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Posts posted by Cellardoor

  1. [quote name='EddyH' timestamp='1281691259' post='2414154']
    Should be [s]bad[/s]fun

    Oh noes! I got sanctioned! RE fights so dirty!

    (note: I'm poking fun at the alliances who think it's NOT a part of war.)

  2. [quote name='Clash' timestamp='1281677091' post='2414013']
    ...but but but the Ballers are only flag-chasers!
    They NEVER war!

    I must blame this on Confusion.

    This thread is full of win. And hopefully it stays vacant of any non faux-!@#$%*ing.

  3. [quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1281675912' post='2413974']
    RE is bigger than you guys. That's just wrong. Shame on RE. I thought you guys were better than that.


    /0 RE. I'm out of offensive slots, but rangerville could use some more fun.

    If any of the 9 of you who can hit me want to declare, please do.

  4. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 01:25 PM' timestamp='1279481122' post='2377608']
    Lonewolfe, i checked their war screens for a while and saw nothing, though i've been away for the past few days, if they did war someone then i guess i stand corrected,

    Clash, i said that i don't think all of NB are cowards

    Cellardoor, nice edit there, didn't know you liked the RoK logo so much, Xerxer will be pleased :P


    23 hours and I'll take it down. And you'll have lost more infra than I have. Which you obviously don't care about, and I can respect.

  5. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 01:07 PM' timestamp='1279480044' post='2377556']

    OOC cellardoor did you steal my sig? O.o

    That's what I asked you about earlier and you said go for it. If it's a problem it can be removed. Though I think it's going to be quite relevant for another 23 hours or so. :)

  6. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 12:57 PM' timestamp='1279479453' post='2377532']
    well you werent' focusing close enough because you have it all wrong,

    i was at war with that guy first,

    why do you think confusion spied his nuke away on the first place?

    in short, he attacked confusion because confusion tried to defend me,

    wouldn't that make it HIM acting on my behalf?
    Didn't see LW's initial explanation. I just meant that you guys were acting in concert. Sorry for the confusion.

  7. [quote name='lonewolfe2015' date='18 July 2010 - 12:56 PM' timestamp='1279479372' post='2377531']
    You were not the one who attacked the nuke rogue on Marcus? Must have misread your name then... ah well.

    And no, I didn't misread it. Everyone in Nordic Ballers besides Freudenschade (if he didn't leave yet?) is Nordic Baller, and has been acting upon our request. So if you think Betamax are cowards, you'll find they are very much warriors to the core that have been acting by their government's requests this round.

    Cowards are the people who are afraid to fight, not the people who follow orders.

    Does the Assassin get called a coward for not going to war and choosing his targets ever so carefully based on what is asked of him? Poor analogy possibly (usually people counter with that at least) but it's what I thought of first.

    All I'm getting at is you think they are cowards, and that other people are, when all that is going on is you'll drop 5 nukes, you'll end your round, and they'll get the war we've been holding back from them. So we all win.

    Cosigning every word. Maybe we're thinking of someone else on the earlier round antics, though I'm not sure.

  8. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 12:50 PM' timestamp='1279479016' post='2377509']
    :/ i think you misread that

    i'm saying that i don't think NB as a whole are cowards, just the ones who avoided war

    EDIT: who are you refering to in that second paragraph?

    We were watching the entire little altercation where confusion got caught spying and everything that happened after it.

    don't ever underestimate our focus on a meaningless game. It's quite strong :)

  9. Just to be clear, since you jumped from the larger alliances (3 times, avoiding war at least once, btw) to a very small one, should I expect any public blowback for attacking you, or am i good to go? Curbstomps and all, you know.

  10. [quote name='lazaraus45' date='18 July 2010 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1279477419' post='2377419']
    well i do love me some confusion,

    also i don't think there'll be much playing, you seem to be talking instead of hitting the "declare war" button,

    but then what would i expect, cowardice on your part is my reason for doing this in the first place, ask the nations i'm fighting how that "run from war" policy is working out for them will you? :smug:

    I'm standing pretty firmly. The best part? I'm not complaining.

    edit: on a very much related note: if I can figure out how to work sigs and get it to function, can I borrow your sig graphic?

  11. [quote name='lonewolfe2015' date='18 July 2010 - 12:00 PM' timestamp='1279476012' post='2377390']
    Awww, Confusion got so mad he got killed he sent a friend to play with us. Thank You :)

    He needs more than A friend though. Might want to just send all of SF at us. Or whatever alliance he's jumped to now.

