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Posts posted by MOAIS

  1. -----

    I would quote Bob Janova and idriveavw, in their posts immediately above this one, but first they're too long and secondly it would be redundant. What I will say is that they're both dead on. This is particularly true when they refute those who whine that "now nations with a lot of active military are stronger than mine!" Really? Whoda thunkit? Isn't that the real measure of a nation's strength to begin with? And if you don't want to place the proper value on military strength, then you clearly must take the backbone of a nation into account. In nation-building terms we refer to backbone as INFRASTRUCTURE.

    Then there are those who "play to win", but somehow believe that NS is the measure of that goal. To that I say your inflated NS, taken into battle against a TRULY strong nation, would have proven beyond doubt who was really winning! If you're truly playing to win and you want to use NS to measure your progress, you should actually be happy with this change since your yardstick now measures more accurately.

    This was an improperly executed change. The admins should be called on the carpet for bringing this online with no warning or explanation. They should perhaps also be brought to account for making no effort to properly compensate those nations who invested millions upon millions of dollars into technology which had a stated value at the time it was purchased, and then that value is arbitrarily changed without notice or input. That's shameful work on the part of the admins. I believe they should answer for this. However, the change was not only proper, it was NECESSARY. There should still be a closer look taken at altering the actual value of tech (there should be no cap to the benefit it offers) but bringing the NS value of tech in line with it's actual value was absolutely the right call.


  2. I find your post ironic considering the basis for your alliance's finances was the sale of tech (and you were very good at it)

    LOL oh it's more than a little ironic...but those who know me know I believe first and foremost in justice, honor and the application of intelligence. While I reluctantly accept this change as a tech dealer, I wholeheartedly embrace it as a player. I think tech was improperly responsible for the building of our "scores" when in fact the benefit of tech was limited AT BEST. This solution is still not the right one, but it's a step in the right direction. Advanced technology makes a huge difference in the economy and military of a nation; that advancement doesn't "cap" in any way. The United States, with each new microchip, moves light years ahead of third-world countries. Likewise our military (when it's actually unleashed) would decimate even the largest army of lesser-equipped soldiers. So the problem with tech in CN is actually that it doesn't carry its correct value in real terms--but to have it carry that value in "false" terms (IE increased nation strength when in fact no increase was taking place) is actually worse. That's why I like this move--it corrects a misperception in NS.

    Ultimately the admins should be looking at ways to properly administer the application of technology upon real strength. People have suggested that tech's influence on NS should be scaled. I disagree. What should be scaled is tech's REAL influence (and likewise it's effect on NS as a result of it's real increase to such). There should be no cap...but at the same time, larger nations should not be able to just roll over smaller ones (for gameplay purposes) because they're older and better financed. I believe that TECH SHOULD BE SCALED IN REAL TERMS, that TECH'S EFFECT ON NATION STRENGTH SHOULD BE DIRECTLY TIED TO THIS REAL-TERM FIGURE, and that THE PRICE OF TECH SHOULD CLIMB MUCH MORE SHARPLY THAN IT DOES...and it shouldn't be a breeze to just go to a small nation and say "here, sell me some". There should be a restriction of some kind formulated for that, too.

    What the game needs after that, I believe, is a REAL commodities market. If the admins want to make this interesting, give us something more than just tech to work with--and make nations ASSEMBLE their technology. That would open up all kinds of new markets, and it would allow tech to carry its proper value without the loophole of tech-dealing being a loophole after all. Small nations would deal in commodities. Commodities would be used to build tech. Bringing tech online would have an additional cost to the nations doing so. In this way we all get something proper out of the deal.


  3. -----

    For the first time since I've been involved with the game I see a change that is EXACTLY the one that should have been made. The tech modifier was not a realistic measure of the benefit of technology; it artificially increased NS in a manner that actually hurt nations in the long run (because they looked stronger than they actually were). The change hurts nations only on paper; frankly, the infra-heavy nations were always "superior" to begin with, in real-strength terms. Anyone playing this game for any length of time should by now have figured out that Infra is the lightning to technology's thunder (the thunder makes the noise but the lightning does the work). The only people this really hurts (and that's only in the short-term) are technology dealers (I know a little something about that since tech dealing is the entire principle behind the Alliance that I founded) and tech buyers who are in the middle of a deal. Still, I'm ELATED by this change. People will still buy tech. People will still need tech. Tech will still have a great benefit for nations. It just won't have the out-of-whack value that it had before.

    This was a good move.


  4. -----

    I don't think it's just disappearing and reappearing accounts. I can log in, go two or three links deep, and then click on a link and "sit and spin". When I try a different link (IE with "open in new tab") it takes me back to the login screen. I try to log in, it sits and spins. Click back, click a link, it brings me to the login screen with character confirmation. I always have two or three tabs at a time open and active; this has never been an issue before.

