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Posts posted by Yersinnia

  1. What do i hope to gain by posting?

    Nothing i don't want anyones sympathy (like i said accuse me of whining i cud care less) but from my understanding this is where DoW against alliances should go

    What do i hope to gain by declaring war?

    Nothing, I expect I will be ZI'd very soon for having the audacity to question one of the almighty alliances.

    Have WF announced it publicy?

    No, they have said nothing, oh except for their emperor asking me to email him proof that they broke the treaty to an email address banned in game (which i couldn't cos i couldn't see the address cos of the filter cos of the ban). Then sending me a different address and claiming the file arrived corrupted (yeh right).

    Do I know there is a big war going on and most likely nobody cares

    Yes, thankyou.

    They agreed this original treaty.

    they broke it so I modified it.

    This is the last time i'll be posting in this thread, if anyone wants to know any other answers to their question i suggest you PM me.

  2. Pallantrix applauds the World Federation for recognising its mistake and agreeing to an equitable revised treaty.

    Pallantrix forthwith will cease from retaliating against the World Federation on the following conditions:

    1. The War will be peaced on the 29th January.

    2. Both nations will receive no aid for the duration.

    Hopefully this will be the end of this matter and the World Federation and Pallantrix can move on from this most recent and unfortunate misunderstanding. We look forward to your response WF and thank those citizens of Bob who have supported our outrage against the violation of our treaty with the WF by the WF

  3. Pallantrix agrees with the WF to cease its retaliatory attacks against the attacking WF nation.

    Pallantrix agrees that the WF nation will attack Pallantrix for two more days, war to be peaced on 29th January

    Both nations are not to receive any aid during this time.

    Lets see if you stick to it this time guys.

  4. The nation of Pallantrix urgently requests assistance from all nations who seek to free themselves from the yolk of oppression at the hands of the major alliances of Bob.

    Recently we signed a Peace Treaty with the World Federation, a treaty which they have arbitrarily broken.

    We urgently appeal to all the free nations of the world to assist us in any way they can to resist this most grievous betrayal.

  5. Yersinnia, you're the instigator of this entire fiasco. You're lucky you didn't end up with ZI.

    What's that business about making beds?

    Way to post this in "Alliance Announcements" when it's totally not an alliance announcement.

    who instigated anything isnt the point. the point is wf broke their treaty, wf is an alliance, the treaty was posted in alliance announcements, where else should i have posted this?

    and as i said in my post, ill lie in whatever bed i have made, just dont think the treaty should have been broken when it was agreed to by both parties in good faith and i meticulously kept my side of the bargain even when they didnt.

  6. You realise the last attack was most likely to prevent an escape to peace mode?

    Maybe so, however I at no time gave them any reason to believe this was my intent, nor in fact was it. I also offered $1000000 in aid to two of their nations voluntarily as a gesture of goodwill. Escaping to peace mode would really have served me no purpose, all it would have done is render me in breach of the treaty and meant when i exited peace mode i would, quite rightly, have faced their full wrath.

  7. On the 21/1 the nation of Pallantrix agreed a Treaty of Peace with the World Federation.

    The treaty called for 5 days of attacks by a World Federation nation upon Pallantrix. Pallantrix was not to respond to these attacks. The World Federation nation was not to commence its attacks until 24 hours of peace had elapsed (meaning all current wars between Pallantrix and the World Federation were to have ended or expired 24 hours prior to the attack by the World Federation nation.)

    Since the signing of the treaty the World Federation has committed no less than three breaches of its terms, the latest being the commencement of war by the nation of Carson the Great against Pallantrix just before update on 25/1 BEFORE all other wars had ended or expired.

    21/1 - Treaty signed

    21/1 - 1 of your nations doesn't stop his attack, Pallantrix retaliates with air but not ground forces, you make him stop, treaty stands.

    23/1 - 1 of your nations attacks me. Pallantrix doesn't retaliate at all, he stops and you agree to reduce the terms to 4 days of attack (Kudos BTW)

    25/1 - Your member (Carson the Great) commences your 4 day war BEFORE all other wars have finished.

    26/1 - All other wars either finish or expire.

    27/1 - This is when your member (Carson the Great) should have commenced his attack.

    In light of these events the people and government of Pallantrix consider the World Federation to be in material abrogation of our treaty. As such Pallantrix has unilaterally modified the agreement such that we shall respond against the attacks of the World Federation.

    Obviously, Pallantrix cannot hope to defeat the World Federation in battle however all of our people are united and steadfast in their desire to resist this nefarious betrayal.

    Pallantrix would like to restate that its dispute with the World Federation took place before our people were welcomed into The Moralist Front and as such any consequences, however devastating of our actions will rest on our shoulders alone.

    Although we may fail in this endeavour, the descendants of our brave soldiers and civilians will forever remember the heroism of their forebears. The graves of our honoured dead shall stand as testament to the fate of those who commit the folly of trusting the word of the World Federation.

  8. Pallantrix stamps its foot in a comical way.

    WF you bad bad people, you broke the treaty not once, not twice, but thrice!!!