  12. A couple quick notes:

    the nuke disparity can't be ignored. The Abyss had, as I recall, at least 10 more nukes than our combined totals. We just used tactics (spies) to relieve them of every single nuke not in a HNMS. Huge advantage. We had the blitz. Again, I don't recall exact numbers, but I'm pretty certain there were over 25% of abyss anarchied in the first 30 minutes of the war. This blocked them from countering. Huge advantage. Judging by some of the battle reports posted, Abyss was running on lean warchests against an alliance known for having massive ones (LE), disadvantage.

    If you want to call it a curbstomp, it's largely because you guys weren't prepared. And with regard to the NS disparities, Betamax had a lot to do with that artificially. As a cavalry we joined short after the war which boosted our sides by about 27k immediately after. The thing is, NB/LE did so well, at least 5 of us didn't even end up getting involved simply because there wasn't anyone strong enough that we needed to come in. We also had the advantage of the blitz and the build-up that comes beforehand, further pushing NS up.

    You can cry foul as much as you like, but anyone paying a mediocre amount of attention can see Abyss is simply looking for sympathy.

  13. [quote name='lonewolfe2015' date='16 July 2010 - 11:05 AM' timestamp='1279299887' post='2374646']
    I'd say my fondest wars were either the Breakfast War with RE/TPF or the OP war I had.

    However, that last round where I fought almost two dozen opponents including an angry LE member who wouldn't let it go that I defended myself from a raid, and I think at least one guy from 1/2 of the sanctioned alliances... that was interesting.

    That was indeed interesting. I spent literally half the round in war, and the first two weeks hardly count. I fought PSx4 or 5, an unaligned friend in PS, Catharsisx6, 3 REs, and a Fark, and two others I can't remember. I spent 10 days selling infra to pay bills and continue bombing runs.

  14. [quote name='Son of Taeper' date='16 July 2010 - 09:55 AM' timestamp='1279295724' post='2374544']
    You guys declared, you had plenty of warning to get a warchest :P
    Much respect for you all.

    As I recall, I was desperately trying to get into nuke range. I can't remember who my target was...

    Suffice it to say, an error while purchasing on my phone pretty much screwed me there. I was trying to hold off Durden, Infinite Citadel and two more on each day's collection....

    ...in anarchy.

    Either way, most fun I've had in a war yet. I enjoy fighting you guys.

  15. [quote name='Son of Taeper' date='16 July 2010 - 06:27 AM' timestamp='1279283207' post='2374373']
    Abyss accuse their attackers of a curbstomp and throw figures around like no ones business and when someone asks for stats all we get is "Stats would be inaccurate" and then another dive into how many guys jumped in after the DoW.
    A quick check on Abyss shows how many joined them post DoW. You can't argue with that figure.

    What I don't get is why LE never got any grief from our last war with Pork Shrimp. For anyone that has ever endured an attack from PS, it's not the sort of thing you want popping up on the radar, but there was never a suggestion of curbstomping or a complaint by either side about the way the war went.

    Ahhh, the LE war. If only I'd had a big enough WC. I miss the days when the DOW thread was for competitive banter instead of....whatever you want to call most of what's been going this war.

  16. [quote name='dealmaster13' date='09 June 2010 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1276123095' post='2330707']
    Sorry, I meant, us vs them now

    Careful saying "us", you're only going to bring down more shouts of "See!!! They're a bloc too!!!!!!!11111one!!"

  17. Holy Crap, Clash is right. We've got 168 wars on our screen. Only 41 or whatever members, haha.

    LW nailed it though. I managed to evade anarchy within PS thanks to my being on the blitzing side, but we've had three major wars where half our nations have lost 2/3 of their infra.

  18. [quote name='Tiberius12' date='05 June 2010 - 04:26 PM' timestamp='1275776779' post='2325131']
    RE and Umbrella were planning a joint war when we were approached by Marcus. Obviously plans had to shift, but the general idea was there. As for the wars with Umbrella, I've only noticed a couple, and those were not the orders given to our nations. We'll look into it and give you a better explanation.

    Appreciate it. I'm not attacking you or anyone in specific, just letting you know what it looks like. And I'd be curious to hear the reasoning behind having PS on your original target list since, at the time, we were at war still.

  19. [quote name='Bionic redhead' date='05 June 2010 - 02:59 PM' timestamp='1275771573' post='2324940']
    I didn't re-read our WAPA thread too thoroughly, but I didn't find anything along those lines. However, I did find this gem: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86546&view=findpost&p=2315350

    Oh and Confusion, please answer my question.

    That post is interesting indeed considering half of Pork Shrimp still has active wars with Catharsis.

    And isn't treatied to TPC. And hasn't been in two rounds.

  20. So you guys are professing sovereignty and claiming you were going to attack anyways and thus Marcus isn't pulling your strings. You've got nations declaring on PS, TFK, TFD and UMB(I thought they were on your "side"?). So your assertion is that you were planning to go to war with three alliances simultaneously already?

    Sorry, this isn't coming off as too believable to me.

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