    Basically I think the whole site might be a little wonky right now.

    Glad to hear they are aware something is up.


  5. Sales of Commemorative Government Manufactured Gerald Bobbleheads are through the roof! :lol:

    The nation of Libertaire wishes to inform you of our intent to enforce our Trademark and Patent on the "Gerald Bobblehead" product, name and likeness.

    You will immediately pay the sum of $3 Million and issue a written apology to the Gerald Bobblehead Coalition or the government factories where these knock-offs are being manufactured will be Perma-ZI'd.

    This is your only warning.

    PS - In exchange for your entire inventory of Gerald Bobbleheads, we will forget the matter completely and ship several cartons of Prime Minister MOAIS Bobbleheads. Nobody seems to want these anywhere. Take them. Please.


    The Federation of Independently Ruled Empires has announced that as of 12:01am, CN Server Time, a tentative peace agreement was reached with the RLMMO Alliance, effectively ceasing hostilities between the Alliances and their member nations. The pact is tentative pending the approval of the full membership of the two organizations, and contingent upon no further acts of intentional aggression committed between the parties involved.

    F.I.R.E. founder, Prime Minister MOAIS of the nation Libertaire, has issued the following statement:

    "In the course of the leadership of a nation or group of nations, well-meaning but ultimately detrimental decisions are made. These decisions often have far-reaching consequences and ramifications that are not immediately apparent. The leaders of RLMMO and FIRE have been party to some of these ill-conceived decisions of late. Both made some significant errors in judgement.

    It is with great relief that I bring you the following news; at the darkest hour of our conflict, when every action can have devastating effect, a glimmer of reason appeared. Together the leaders of our respective sides nurtured that glimmer into a shining light. It has banished us from the darkness, and brought us all back from the brink of almost certain destruction.

    While no one has gotten everything they may have desired from this war, everyone achieved a new understanding of his or her own faults. Everyone has recognized his or her contributions to the events and circumstances that lead to this conflict. Everyone has realized the narrow escape we've made. Everyone is thankful to be staring no longer over the precipice, but rather at a new and promising future. The chasm of war has been filled with the blessing of hope.

    We are requesting that all members of the Coalition for Justice stand down immediately. We are also commending those noble souls, and all those who contributed to our defense in this matter, and thanking them all for their generous support. I have decreed that a fountain be erected in the center of Freedom City commemorating our fallen heroes and recognizing our silent saviors."

  7. None of which addresses the simple hypocrisy of your complaint that they didn't message you before acting against your interests, something you never appeared to consider doing.

    Then by all means let's put our hypocricies to rest. ALL of us.

    In retrospect, I would handle the aid I sent differently--not for one second because aiding an innocent nation in need was wrong, but because I didn't make an attempt at diplomacy first. I believe firmly this would have been wasted effort, and would likely have gotten me attacked regardless (because when the diplomacy failed I would most definitely have sent the aid anyway). But I'm the first to admit that I've wrestled with that very question since the beginning of this affair. And it will come much to your surprise that I have not done so alone. On the contrary, the FIRST thing I did was not only post that specific detail on the coalition website, but to ask any who have offered support to go read it first. I also asked CN leaders who I respect to offer their opinion on that specific part of the affair--and many of them graciously have. And those folks, men of importance such as yourself, agreed with both of us. Yes, I probably should have tried diplomacy...and yes, I should have sent the aid.

    Now let's talk about you. You're chiding me for not communicating. Have you done the same with your friends? You're utterly ignoring the question of the wrongness of their actions--deflecting the argument away from it at every turn. Have you told them it's wrong, and are you willing to say so publicly? You're aware that 500 soldiers and $2000 does not 10 Tech make. Have you told them that is unreasonable? You've seen nations from across the globe come to my aid, with unprecedented no-strings-attached gifts of millions of dollars (much of that completely unsolicited!). Have you informed your friends that they are treading on exceedingly dangerous ground here? Or have you instead said "don't worry, we'll protect you if bad things happen".

    Should I even bother with the hypocricy of the RLMMO team? That would be wasted effort.

    What you claim "everyone" knows on planet Bob is what you wish everyone agreed with you about ... looking around the planet, it's abundantly clear they don't.

    I stand by my contention that everyone here knows that stealing goods from a nation under threat of continued UNPROVOKED war is wrong. Everyone here. Whether or not they actually utilize their moral compass is another question entirely. Anyone who commits a crime against someone else knows it's wrong; that it doesn't stop them from doing it by no means relieves them of the knowledge of their guilt, and of the wrongness of their actions.

