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Everything posted by mobmentality

  1. Called it. [quote name='mobmentality' timestamp='1299270105' post='2652662'] -Standing by for the follow up post containing either an emotional appeal about how they just wanted to be left alone or how we're actually all on the same side. -Portraying one's opinion that the superior party is inferior in character and declaring it as fact. -portraying a superior party as morally misguided and irrational [/quote] [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299275712' post='2652727'] ...You miss the part where I explained this was not an optional decision for us... ...I'm not going to go and explain the concept of honor to you again, you can't possibly understand... ...you also missed the part where I said you should stop living in this delusional world of yours where everyone is only in this because they want to get a shot off at GOONS... [/quote] and again. [quote name='mobmentality' timestamp='1299270105' post='2652662'] Portraying one's opinion that the superior party is inferior in character and declaring it as fact. [/quote] [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299284761' post='2652879'] It is not my fault that you cannot hope to understand the concept of honor. [/quote] whoa slow down Hamlet [quote name='mobmentality' timestamp='1299270105' post='2652662'] -This is a classic passive-aggressive tactic of portraying a superior party as morally misguided and irrational -emotional appeal about how they just wanted to be left alone or how we're actually all on the same side. -how we're confused and our aggression should be focused on another "mutual"/secret enemy...knowing these guys it'll be one of their less valuable allies -Portraying one's opinion that the superior party is inferior in character and declaring it as fact. [/quote] [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299288734' post='2652949'] Oh Sardy, this delusional little bubble world you live in is quite funny to hear you rant about. Second, I think a "reasonable amount of reps" would be in Doomhouse paying NPO for the damage they caused. Collecting the spoils of an aggressive war, like you seek to do, is [i]never[/i] reasonable. Third, I find it funny that you know so much about the intent of this side. Hm, I don't recall seeing you in the leadership section of our coalition boards, perhaps you choose to simply lurk in our high command IRC channels? Fourth... I am not some 'crusade' against GOONS, as much as you want me to be. [i]I don't even hate you[/i], as damaging as revealing that fact will be to your over-sized ego. [/quote] [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299314291' post='2653364'] All the quicker Duckroll can move towards forgetting about how they let their multiple allies (plus one bloc-mate) burn in this war. But I suspect you won't forget for too long, when Doomhouse decides to go for you without a CB and there is nobody left alive to help you out. I'll be waiting with a nice fat "Told ya so" when that day comes. [/quote] and finally [quote name='mobmentality' timestamp='1299270105' post='2652662'] -portraying a superior party as morally misguided and irrational. -how we're confused or misdirected -Portraying one's opinion that the superior party is inferior in character and declaring it as fact. [/quote] [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299346555' post='2653586'] It is only in your imagination that there existed some anti-GOONS coalition between then and now. I already explained to you why we are engaged with GOONS. Unless you believe I am so vastly important that I can direct an entire coalition to attack you just so I can get a personal shot off, it is clear that your insinuations are a load of bunk. [i]I didn't want to enter a losing war against GOONS[/i] because I know what you people are like. But when the coalition decided on it's target, I had no choice. [/quote] In conclusion, suck it.
  2. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299274805' post='2652717'] Right, because GOONS is the morally superior alliance in this conflict Let me get this straight: GOONS declares an unprovoked aggressive war, for the repeated reason that you just want to smash stuff, but you're the good guys? How damned delusional do you have to be? What the hell are they feeding you guys over there? [/quote] I never said we're the good guys. We're more like THE guys. You know? Something is broke, who do you call? You call the guys who fix it. Something needs to be broken, same thing. We do it all baby.
  3. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1299263670' post='2652580'] I don't think anyone is actively looking to disband legion. You can come down from your martyr cross now. Also people are really overestimating how much we hate other alliances. There are precious few alliances that I outright loathe. [/quote] It's not martyrdom. Martyrdom at least has the respectable quality of intending to promote a cause through personal sacrifice, not self preservation. This is a classic passive-aggressive tactic of portraying a superior party as morally misguided and irrational. Standing by for the follow up post containing either an emotional appeal about how they just wanted to be left alone or how we're actually all on the same side. That or about how we're confused and our aggression should be focused on another "mutual"/secret enemy...knowing these guys it'll be one of their less valuable allies. Dr. Mob, signing off. edit: Forgot about the other approach. Portraying one's opinion that the superior party is inferior in character and declaring it as fact.
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