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  1. Ok. One more question. Why do you deserve another chance? A decent explaination would be nice i deserve another chance because i will never do anything like that agian and i will not cause anymore trouble and also 2 bad deeds don't make one good one but if you have given me another chance almost every alliance will back your decision even dulra mabye
  2. so you admit to doing bad things yet you dont want it to say that you did those bad things? if so your free to edit it no you can put the bad things in but also some good things that make me look like i fought well at least
  3. i made that rea quick to feel good so if anyone wants to add stuff to it feel free. this makes me look too bad can't you say some good things about me i know i did wrong but can't you say something like this : as his enemies attacked nato12 stood defiantly fighting the invaders after bitter fighting nato12 tried to do good and the the war is slowly being stopped. don't just say bad stuff about me you don't know my side of the story but i still did bad stuff
  4. Alright, you just got a as far as I'm concerned with that comment. Very refreshing. ...and I'm not being sarcastic - which is generally something one has to say on OWF just to clarify ok
  5. lol well at least your not insulting me unless your being sarcastic
  6. NSO did you really accept Nato12? yes they did they gave a 13 year old boy another chance and i will be in cyber nations history now and i started it not that it was a good thing to do though but this may begin to stop tech raiding if nations keep appealing on cn forums so actaully it might not be helping the goons
  7. who is planet bob also iam not ghosting nso i have joined it and iam trying to declare peace
  8. Do you realize this is a public forum anyone can read? oh sorry lol
  9. thanks guys for giving me a second chance i don't want to bail out on my friends but they like their nations ways what they do is don't tell them i said this but they go from alliance to alliance raiding weak nations and when the alliance tells them to leave they leave and go to the next one and potential tech raiders my friend got protected by the alliance he joined when he wasn't even a member or inatiate
  10. i need to join a alliance please someone offer me a chance
  11. so why are we to believe that you have really changed? you get pounded for a day and a half and we sposed to believe you've done a total 180 on your ideals? yes i have changed but i need help i need a alliance to guide me and teach me all i have really been taught is tech raids and tech dealing but now i see what it's like on the recieving end for only 1 and a half days and i don't like it
  12. goons i have considered joining your alliance but i don't trust you guys you are unpredictable no offense so iam going to make sure you let me in or not before i try
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