    But to a degree, you're right...what "everyone else" knows is of little import. The fact that is pertinent to this discussion is that YOU know it's wrong. THEY know it's wrong. And I and the people who have thrown their support behind me know it's wrong. Which brings us back around to hypocricy--when will you say out loud that what they've been doing is immoral? When will you say you won't support it?

  8. Yes, Louis, but your opinion may be a bit too biased for my taste. Hanging out with all of these guys all day long over at RLMMO.com, being involved with them in their other gaming endeavors, and being a part of the first Alliance they point to when they say "These guys will make sure we don't come to any justice 'cause we're protected by them"...well, that basically makes you one of them.

    And none of you...not them, and now not you...have once addressed the basic wrongness of what they were doing to Deeada, what they have done to other nations, and what they will undoubtedly do again unless it's shown to them that it will not stand--"TECH RAID - 10 Tech for peace" is a piece of crap. You know it, I know it, anyone with half a conscience knows it. And if you're supporting these guys, and this type of behavior, you're a party to it no matter how you slice it. That is shameful behavior even if the guy WAS inactive. Everyone on Planet Bob knows that.

    If you, and they, want to claim that aiding a nation at war was a justifiable act of war then so claim it. But have the balls to back it up all the time, not just when its a pushover country and $5000 dollars worth of aid. Three seperate nations (representing three seperate alliances) have just aided me, and I'm most definitely at war. Which one of you wants to step up first and start taking them on?

    The fact remains that a dishonorable activity was countered by an honorable one, and that was countered by another dishonorable one. This has, from the beginning, been a question of Honor. I stand with my integrity intact, ready to continue defending it to the death if necessary.

    You should be ashamed to be standing up for dishonor. Talk about protesting too much...how about protecting too much? Seems to me that is happening right now. You're on the wrong side of this argument. You wanna be loyal to them, I'm all for that. Show them the error of their ways and convince them that it ain't worth all this. That's the thing one of their friends should be doing now, not defending them when they've so clearly been up to no good.

  9. This is an open message to any and all who read this topic.

    There are those on Bob who think that war is fun. I suppose that in RL there are some who do, too, but the reality is that most of us just don't. I take no pleasure in this. I don't enjoy any of it. I can talk smack with the best of them, and do on occasion, but when it comes down to it I have no desire to wreck anyone's life or work.

    My dismay in no way will prevent me from doing what I must. I have been reasonable and I've made every possible good-faith effort to secure the peace short of submitting to tyranny. But I gotta tell ya, this sucks. I worked hard to build what I have. Those people have done the same. Much if not all of that effort is about to be washed away, lost forever. There is nothing remotely fun about that. In fact it's sickening. Just sickening.

    True, this is just a game. Some days I've spent five minutes, some an hour. Lately, it's been an all-day affair. That's time invested. A game, yes--but you're wrong if you think it hasn't any value, that it isn't important. It's important to me. It's time I could have spent with my daughter. I spent it here. I'm sure the others have a similar story.

    I've been reading some of the "Great War" boards lately. Some of you take great pleasure in this.

    You're wrong.

    Our little war may not be the "Great War", but guess what? Yours isn't all that great either. War sucks. It sucks for real, and it sucks on Bob.

    I'm heartsick that this has to be done.


  10. I know, in his heart, Gerald can see that this is a reasonable offer.

    At the moment, what Gerald knows in his heart is that if he can just get that spot right over there, he'll be in a much better position to see the rockets leaving their silos.

    Your three mil deal is off the table. You can still take advantage of the 4.5 mil discount, but it expires in 2.5 hours. After that, you're back up to the full reparations amount until midnite Eastern time, when the festivities begin in earnest. I've taken all the beating I'm going to take, without giving in return.

    This communication is closed.

  11. Gerald's been involved in the negotiations from the beginning. In fact, he drafted the entire "Terms" document.

    And he is a nice guy. Hell of a nice guy, actually.

    So am I, when the circumstances call for it. I'm a fargin' bastage when I've been wronged, though.


    The door to the Prime Minister's office opened quietly, and closed quickly behind Gerald. Purposefully he stepped across the floor to the PM's desk. His expression was somber and determined. He dropped a sealed envelope onto the hard wood surface, shaped from the finest hardwoods the nation of Libertaire could harvest.

    "What's this?" the PM looked up from his financial reports.

    "It's my resignation, Sir."

    "Your resignation."

    "Yes. I have failed you, your Excellency."

    "They continue to ignore the forces stacked against them...is that what you're trying to tell me?"

    "Yes, Sir. They won't cease their war."

    "And so you believe you have failed...?"

    "I do, Sir. I have been utterly ineffective in my job. I'm deeply ashamed, and truly sorry." He meant it.

    "Okay. Okay. Let me start with the 'Excellency' thing. If you call me Excellency, or Highness, or Grace, or Emminence, or any other thing besides Moais again, you'll not need to resign. I'll fire you. Do you understand?"

