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  1. [quote name='Shodemofi' timestamp='1281590047' post='2412313'] That would be awesome... Also, I hope the OP didn't think he was starting drama or anything by making this thread... [/quote] I didn't really expect a debate IN the thread. Thought everything was pretty much said on IRC. Just posting because it was an interesting convo to watch. There were times when you couldn't read because everyone was voicing their opinions and the lines were moving up so fast.
  2. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281586222' post='2412189'] Holy !@#$ GATO and NSO don't like each other anymore. Wow! thanks for letting us know. [/quote] You should be pleased...you're one of the prime topics of discussion =p *Types Omni into "find"*
  3. More NSO Drama! Logs from NSO IRC, about an hour long. I don't endorse the use of any profanity or vulgarity mentioned in the logs. The channel #NSO is a public channel and therefore the chat posted is public information. Just posting for those who weren't there and missed out on the "fun" =p [url="http://pastebin.com/MtvhtwFE"]http://pastebin.com/MtvhtwFE[/url] Can't post the full logs here, too much text. Here's the same thing but in Part 1/Part 2. Part 1 [url="http://pastebin.com/UDGNLxSf"]http://pastebin.com/UDGNLxSf[/url] Part 2 [url="http://pastebin.com/BkwsGuSJ"]http://pastebin.com/BkwsGuSJ[/url] NOTE: If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, it's easier to read (the lines aren't numbered) Edit: Logs are un-edited, the spacers you see are just my copy/pasting (chat was moving very fast, had to add them)
  4. [quote name='Griff' timestamp='1281506296' post='2410900'] CB means "Reason for War" genius. Whether it's utter crap like this one or a legitimate reason means nothing. [/quote] Right...I'm saying you don't even NEED a reason for war. You could attack someone for no reason whatsoever. I could go to my ranking page right now, chose a random nation, and declare war. But why? Do I have a CB? Nope And ty for the compliment, my mom always told me I was special =)
  5. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1281475434' post='2410173'] [color="#0000FF"]This is quite dishonest. Nothing about this is good at all. Really, a worthless treaty between two rather worthless alliances. Exactly what here is better than anything else? In fact, who are you two supposedly better than? Really, MK is a much better alliance than both of you two combined, and that's saying something. Do us all a favor and disband. Thank you.[/color] [/quote] $10 says NSO gets disbanded before these guys. Any takers?
  6. [quote name='m3g4tr0n' timestamp='1281382975' post='2408132'] Meh. Seems to me like TENE and their [s]masters[/s] treaty partners are just looking for an excuse to go to war. [/quote] Well when a rogue nation starts hitting your new member nations, then is taken in by an alliance who protects his interests, it gets kind of hard to avoid war?
  7. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1281329696' post='2406483'] cool stuff, also: what's your stance on aiding rogues after another AA tells you that it will be considered an act of war? [/quote] That question seems oddly specific...hmmm...
  8. [quote name='Auctor' timestamp='1281374490' post='2407812'] I hope you guys burn to the ground. [/quote] We love you too
  9. [quote name='LOLtex' timestamp='1281331717' post='2406627'] Congrats, you've just discovered the CN battle system! Now you too can experience all the glory (and fun!) of the random number system! Keep telling yourself that your wins are due to skill, and not because you the random number system gave you a 99 out of 100! Oh wait, you forgot that you have to wait 24 hours to nuke someone. It's a good thing that the random number system isn't tied to experience, right? [/quote] Well actually I managed to attack Grif while he had his pants down, he forgot to deploy more defensive soldiers. Experience ftw?
  10. [quote name='Farore' timestamp='1281331024' post='2406578'] haha cool, I have played all the games, just never finished them all I collect them more then play them. Got a whole medium size bookshelf with Zelda stuff. Did I say I was coming in on my high horse? Please cut the attitude, I was trying to talk with you but you seem to stuck up. How old are you? 10? Also I'll give you the same kind of answer you gave me then. I'll act as a 'goodboy' where I want. Thank you. EDIT: Edited this in since truth is being spoken. Surrender? Nobody asked you to surrender. Anyways you are probably part of the top two people in this thread that is thinking themselves superior to everyone. [/quote] Actually krunk asked me to surrender...so...yeah
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