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Posts posted by TheFinalHero

  1. veflagxc0fq1.jpg



    In tune with the theme of Christmastime and the holiday season, the Viridian Entente is pleased to announce a unique opportunity open to nations across the Cyberverse: Rulers from any alliance can redeem 3 million in dollars, pesos, or any currency currently available in Cybernations or in payment of equivalent technology (100 tech) simply by recruiting 5 members for the VE.

    Also, for every subsequent set of five members recruited, nations will receive an additional 3 million. As there is no set limit to recruits, nations are free to earn as much money or technology as they want or can. Groups of nations can choose to recruit together, but the set amount of money or tech will be sent out to only one nation for every five recruits and can be further divided up from there.

    Any nation which participates in the VE's program agrees on terms of recruitment and payment by default. All obligations of the Viridian Entente in regards to payment will be null and void with any nations found to be actively attempting to defraud, embezzle, or deceive the Entente in any way including but not limited to: creating inactive nations merely to join the Entente; joining the Entente on a temporary basis; recruiting friends and/or allies to join on a temporary basis; forcing nations to join by military means; recruiting nations already in an alliance. The Viridian Entente reserves the right to terminate or delay its obligations with proper cause.

    As potential participants in this new business, nations may feel free to contact me by PM, in-game, or on IRC on Coldfront's #VE channel with any questions or comments. Terms are, for the most part, non-negotiable, but contact me in any case.

    The Viridian Entente is proud to become the first venue for this second service industry in the Cyberverse, in addition to the tech-trading business now seen elsewhere in abundance. We hope that the rest of Planet Bob will benefit from this new opportunity.


    TheFinalHero: Head of Recruitment

    God of Salt: Secretary of Interior

  2. Your theory of history in a series of cycles is correct, of course, in a generic sort of way, but far from applicable, in my opinion.

    Personally, having been witness to the history of CN since March 2006, no alliance, organization, or coalition has ever truly altered the NPO's hegemony. At best, there have been challenges, but the NPO has overcome them. The CoaLUEtion never held hegemony. The NPO bounced back from their defeat in less than a month.

    I was never a fan of the NPO, but continual success despite varied adversity has made me a backseat bandwagoner.

    EDIT: Wow, this is an epic grave-dig.

  3. I find the JL threads that tell me of their imminent victory nearly as annoying as the UJP threads that tell me that the advantage is leaning towards their victory, because no one is allowed to use Anarchies, NS, or any standard stats as accurate descriptions of how the war is going anymore.

    I'll go by NS loss, by the way. I don't care if you've lost a million 1 NS nations or one 1000000 NS nation. Either you've lost a great deal of your power or you've bled out a load of members.

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