    "I do, Sir."

    "Good. Now, regarding your supposed failure...would you agree that you were instrumental in putting together this coalition of support for our cause?"

    "Yes, I suppose so."

    "And would you say you've made every effort to end this bloodshed without more bloodshed?"

    "Yes, I think I have."

    "Would you say you've been fair in your dealings, and we as a nation have been fair in our demands?"

    "Most definitely, Sir. Yes."

    "So you've done everything humanly possible to help these people see what they're up against, but because they refuse to acknowledge their situation--you have somehow failed. Am I reading that right?"

    "I guess so."

    "You guess so?"

    "Yes, you are reading that right, Sir. I'm taking responsibility for their foolishness."

    "Alright. Now let me tell you how things are with you, and how they're going to be. You've had a lot on your plate these last few days and hours, and I don't think you are seeing things clearly enough right now. So I'm going to help you make decisions until such time as you feel capable of taking over for yourself again. Do you understand?"

    "Yes, Sir."

    The PM tore the resignation in half and handed it back to Gerald.

    "Now get the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Finance, and your own sorry ass in here in fifteen minutes. GO!"

    "Yes, SIR!"

    He marched toward the door.

    "And Gerald," the PM smiled slightly, warmly. "Thanks."

    "Of course, sir."

    "Fireworks tonight, Gerald."

    "Yes Sir...fireworks."

    "Ours this time."

    "Yes. Ours."

    The Foreign Affairs clerk unholstered his cell phone on his way out the door. Good...battery full. He's going to need it.


  13. One more thing...you say you're new to this game--just a month and a half old--yet you find yourself in this mess already. Would you like to know how to avoid things like this? A kind of quick "Cybernations Primer", if you will?

    Don't steal. Don't raid without honor (there are ways to do it that can be perfectly honorable).

    Don't attack without first utilizing diplomacy (we could have had a beer and sorted this whole thing out--that is, had you not sent a barrage of bombs over first, without any warning whatsoever).

    Don't ignore when a MASSIVE aid check comes in to your opponent in the middle of a war, from out of nowhere (it's a very bad sign for you when something like this happens).

    Don't start a public forum thread bragging of your exploits when you've been informed repeatedly that people are watchng you and are going to react badly to your actions.

    Be honorable.

    Chill out.

    Follow these leads and you'll have a fine time on Bob. Honest.

  14. Sanderman wasn't in his alliance when one of our members attacked him. He was a ten day inactive. On top of that peace was offered to him.

    As someone has already pointed out, timestamps tell a lot. Before I considered sending aid to sandeman, I checked his status, and the time and date of the war declaration. He had NOT been inactive for ten days. He had, in fact, paid his bills that very day.

    And the "peace" that was offered to him came at a price. In fact, the exact war declaration stated "Tech Raid - 10 Tech for peace." There is no honor in that.

    Regarding my "alt", as you so accuse...firstly, I've told you before (and will repeat for all readng this)...if you believe I have an alternate identity on here--which would be cheating--BY ALL MEANS PLEASE BRING IT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE MODERATORS. That is your responsibility to begin with, so I encourage you to fulfill that responsibility and bring them in to investigate. I can make this request of you because I have absolutely nothing to fear from an investigation. They, too, can enter my account any time they like and view the communcations between the nation who first sent me aid and myself. Or any other player, for that matter. Secondly, don't accuse me of cheating without a shred of evidence, because that tests even my remarkable generosity. I don't take well to having my integrity challenged.

    Lastly, nobody has threatened to ZI you out of existance, except as a response to your own stubborn refusal to behave like gentlemen and call an end to the unjust war YOU declared. I've offered you very acceptable terms--you declare peace, you pay reasonable reparations OVER TIME (and I even offered you a discount on the true value of all you have destroyed) and you apologize. Oh, and you promise not to do it again. Once more, I will be happy to provide the complete terms I've outlined for you to any party who retains an interest in this affair. I have made no excessive demands, and am acting in accordance with the very rules of engagement YOU set. I have fired off perhaps 4 missles and one air strike against you, IN TOTAL. I have endured no less than six or eight attacks EACH, every day, since this began. My losses have been in the millions. Anyone with a calculator can easily figure that out.

    But, as I so eloquently outlined when providing you with surrender terms, I am a man of honor, character and generosity. I have no more desire to see you wiped from Planet Bob than I do to be wiped myself. I only want what is right by me, and I want you to stop bullying. So here's yet ANOTHER deal I'll offer you, out of simple human kindness. Instead of the $7+ million you owe me, and the (at least) $3 million or so you owe Deeada, I will accept just $4.5 million TOTAL, paid over time.

