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Posts posted by Kilkenny

  1. LOL, worth reading for about 5 seconds to get a decent chuckle...after that....


    also definitely needs an option of " alterego should have to listen to hiss own babbling for a week with no break"


    I'm sure we can get a waiver on the cruel and unusual punishment thing for that  :D

  2. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1357225166' post='3070916']
    He sucked during that war, I believe i fought him for 2 cycles (i think it was him) Yet here he is pointing out how bad others are.

    I take screen shots to mock others with, forgive me for spending a whole 30 seconds to take a screen shot and upload it via that handy addon for photo bucket. The horror, the shame, my kids will never forgive me for not spending that 30 seconds taking more photos of them.

    You're right, that 30 seconds is to valuable to waste on him though.

    LOL, funny that you had time to take screen shots...oh wait you were turtling over half the time so I guess you did have time anyway, it was the Athens guy who did the final bit of damage, not you. And I fought you for 2 rounds...I declared on you and you were the main leader of the fight for 2 days crew...you managed 2 days of war after getting 18mil from Umbrella...not to good. In reality you did suck, the only time I had problems while fighting you was not due to your turtling, but the other 2-3 guys I was fighting.

  3. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1356897693' post='3069507']
    Anyone that legitimately thinks TPF is anything close to a match to MK should never be allowed to make military decisions. You have barely 60% of our tech. You would get dominated.

    LOL, I know we are a close match. Last war when I fought MK I had easy pickings, in fact of the 2 people the entire war I fought that gave me any fits, one was from Athens and I think the other one was from Goons. All MKers, including the ones who had more tech than me never gave me much of any battle, and the Goons were extremely predictable when they would fight..... 2 days out of every 10.

  4. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1322797973' post='2858889']
    Actually, it kind of does. Had you read the thread rather then just reading what suits your desires, you would have seen that it has been discussed.

    Then again, if you've got doubts in TPF and the fashion in which we honor our treaties, perhaps thats a concern you should take up with your government, since our two alliances hold a treaty as well.

    I thought canceled that treaty after MCXA bailed out of a war within a week...again??

  5. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1305152801' post='2710276']
    Tactical use of peace mode to control declarations is not cowardly and (OOC: bad for the game). Hiding nations in peace for the entirety of a war and limiting the overall number of wars that can be fought is.

    The two are not comparable.

    Uhm, what??? they are the same. You jumped NPO and they put as many upper tier nations as they could into peace mode to limit damage.

    You spend all war complaining that NPO is not fighting and demand they bring out x number of nations, but before they come out, you jump most of your natinos into peace mode, to limit damage. It is the same thing. It is a strategy, plain and simple. The funny thing is that, once again, MK spends an entire war critizing a side for a action they don't like (you weren't able to curb stomp all of NPO) but when push came to shove, you adopt the strategy and then try to convince everyone that it is legit....when you do it.

    Fact is, as far as I am concerned, it is a legit strategy...use it, But don't expect us to buy your spin.

    But I wish you would figure out what the spin is...are you in peace mode to limit damage cause the mighty NPO can crush your upper tier (thought 3 weeks of war wouldn't crush anyone), or is NPO to few to even attack you?? I mean to hear you talk NPO has plenty of targets and can't even fill a fraction of the slots available so it doesn't matter about your peace mode nations...but if that is true, and everyone is in anarchy...then why hide in peace mode???

  6. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1305144358' post='2710218']
    We're putting our [b]best nations [/b]forward to do the maximum amount of damage possible, not hiding from a war and trying to wish it away. There's a pretty clear difference here.

    Why not all your nations??? If peace mode strategy is bad for the community and can't be allowed to be used...then why use it yourself??

    It really is quite simple, with over 40% on MK hiding in peace mode to avoid damage, they have either become the "discusting cowards" of peace mode, or legitimized the strategy.

    Of course MK does have a habit of vilifying a tactic until they get a chance to use it themselves...then it becomes a sound strategy. At least you can be known as the consistant hypacrites.

  7. [quote name='NowaCorp' timestamp='1302727051' post='2690163']
    As an added friendly suggestion, you may wish to find a protector that doesn't have over half of its member nations in peace mode, and another quarter in anarchy.


    We were their protectors BEFORE the war started, we are just carrying it through until the end.

    Sorry to see you go SFA, nice getting to know you and hope it continues. As always you know where to find us.

  8. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1301693971' post='2682450']
    TPF doesn't regret betraying UJP in that war, so there's really no reason for people to get over it. You even said specifically that when you join an alliance, you take on the baggage that alliance has - in Umbrella's case, it's involvement in the GPA war, which you're now using to state has tainted Umbrella forever. So in your case, wouldn't you say your being in TPF means you have to take the responsibility of betraying the UJP and forcefully disbanding NoV?

    Uhm, sure... I don't regret anything I did during the UJP... not a bit of it.***

    [size="1"]***at the time of UJP I was in BANG, not TPF. We did not participate in that war in any shape at all. We merged together after UJP occurred and I am the 15th most senior naiton in TPF, counting the previous time I was in TPF(I was in Atarax, a protectorate of Polars during no-cb in my streatch out of TPF). So therefore I don't regret what I did.[/size]

  9. [quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1301615023' post='2681716']
    At the same time, it would be incorrect to say there was no pressure on anyone at the time to participate in NPO's system. You can look at what was done to the few alliances that either didn't want to be a part of it or were excluded intentionally.

    And there is no pressure at all to adhere to DH's system?? isn't that part of the reasoning behind attacking NPO, and their not having "changed" is they didn't do enough, in your opinion, to come around to your side??

    and as far as not bringing up anything Umbrella did in the past when you weren't around, I will tell you what. I won't bring it up ever ever ever again, if you, and those in Umbrella, Don't bring up TPF's actions in UJP as justification for your hatred. We have an entirely new gov, 85% or better, members who weren't in TPF at that time, and the guy in charge who did everything, Slayer99, is no longer amoung the living on Planet Bob.

    seems fair to me.

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