessions out of our discretion at the start of the war, where TIO/NATO were allowed to have an advantage over Sparta. We have been way more than understanding of your position and several alliances went out of their way to help you. Yet now that you are adequately covered, many rounds after the war started, you whine. Pathetic.


    Lol, Rob, cut the thug lyfe crap.


    And the "fair exit" of before is still the same "fair exit" of now, which is leaving our allies out to dry. We wouldn't have done it if we defended NpO, and we're not going to do it now that we're defending NPO, so you can get your kicks in. Just be honest about it without the quasi-moralist tippytoeing. I know that we have friends in your coalition that you're trying to appease with the "we're just doing it to finish the war justification" though, which is why that story is being clung to so tightly.

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