    No, wait...I've already MADE that offer to you, remember? Are you spitting on that like you've spit on every other opportunity I have provided you to do the right thing? I believe you are, BUT I REFUSE TO GIVE UP ON YOU. So here it is...you pay me $3 Million, TOTAL, (as well as fulfilling the other terms I've outlined) and I will take care of paying Deeada out of the War Aid I've received that, I assure you, will otherwise go toward making sure this lesson is very, very painful for you if you keep behaving without integrity.

    Semper Recolitus - Always Honorable. You know, it also translates to "Always Generous". Look it up.



  15. Just an FYI, the only extortion that has happened in this fiasco has come from Moais/Eldarian. He has demanded 6 million from us to not bring other alliances against us.

    As for us, We offered to stop the war as soon as he started it.

    We didn't ask for unfair terms. We only asked that he pay the fair price of 10 tech to repair the damage done to the two nations he caused harm to with his aid and his CM strikes.

    And just an FYI for those taking an increased interest who may wish to confirm these facts for themselves...pretty much everything on Bob is recorded somewhere, and timestamped. If you'd like to take a closer look into whose version of the facts more closely matches reality, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AND STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO SO. My nation ID is 137242. The nation of Deeada is 69414. The nations brutally attacking us can be located under the War tabs on those two nations AND...in the interests of full disclosure...I will continue the unprecedented offer I've already made to my gathering group of friends:

    I'LL GIVE YOU THE PASSWORD TO MY NATION, where you can read the entire history of every battle, and every single communication (or lack thereof), exactly as they occurred.

    That's right--I've deleted NOTHING. It's all still there in it's pristine form. Every communication with EVERYONE. All the messages between our warring factions as well as between those offering me aid and assistance. Will my illustrious tormentors make the same offer?

    Naturally, there are restrictions to this offer. There are MANY private communiques between myself and potential defenders. There are numerous Alliance negotiations, and a collection of offers that, in a time of Great War such as this, could be potentially damaging. Additionally, war plans that are in place between these benefactors/Alliances and myself with regard to RLMMO also exist within these pages. I don't fear RLMMO gaining access to this information--they've been given more than adequate warning they've chosen continually to ignore--but this is potentially dangerous information for enemy combatants in the Great War fields of battle. SO...

    To gain access to this information you must be an UBER-HIGH Alliance Leader, with a MAJOR ALLIANCE, with NO AXE TO GRIND beyond the confines of the combatants in the Ten-Tech War (if you want to grind an axe with RLMMO or me, by all means that is okay...but not with any of the others who have already or will be joining the fight). IN ADDITION, you cannot be from any of the Alliances the RLMMO has identified themselves with. Sorry, but that would just be asking for trouble. If those Alliances want to see what their "Protectorate" is up to (and again, I STRONGLY encourage that) they can demand the same offer from the RLMMO! Lastly you must sign, with witnesses of high respect and authority (as well as nation strength), a document swearing that all knowledge gained will be kept confidential with respect to parties outside of the nation of Libertaire and the RLMMO Alliance; that no action will be taken to undermine deals that exist or otherwise exploit that information; that you will view all the material with an open mind BUT IN THE INTERESTS OF DEFENDING HONOR AND JUSTICE (and the capacity to do so with whatever decision you reach); and that once you've made your decision as to who is right and who is wrong, that you JOIN THE FRAY.

    As you can see, I am very confident in the rightness of my position. I'm certain that as others discover this travesty they will find themselves agreeing with my stance and will wish to contribute to my defense by joining the Coalition or offering other meaningful aid. And while my trust in the Honor of the citizens of CN has admittedly been shaken--I still believe the majority of people, when given the choice, will choose to do what is right, what is honorable, what is courageous.

    I'm asking everyone to examine this issue and to demand a reckoning from this particular bunch of bullies. I'm asking everyone on Planet Bob to DO THE RIGHT THING.


    MOAIS and the nation of LIBERTAIRE

    PS - If you wish to join the coalition but do not want knowledge of that to get out at this time (due to potential Great War issues), a website has been set up specifically for Coalition participants. You'll have to message me for details.

    PPS - If you cannot participate militarily to this endeavor at this time, but you would still like to contribute, LIBERTAIRE and the coalition for justice welcomes aid with open arms (they've cost me MILLIONS). However, because aid slots are limited I can only accept direct contributions of 3mil. If you'd like to offer more than that, a network of coalition banking nations (middlemen) is being set up as we speak to gather smaller donations until the 3mil threshold is met. Again, message me for details. I will make an exception to this 3mil threshold for RLMMO attackers who desire to pay their portion of the (now) 7 million in War Reparations I am owed. I'd accept 2.3 million from any of those nations who come to their senses and decide that doing the right thing is in their best interest.


