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Posts posted by Kilkenny

  1. Uh no, it's called hey let's make them look like idiots and have them declare and only have a few nations fighting. Of course we only sent a few of our nations into peace mode not basically the entire alliance like the folks in Coalition of Cowards have. We're wide open and hoping to get something but oh thats right y'all put your entire alliances into peace mode.

    So now it is only a few adn not a strategy?? you really should pick a story and stick with it. I wonder how the nations who didn't make it into peacemode a liking getting pummeled while the rest of your /m\ cowards coalition sits in PM??

    keep trying, shoe, meet other foot.

    btw, NEW, we :wub: you guys and look forward to fighting by your side. We understand and realize the sacrifice you are making and appreciate it. Don't let yourself get distracted by the dogs yapping alongside. And I love your Nuke policy :nuke:

    o/ NEW

  2. I'm saying ours was strategic we did it to counter act CC's planning to attack our top tier nations, pretty much made it to where oh you cant do crap now and we're still attacking TPF. And the war's going your way? thats why TPF's NS has dropped by a mill. Oh yes, I see what you mean.

    Wow, i guess you win, cause yall's hasn't dropped at all, has it.

    Well, I am saying yours is cowardice, cause yall knew they were coming for you, something you had been crying for ever since the war started. And when it looked like they were actually coming, you jumped into peace mode.

    /M\ the true cowards...Leaders of the Cowardice PM Coalition!!!!

    btw, for the last 6 days you have been trying to goad our allies to attack when and where it was convinent for you. It hasn't worked to this point, why do you keep trying?? Do you think that after all this time they will say to heck with it and just do what you want them to do???

    what a joke.. :lol1:

  3. mhmmm, I see, so us putting our 85k+ nations in peace mode to counteract what you guys were doing wasn't strategy? it wasn't cowardice as of why we did it. I mean we kept all our lower nations wide open. The Coalition of Cowardice however put almost everyone into peace mode, tell me how does it feel to have almost as many offensive wars as TPF?

    So when you do it, it is strategic, when the other side does it, it is cowardice.... you sir have managed in one fell swoop managed to lower the IQ of this thread to single digits.

    And we at TPF know why the declaration came when it did, and we have no problem with it. The only people who seem to have a problem with it is the ones who had their grand planned ambush all set up only to have it get ruined. and since we aren't friends with you, we don't care what you think.

    Or what's left of your ally anyways. Actually after 6 days of getting demolished I really wouldn't consider you an ally anymore.

    :lol1::lol1: you really have no idea wha tis going on, do you. The vast majority of our wars are going our way. We have in no way been demolished....but you keep spouting that if it lets you sleep better at night....but that small voice in the back of your head laughing...it isn't laughing with you, it is laughing AT you.

  4. No, it indicates that a Rok member had a multi in another alliance. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Right, and any and all information he got from NATO he kept compartmentalized in his brain from the RoK side. His Rok side was never privy to the information he gleamed from NATO at all.

    Those arguing against the spying that took place here, are really just pathetic.

  5. I honestly didnt expect any gratitude, but thank you.

    Given the firm stance you have stated, however, the lack of action from NATO over the past week appears quite puzzling. Can you say anything additionally in that regard at this time?

    I"ll help with that, here is the LINK to the Battle plans. Check it out for yourself.

  6. ...Did this serously become 16 pages over a basic no u match of who has a more trustworthy player?

    There seems to be equal proof on either side, and unless new conversations and amazing screenshots of admissions pop up, I don't think we'll have a change.

    I figured there had to be something else hidden in these pages somewhere ._.

    There is something hidden in here...do you feel it taking over your mind???


  7. I don't have the time, or effort, to read 16 pages, so If someone has asked this already, I apologize.

    Is there a reason, that even when you subtract the two hours, the timestamps don't match up?

    And has either of them provided proof that the other doctored the logs, other than their word?

    prob is a reason, but then that comes down to who you believe altered the logs. Each side is going to believe their guy is the trustworty one.

    Given the number of Edited/altered logs surfacing these days, who knows what is real and what is fake. :lol1:

  8. I apologize for the late reply. I was not saying "baww they are in peace" I was more saying if you let all of your enemy get into peace mode, there will be no one left to fight. This has been done before, you don't give your enemy the time to get away.

    Evil you be.

    [ooc: yup :D]

    Actually glad this has been clarified, no more need for that diplomacy stuff before war now...your enemy might get into peace mode.

    o/ the new standard

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