    The agreement was 1 of your nations would attack me for 5 days after 24 hours of peace had elapsed.

    21/1 - Treaty signed

    21/1 - 1 of your nations doesnt stop his attack, i dont retaliate with ground forces, you make him stop, treaty stands.

    23/1 - 1 of your nations attacks me. I dont retaliate at all, he stops and you agree to reduce the terms to 4 days of attack (Kudos BTW)

    25/1 - Your member (Carson the Great) commences your 4 day war BEFORE all other wars have finished.

    26/1 - All other wars either finish or expire.

    27/1 - This is when your member (Carson the Great) should have commenced his attack.

    Cheeky. You should honour your agreements.

  9. The government of the nation of Pallantrix on behalf of its people is pleased to announce a cessation of hostilities in our war with the World Federation on the following terms:

    1. Pallantrix has agreed to and henceforth offered peace to those World Federation nations with whom we are engaged in active hostilities.

    2. The government of Pallantrix has agreed that a single World Federation nation will - after a peaceful period of at least 1 day - launch an attack against our nation for a period no longer than 5 days. While Pallantrix maintains the right to equip and train our military we agree that those forces will remain in their barracks for the entirety of this engagement. Furthermore all of our Air Forces will remain in their hangars and our Cruise Missile launching systems will be rendered inactive. This is in recognition of the suffering we have caused to our neighbours in the World Federation.

    3. The World Federation has agreed that their attacking nation shall not be aided at any time during the 5 day war. Pallantrix will similarly not receive any aid during this time.

    4. The World Federation agreed, and subsequently has apologised for attacks against Pallantrix by two of their nations during the cease fire period while discussions have been underway.

    Pallantrix would like to publicy and unreservedly apologise to all nations and peoples of the World Federation for our unprovoked and heinous acts of atrocity against those who erstwhile have commited us no wrong. Pallantrix would further like to acknowledge that the World Federation has at all times retained the capacity to deal a crushing blow to our nation the likes of which does not exist in the memory of our people. The fact that they have refrained from doing so is a testament to the moral fortitude, courage and steadfast magnanimity of the World Federations Government, an example which all the peoples, nations and alliances of Bob would do well to follow.

    The people of Pallantrix offer their heartfelt thanks to Vilien of The Moralist Front. During our darkest hour you were the first to spring to our defence, at considerable risk to your own life and limb. This was an extraordinary act of friendship by The Moralist Front toward our nation and we are forever in your debt.

    Finally, the government of Pallantrix would like to acknowledge that in these recent times of high emotion our diplomatic corps has not necessarily maintained the dignity and decorum befitting of our people. In particular we would like to state that those diplomats responsible for this recent communique have been publicly flogged and sent to work in the most hazardous Sugar Wells and Oil Cane Fields within our nations borders. We apologise to illini12day and hope that from now on our respective people may live together in peace, side by side.

    Hail all the peoples of Bob and long live the ideals of Freetopia whose custody and future now lie in our hands.

  10. Yea those places don't say you have to but joining an alliance isn't optional among CN community idiot! Alliances protect you from tech raids and

    Do ya think you could send me a link to the poll? I think i missed it in all the excitement and obviously there has been one. I assume it empowered you to speak on behalf of every citizen of Bob on the subject of alliances?

  11. Yea those places don't say you have to but joining an alliance isn't optional among CN community idiot! Alliances protect you from tech raids and what not. Why do you think at 6000NS is when your in danger and actually need an alliance? I would love to know where you got that number why not 25k or 60k? I have been playing for about 290 days now 287 days of which I have been a full-pledged Spartan! On the first day I signed up for Sparta took me 3 days to go through app process and look where I am now! Never been anarchied fought 7 wars taking part in Karma War all apart of Sparta I wouldn't know how to fight w/o Spartan guides! I am also a Colonel in Spartan military next rank I get I am in government and trust me by this you NEED an alliance! Look where your at now! Possibility of being ZIed which I highly support. And if you get peace then all to you but that's dumb Luck as I have worked defense ever since I first started and right now I am in charge of ghosts plus rogues and standard rule for practically any alliance if peace not declared and right reps paid then we roll them but your different attacking 5 nations automatically equals a ZI

    Well firstly, idiot, if you direct your attention to the reality of the situation you will notice that around 5 or 6000NS is the point where the vast majority of nations have joined an alliance. There is no fixed cut off but the proportion is such that for all practical purposes joining an alliance ceases to be optional at this stage.

    Secondly, idiot, a whole 290 days? You must be Bob's formost authority on all things Bob.

    Thirdly, idiot, I am sincerely very happy that you are enjoying your time with Sparta, however that does not give you the right to insult me for holding a different opinion.

    Fourthly, idiot, I am quite unable to translate the last sentence of your post into any broadly intelligible form of English considering the lack of punctuation or grammar - so if you would be kind enough to let me know what exactly you were trying to say I will be more than happy to answer you.

  12. Alliances are not optional.

    Try again.