    Refugees by the hundreds flooded whatever buildings still stood. The government seat had to be moved to an undisclosed bunker. Riots were erupting in seedier parts of the Capitol, the result of the National Draft having redistributed all police forces into military service.



    He crouched, almost crumpled, along a dirty cement wall. The intelligence report lay scattered on the floor around him. "Reachwind. He's not a kid."

    "No, Sir."

    "He's 35 freakin' years old. He has a family! I was so sure he was some 14 year old punk. I would expect this out of some high school snot, but...from a grown man?

    "I know, Sir. I'm sorry."

    "So am I. Sorry for the world. Sorry for his children!"

    "I understand, Sir."

    "How has society gone this far wrong, Gerald? How can it be that a grown man with a family can't distinguish between right and wrong?"

    "I..." A long stare, a long pause. "I don't know, Sir."

    "Me either." Staring into space.

    Both of them.


    "PEOPLE OF LIBERTAIRE," the megaphone bellowed to the assembled crowd--the last remaining inhabitants of this once proud and growing nation. "As you know, we've been suffering relentless attacks by not one, or even two, but by three gutless cowards bent on our total destruction. As you look around you at the devastation they have caused, you will understand why I have gathered you all together today. It is with a sad heart and my sincerest sorrows that I inform you--we're...we're..."

    The Prime Minister laid the megaphone aside.

    "We're near to the end, my loyal friends. We have done everything we could do. Our soldiers have fought valiantly, but we could raise only enough of an army to defend as best we could. We had no counterattack capabilities, and we've been ridiculously outnumbered and relentlessly attacked every day. I've brought you all together today to tell you personally that we probably won't survive the next 24 hours. And..."

    He had to stop for a moment. He had to gather himself, his words.

    "And I had to apologize to all of you. You elected me to lead you because you knew I was an honorable man of character and integrity. Well, that sense of honor seems to have killed us all. I have spent long nights wrestling with the question...have I done the right thing? Settling with these bullies would have cost the equivalent of seventy or eighty thousand dollars. We've lost millions, and thousands of lives. Have I done the right thing? Bullies are everywhere. Is one nation, standing for what is right, going to make any difference? Have I done the right thing? Well, in my heart I know the answer, but when I see your faces, grimy with smoke and ash...when I see these buildings...when I..."

    From the back of the crowd it started. Low at first, but with increasing volume and intensity, until finally everyone assembled stood yelling at the top of their lungs.

    "Semper Recolitus. Semper Recolitus! SEMPER RECOLITUS!!!"



    It was Gerald.

    "I'm sleeping."

    "I know, Sir...but you're going to want to see this.


    To say the check was enormous was a monumental understatement, in regards not only to its dollar value but also to what it would mean to the nation...and what it meant to the Prime Minister personally.

    "My God."

    "It was out of the blue. He just sent it. His message was 'I like people like you, so here's 3 million. I only wish I could fight the bastards myself.'"

    "Well message him and tell him by all means to do so!"

    "He can't. He's far too powerful. I have to say, though, that I believe he'd go so far as to punch in launch codes if he had the opportunity to. And Sir, that's not all...there are more of them...and not just nations, but GROUPS...it seems there are a lot of rulers who don't take kindly to this sort of thing. And they all seem keen on...what is it, Sir?"

    The PM looked at the open door. "Close that," he said. "These kinds of things shouldn't be discussed in public."


    "We've tallied the bill, sir. Thus far, by our calculations, they've done 6 million dollars in unjust damages."

    "Two million apiece. Pretty hefty price for a silly little tech raid. And interest?"

    "Yes, Sir. We've calculated it exactly as we were instructed to."

    "Excellent. Any word on the status of the Big War?"

    "It rages on. It's keeping some of our friends a bit too occupied to allow them to come directly to our aid. We're told that enough cash is coming our way, though, to keep us afloat until the real cavalry rolls in. We've had assurances from a number of parties now. Aid slots seems to be the matter at the moment. The Big War has so many of them filled."

    "Very well...we'll just bide our time, then. But keep that calculator running--I want every last dime accounted for. When the reckoning comes, we need to be completely compensated. Every road repaired, every soldier replaced, every last citizen accounted for. You see to that."

    Gerald, with that surly smile again. "Of course I will, sir. Of course I will."



    The National Administrative Advisor continued his daily report. "...with the beginning of the fall harvest. We're assured it is going to be a bumper crop. The citizenry is extremely happy. Now, on to the Foreign Affairs division. We've gotten good news on two fronts. First, the trade alliance we've been working on finally has its first two members! Between the three of us, we anticipate a wonderful opportunity for growth and cooperation. On the advice of the Agriculture Minister, we've elected to allow open registration to the Alliance. The Minister of Defense indicates that the pact may dissuade Rogue nations from attacking us, though he cautions that this treaty is not a military alliance and it provides no provisions for joint military operations. The second piece of good news is that the aid package we provided to the battered nation of Deeada (NATION ID 69414) has been accepted and we've opened communications with the ruler of that nation. He sent a lovely thank you to you personally, sir."

