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Posts posted by Boondock

  1. The Big Bad serves notice to IRON and TORN, I am calling sheninigans. Big Woody is a good guy so, I expect this will lead to something like an MDP. Cause Woody doing something so bad that it offends those nutty peeps at IRON is not something I am buying.

    Bigwoody did nothing to offend IRON, that is why we hold this cancellation so lowly.

  2. Wonderful man lol. I have no clue who you are but it makes sense that you're in UJP 2.0

    Also, I was on GOONS ZI list for no reason whatsoever and was never on \m/'s that I am aware of... I guess it would make sense, though, since you guys never made decisions for yourselves.

    This is not UJP 2.0, its TORN. You were on GOONS ZI list for spying on us, which you actually posted on the forums, in case you don't remember that part. This thread is not about me however. Or you.

    Sqrt you won't be forgotten, I hope to see you in TORN one day. Whether it be under a different alias or not.

    like here: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/...showtopic=80551

  3. So busy looking for attention that you didn't consider posting a goodbye thread when you were actually leaving?

    Here's a hint: No one will remember you two weeks after you are gone. The same can be said for me but, when I quit CN, I won't post a thread about it.

    Many people will remember him, as a good poster, wonderful man, etc.

    And don't worry, I'll remember you, as an annoying troll. He already said he is posting because he simply gave a 2 weeks notice, he is quitting when his nation goes inactive.

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