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Posts posted by Lanore

  1. For this discussion between Laslo/Thrash:

    GATO's charter gives a specific amount of authorities and responsibilities to GATO's gov. GATO's gov can literally only do what the charter allows it, with all other rights, privileges, and authorities, being given to the GA.

    It has been the bane of every administration with regards to at least one member. The gov simply cannot stop someone from posting, cannot control who GATO members diplo to, cannot control what they say, ect. GATO nations are sovereign free agents until they violate our criminal code, which is expressly limited and must be voted through by congress (not an executive power).

    So basically Darthcyfe lobbying anyone, or expressing his opinion, is completely within his rights under 99% of all circumstances I can think of. No matter how much anyone in GATO hates/is annoyed by it. (And trust me Darth has gotten an earful a fair number of times for his posts. )

  2. Update for people:

    We have raised 1900$, or 76%. This is the bare minimum needed to pay for my surgeon and the consultation necessary to schedule surgery. As such I will be going in for this appointment on the 8th of August. Surgery is likely to follow within 30 days of the appointment.

    The excess amount (the full 2500$) was meant to help pay for lab costs/medications that are required before/after the surgery. While any further contributions are appreciated I am willing at this point to eat the debt (or more of it since I was likely to have some debt anyway) and push myself into surgery for a faster recovery, so I can return to searching for work.

    By no means is the fund raiser over/completed. If you still want to donate you can, and it will still help me with the medical costs. This is just a "we have achieved the bare minimum goal " post.

    I want to thank you all for your well wishes, support, financial contributions, and any future aid I receive. It is really hard to explain how big of a deal this is, or how much of an impact it is on my life.

    Thank you all so much.

    Lots of Love,

  3. I was going to make a comment about Sparta leaving the field with its friends still fighting/ect, but it seems by the comments made by some Sparta, like VE/NATO, actually came out and fought like they had a pair. Since I haven't been keeping an eye on that front, I am actually going to congratulate Sparta and all the combatants for a well fought war.

    Note: I reserve the right to be belligerent if I find my assumptions to be false at a later date.

  4. [quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1342796154' post='3012583']
    Mergers are good for everyone. Thus everyone should merge.

    I call dibs on NPO. The Global Pacific Treaty Order: GPTO .

    We have a government that alternates every 4 months, between a representative democracy and a meritocracy. I suspect that the representative democracy bit won't last more than 4 months though.

    Edit: Yes that would put Pacifica in CnG. Treaties would be



  5. [quote name='Overlord Wes' timestamp='1342761739' post='3012490']
    Actually, you just paid her for it.

    You two are horrible.

    Also, just dropping in to thank everybody who has and is going to contribute! We are at ~1825$, or 73% of the way there! Only about 675$ left to go. ♥

    It's amazing just exactly how much this has grown and how quickly. You guys have no idea how excited and nervous I am. If it keeps on growing like this I will be able to schedule surgery next month.

    For some context, you have more than quadrupled the amount my family has spent on my medical costs in my -entire life-. I'm still not exactly sure how I feel about that.

    Anyways thank you all, again. This is truly beyond anything I ever expected. ♥

  6. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1342619003' post='3011593']
    Just a shoutout to everyone who pitched in and helped spread the word -- The fund more than doubled in less than a few hours after this was posted.

    You guys are awesome.

    Echoing this. I was going to make a post about it once we hit 70% (we're at 64% now ) .

    You guys are quite frankly amazing. More than I ever expected. ♥

  7. I honestly just want to say thanks to a few specific people and alliances and make some shout outs.

    First to TimLee, Laslo, and Letub. They started this project and if it weren't for them I would probably have no hope of achieving this and would have suffered alone for some time.

    To GATO, who have supported me immensely through this, and contributed towards this.

    To MHA, NPO, RnR, TIO, and CnG, whom have contributed to the current total amount we have before this was posted to the owf.

    Thanks to you as well Myth. You have no obligation to me at all and you did this (when honestly the only reason I didn't was because I was afraid to. I know I am stupid. )

    I honestly can't thank people enough, or let them know how much it means to me, when I have been spinning my wheels at this for over 4 years now, and all of a sudden it looks like this will actually happen.

    There is nothing I can really say that adequately expresses just exactly how important this is to me. You are all amazing.

    P.S. To whoever it was who just doubled my fund, you gave me a heart attack. It's probably the best heart attack I'll ever have. I'm still having a hard time breathing right.

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