    The Prime Minister nodded. "Have we any other news from his country?"

    "No, Sir," the Minister of Defense chimed in as he strode through the door. "From what we can tell, he's taking it on the chin a bit, but there's no definite word."

    Behind him, the Ag Minister and several aids were shuffling in. Foreign Affairs Clerk Gerald was among them.

    "Elwood, I'm told you support open enrollment for the trade Alliance--what are we calling it again?"

    "The Federation of Independently Ruled Nations," rasped the Minister of Agriculture. Too many years inhaling dust behind a plow had taken it's toll on his vocal chords. "And yes, I believe we should not only allow anyone to join, but should encourage it. The more people we have, the better our chances of maintaining trade agreements rather than having to search every week for new ones."

    "And," added Defense, "it would keep those solo nations off our backs."

    "Sounds reasonable on both counts. Perhaps we could send an invitation to our new friends in Deeada."

    "I think that's a wonderful idea," from the Ag Minister.

    "Then let's get it done."


    He hadn't gotten fully awake yet when the phone rang at his house. "That's odd," he thought to himself. "They never call me here."


    The destruction was more than he could even have imagined. The capitol city was in tatters. Buildings that had not been smashed to the ground burned with the acrid smell of gunpowder and other chemicals. The bodies of citizens...children...littered the streets. A temporary medical unit was operational just up the walkway, but the looks on the faces of the evac personnel told the story--there were far more dead than alive. A husband searched the wreckage for his missing wife. A mother lay sobbing in the arms of another. Both had lost their entire families to the massacre.

    "There was no warning, sir. There was nothing we could do."

    "How many were there?"

    "Based on what we've gathered, they began with two bombing runs. This was followed up with tanks and soldiers in two additional attacks."


    "No, sir. The Declaration of War was received at 09:48:15. The first bombs struck at 09:48:33. The other attacks followed immediately. All four attacks were concluded by 09:49:48."

    "So you're saying they couldn't spare two freaking minutes to write a note, but they could do this in less time than that...is that what you're telling me?"

    "I'm afraid so, sir. They did send a message after the attack. It was called 'Heres How To End The War'."

    "Let me guess...the gutless cowards are demanding 10 Tech."

    "Yes, sir. Also, that we cease all hostilities with Reachwindaria and declare peace."

    "What is a Reachwinwhatever...?"

    "That's the name of the nation that did all this, Sir."

    "Oh, wait...let me get this straight--they're telling ME to cease all hostilities with THEM, and I've never even HEARD OF THEM? And they've done THIS? And they're demanding that we PAY THEM SOMETHING? Tell me--do I have all of that RIGHT???"

    "Um...yes, Sir."

    Picking up a chunk of charred asphalt. Firing it through the air, in no particular direction. Saying the "F" word, very loudly, several times.

    "What do you want us to do, Sir?"

    Incredulous. "I think you know good and God Damned WELL what to do! We have missles at hand, don't we?"

    "Yes, Sir."

    "Paint 'NOT ONE RED CENT TO GUTLESS MASS MURDERERS' on the side of them and send a couple to Reachwindaria. If the coward wants a fight, let's by all means give him one!"

    "But Sir...his Allies...there's 27 of them."

    "I know that! So he swings a bigger sword--does that mean we forget our Honor and dignity?"

    "No, Sir. Of course not". Gerald turned and walked away. A slight smile glinted briefly across his otherwise haggard face. He knew the PM wouldn't let him down. "Cowards. Cowardly little boys," he muttered under his breath as he phoned in the retaliation orders.


  18. Ordinarily I wouldn't bother with responding to a mildly amusing collection of fables. Seeing as this is a public forum, though, perhaps it would be prudent to set the record straight since important people may stumble upon these presents.

    In keeping with the style chosen by my adversaries, I give you the truth of the matter in short-story form:

    "Lord Moais, a word."

    It was the Foreign Affairs clerk. Typically stoic and respectful, his interruption came as a bit of a surprise.

    "I've asked you not to call me that, Gerald," the Prime Minister rebuked. "Moais will do. What is it?"

    "We've received word that a fellow NewNation has come under attack."


    "Well, sir, they're being Tech Raided."


    "You don't understand, Sir...they aren't inactive."

    The Prime Minister cocked his head and furrowed his brows. "That does seem strange. Is there more?"

    "Yes Sir. I'm afraid it is extortion, Sir. The attacker is demanding 10 Tech for peace."

