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Posts posted by The MVP

  1. [quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1301253545' post='2678400']
    hahaha you think you're important enough for people to care what you do.

    war him if you want, don't if you don't want to. Stop making threads with the purpose of bolstering your ego.

    Seems your still upset about our earlier rendezvous. You don't take things lightly, you seem like a p. serious person.

    Anyways GOONS just wrecked my nation so this topic is null anyways. :P

  2. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1301190820' post='2677718']
    To be fair, a good chunk of MK hates my guts and I didn't get a single nomination. It honestly isn't all that biased, and is a pretty accurate sampling of the worst posters on the OWF. Perhaps some of you who are complaining should re-evaluate your posts?

    Why, you don't think I can make the Final Four?

  3. [quote name='Thorgrum' timestamp='1301188601' post='2677691']
    I have mixed feelings on it honestly, while any opportunity to get RV more exposure and a chance to pontificate here should be encouraged id rather not see more from you.

    You pontificate RV?

    Never knew worship was taken so seriously here.

  4. [quote name='Carrick' timestamp='1301180353' post='2677553']
    My money's on RV. You folded fairly quickly when Funktopus and I hit you, MVP.

    I didn't have much to fight back with. Besides this is for the lulz not the stats.

    [quote]Then if it's not about C+P, how are we supposed to 'see' this war? If you want to fight him, do it. [b]Don't make another awful poll.[/b] [/quote]

    Worst Poll Ever? :smug:

  5. [quote name='Epiphanus' timestamp='1301156197' post='2677190']
    Making a strong argument for WPE with this thread.

    Honestly if RV hadn't started fighting I'd have thought something was wrong with him. It just seems like something he would do in the situation. Although we can always trust Alterego to find a terrible point of view and beat it over and over and over and over...

    He was actually bragging to me about being in peace mode not too long ago. :P

  6. It's apparent, and no this is not a "I know this but it doesn't really exist so I'll act like I know something you don't", that most of you really don't know RV at all. And the last thing I want is a complaint about Alterego calling anyone a "sellout." Last I checked you were content with saying you disliked both sides and wanted us both destroyed and sat on your ass along with the rest of Duckroll and did nothing. I respect your guys' decision, but seriously you're going to say RV sold out when you didn't do !@#$? Come on now...

  7. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1301096708' post='2676444']
    After reading this post and considering this might be the kind of people that populate TPF and NPO I sort of lost all the hope I had for you. And it wasn't that many to start with :s

    I am with Pacifica and TPF in their time of trying to gain the favor of a coward who talks trash and does nothing to back it up. Stay strong guys.

  8. [quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1301026867' post='2675682']
    There is plenty of evidence you've used that area for your cesspool of an alliance to mock individuals ooc.

    I can only shudder to think what they said about me OOC-wise. They say that's why I can never join MK. :P

  9. [quote name='Hime Themis' timestamp='1301024188' post='2675590']
    Lastly please do not swear even with the !@$% it may make you feel all tough and cool but honestly it diminishes any real point you might have to make. Once again you choose to question our honour yet we still have not questioned yours, fine I really do not expect you will sign and obviously you would not be able to maintain the terms by your posting style so if I may ask why are you continuing?

    Absolutely m'lady!

    I see you're starting to lose it so I'll back off. Good luck to The Brain in what I feel is a mistake.

    oh and see ya later too.

  10. [img]http://i39.tinypic.com/20fdtuv.gif[/img]

    If I call into question your honor or lack thereof I've reason to. You want to call into question my honor? Go ahead and pick me out some examples. Until then I'll continue to give you mine for why I think you're an awful alliance. So continue on.

    Edit: I also find it hilarious you melting down the first time someone doesn't fall for your very nice language and calls into question what your alliance stands for. Guess I should do it more often.

  11. [quote]you may have forgotten that at the time of the Karma war none was guaranteeing a NPO loss frankly we figured we might get pounded well but we had give our word to our Friends in GR we would not leave them to face the fire without us. Since we had TWO defensive alliances at the time of the preemptive attack on C&G by Duckroll and company not shockingly we once again fought on behalf of our ally in GR. Once again I do not believe ANYONE was guaranteeing an easy win for C&G. We exchange nukes with TORN for about a month and a half. They fought with respect as did we I am sorry you seek to diminish their war efforts along with ours.[/quote]

    Looks like you need to put words in my mouth in order to up yourselves as magnanimous gods of a higher order. No I don't believe you entering in Karma was a high risk and at the time you hit TORN that war was already a forgone conclusion. Whether or not you were going to stick by GR through thick and thin is a moot point. Test your metal in times of adversity instead of easy to win situations, you failed to do that before that war.

    [quote]Having twice (yes not first war against TORN) come to the aid of our ally in GR in two separate wars and then aided in the rebuilding of GR AND our opponents in both of those conflicts I am saddened that this seems insufficient to be deemed worthy by some people. I believe our allies all” three” that we are treatied to know and understand that we have always provided support in their defence when it was requested. I also believe our opponents will attest that we have kept the bounds of our word to fight and seek cessation of war in an honest, fair and even handed manner. Never have we asked for reparations and in fact in the last two wars actually paid for some of the rebuilding of our honourable opponents (myself personal as well in both occasions) to remove their nations from bill lock ,even though we were fortunate enough to be on the side with the upper hand at the end. In addition after the Karma war we sent 450 mill in aid to our treaty partners in GR to help them rebuild. So I am unclear how we might have done more than fight for our ally, secured peace for them, rebuilt our ally and opponents with no request for reps nor admission of defeat from our opponents. I am sure this is not compatible with the grander tactical thought but it is/was/ and will be the way of the OBR.[/quote]

    Oh what amazing saints you are. Helping to rebuild allies. And oh so how fortunate you happened to find yourself defending an alliance who historically found themselves in mostly losing situations in the past but now are all of a sudden victorious with your help! You think GR needed you in those two wars as they needed you in previous wars? Probably not. Although I'm sure they appreciated the help, it's not like you've always been the steadfast allies you so desperately are trying to make yourselves out to be. It seems opportunistic more than anything and how highly you think of yourself is quite dramatic.
    The Writ de Credo was a flowery well intentioned and flawed treaty whose terms were NEVER invoked against any treaty partner and even at its cancellation WE kept to the terms of the notice of cancellation. Most will not know that issues caused by the cute wording and the unnecessary call against our honour caused a far greater hurt internally for us than any of you might have any inkling of.[/quote]

    Call against your honor? The treaty plotting and wording called into question your honor eh?.. no !@#$ it did! Your playing with words in the case a tough situation arose and you invoking technicalities in order to keep yourselves out of rough situations would not only destroy your "honor" but would see to it that you would be destroyed.

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