    The PM considered for a moment. "This isn't War Reparations or something of that nature?"

    "No, Sir. The Declaration of War clearly said 'Tech Raid - 10 Tech for Peace'".

    "Hmm." For a moment the PM sat motionless, focused on his breathing. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. "You're saying they're being bullied."

    "Yes, Sir."

    "I hate bullies."

    "I know, Sir."

    Another pause. Another moment to ponder. More focused breathing. Finally, "Alright, who is this victim nation. Someone we know?"

    "No, Sir. We've never communicated with them."

    "So they sent a distress signal, then..."

    "No, Sir. They haven't asked us, or anyone else to our knowledge, for help. Our scouts noticed the signs of War coming from their capitol and checked into it. That's how we know this much."

    "I see. So we don't know them, they haven't asked for help, and yet you bring this to me. Why?"

    He didn't need to ask the question. Gerald had been with him a long time, and they shared a mutual respect for decency and integrity. There was no way the PM would let this go, at least not without some further investigation.

    "Get me more information on the attacker."

    "Yes, Sir." A smart nod of the head, an almost imperceptible bow. Turning on his heals, "Right away." Out the door.


    The picture of his wife and daughter sat at a precise angle on the corner of his otherwise cluttered desk. He glanced at it in between sips of coffee grown in his nation's mountain region. Out loud, "What would you have me do, little one?"

    Another sip. Another, then...his mug...he'd almost forgotten it's message. Gold letters on a regal blue background. SEMPER RECOLITUS.

    Always Honorable.


    "The attacker is Allied, Your Grace."

    "Gerald, my name is Moais. MOAIS. Can the 'Grace' crap, will ya?"

    "Yes, Sir. At any rate, the bully is part of a tiny Alliance. Our intelligence seems to indicate that they have a penchant for this tech-robbery sort of thing. They prey on smaller, weaker nations and steal the resources those nations work hard for. There is no justification for it. They seem to take some perverse glory from it, but beyond that and the treasures they loot, there seems to be no reason whatsoever for these acts of violence."

    "I see." Disturbed. "And nobody does anything?"

    "We're not sure that anyone knows. It appears they shy away from larger nations and alliances."

    "Ah...cowards. Well that seems to fit the bully profile."

    "Yes, Sir." Pausing, then "We're in no position to fight them."

    "I know."

    "What should we do, Sir?"

    Yes, he thought to himself. What SHOULD we do?


    "Here's the report you requested."

    "Spell it out for me." He was tired, and impatient. This injustice was working on his nerves. Not nearly as much as his inability to put an end to it.

    "Well, we have just a few thousand dollars in the treasury, Sir, but our garrisons are relatively well stocked. We have a few new recruits we could send."

    "How many is 'a few'?"

    "Five hundred, sir."

    "Five hundred soldiers, and two thousand dollars. That's the best we can do?

    "I'm afraid it is, sir."

    Shaking his head. Disgusted. Angry. "And we've still had no word with them?"

    "Negative. They don't know we exist."

    The little girl's picture again. The half-empty coffee cup. SEMPER RECOLITUS.

    "Sir...we could just walk away."

    Sharply now--"bullcrap. You knew I couldn't walk away the minute you brought this to me."

    "Yes, Sir."

    Just a moment more, and then--

    "Send the aid. If that's all we've got to give, by God they shall have it."

    "Right away, sir," he said, wheeling for the door and breaking into what seemed an almost comical gallop.

    "Gerald," softer this time, "send a note with the package. From me, personally. Tell them we're ashamed this is all we can give, but we sincerely hope it helps them last another day."

    "Of course, Sir."


  19. I was the FAN member who found the post from the unaligned begging for help because you were extorting tech and money. In less than an hour we had a strike team together that had pinned every single nation in your alliance.

    There's an entire Alliance operating RIGHT NOW (tiny little bunch, but still) that makes this extortion scheme their primary method of operation. I suppose with everyone involved in the War, it would be impossible to find an Alliance or group of individuals willing to step up and defend the newer/weaker players from this kind of savagery...? As understandable as that is, it would sure be great to have some players of highest honor and impeccable character step up, even in these desperate times, and say "This just isn't RIGHT", and then do something about it. I've tried, but I'm just too small. I've gotten my hiney kicked pretty wickedly, but I've fought the good fight (and continue to do so). I'm just not strong enough to stop their tyranny by myself.

    I know there are those who are though, and I continue to believe that Honor will rule in the end. It would certainly renew my faith in the CN community if it does. Soon.

    I'm entirely neutral in the War because I'm unable to participate in any meaningful way (and my full slate of troubles has prevented me from studying the whole picture), but my sincere wishes for a speedy victory go out to the side that most represents Honor and Integrity--whichever side that might be.


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