    Not optional, lol what absolute tripe. Check here:


    The CN definition of an alliance: Alliances - Alliances are player created groups managed outside the game. Alliances offer player protection during wars, organized strategies in game, increased player interaction, and often offsite forums and communities of their own. There are no hard coded benefits in the game to being part of a player created alliance. Many of the player created alliances attempt to gain “control” over particular teams. This gives the various alliances a color identity and an opportunity to gain happiness by trading with one another in the game. There are a few in game screens in the World Statistics page that provide statistics and detail player created alliances. Alliance score is determined by the following equation:

    ((alliance nations / total nations * 1,000) + (alliance strength / 100,000)) / 3

    and here:


    The CN wiki definition of an alliance: Alliances are player created and maintained and function almost completely outside of the game mechanics (excepting the Alliances statistics screen). They are primarily defense (and sometimes agression) pacts between nations. Any player may ask to join any alliance, but it is up to the individual alliances who they admit. Many of the player created alliances attempt to gain "control" over particular teams, but not all. This gives the various alliances a color identity and an opportunity to gain population happiness by trading with one another in the game. Single color alliances also have the ability to gain Senate seats on their team, giving special bonuses to their top nations. Most teams have multiple alliances within them.

    The one word you'll notice is completely missing is mandatory. Players CAN join an alliance they don't HAVE to. If your gonna talk rubbish, try and make it rubbish that isn't well..... such rubbish.

    Try Again.

  13. After all I have seen and read from WF's announcement to your numerous stories in this topic and watching your nation you should be ZIed by now because if you ghosted Sparta I would have you destroyed completely. 1 war fine ok! But 5 wars there doesn't need to be any discussion about it! I don't see how peace talks are even being considered atm. If you get peace all I would have to say is wow!

    Thats exactly the point, once you get to over 6000NS this isn't cybernations anymore, its cybernations + alliance, why should one have to register with and join an alliance in order to continue playing a game where alliances are OPTIONAL? I suppose one could simply enter peace mode all the time but we all know what that does to productivity.

  14. I will definitely support you! There are no nations I enjoy sending my hardly earned funds to than partially literate, third-person speaking ghosts! Send me a message in-game, and I'll send you troops, funds, and everything you could possibly need to win this! ^_^

    Excellent, I, similarly enjoy receiving "hardly earned funds", from hardly literate posters who ask me to message them in game and forget to fill out their forum profile. What exactly is a hardly earned fund? You mean you hardly have any funds or you didn't really earn them to start with?

    And, of course, this being in character, a third person narratory would be appropriate, wouldn't it? If you were to open your eyes I'm sure you would see that in the real world, the third person referral point is commonly used when referring to nations, afterall, a nation is a group.

  15. Yes for my point if i was the Mods i would colse the threads, Just a newbie trying to get Drama going.If i was WF leadership i would not give you the time of the day let alone peace talks. Just let you know the little game you played is over, Your not worth the time really will you even be in this game in 4 weeks or by that point will your drama be over and we will never see you again?

    Meh what ever i am done with this, Your geting what you want my time your a joke like i told you before in PM's. You come on and spam a alliance go to war with people that you should not have. Come on here and whine some more trying to turn it from that your a (Troll) what was your hope to save CN everyone that is not in a alliance bow to Freetopia he is here to save you by going to war with alliance members and then spaming them. To: Allen Demary From: Yersinnia Date: 1/20/2010 10:36:03 AM

    Subject: Attention World Federation

    Message: World Federation Members, the war enters its 5th day. Ask yourselves, how can a single nation stand alone against so mightier alliance? Your leaders have failed you, your comrades are anarchied, your government silent, renounce this false assembly of failure and embrace your true destiny. Long Live Freetopia.

    Lol do i have to say more. Are silent goverment that you got on here crying for aid to live from?

    lol, well that was nearly as good as your best in game message. no need to be bitter, the key word is 'game', why shouldnt i start my own alliance and post in the forums, you are and i'm not condemning you :-) if ya dont like your governments stance toward me change alliance, as you've seen, its possible. If ya dont like that the mods arent going all Hitler on my freedom of speech, then talk to them, not me.

  16. Hahaha i know i seen them i want to know how we are in peace talks with this so called Freetopia that is no more? Could you please give me here ns rateing so i can put my two cents in. I want to see if they are even worth are time for peace talks have they broke 1 Mil NS yet?

    To avoid any doubt, i got the point you were making the first time you made it. The point is however mute, what I am called is irrelevant, who I am remains the same, surely if my AA name matters so much then since Freetopia doesn't exist anymore this whole issue goes away and there is not need for war, talks, reps or anything else that your Emperor and I will be discussing tomorrow?

  17. I wanted to make a few things clear after taking a while to figure out what has happened today. First, on the subject of Yersinnia. If you check his wars you will see that he did attack two of our nations, twelve hours apart, on 1/17, ghosting first as Valhalla and second as Federation of Militant Athiests. Then he attacked someone belonging to The World Federation the next day, thinking it was us, but was a mistake on his part.

    Attempts were made through in game messages that his attacks needed to cease and peace should be offered. At this point, we were more trying to aid our nations more than attack him. We figured he would stop what he was doing considering he is small. Any nation in that range up to no good like that usually does his damage and goes on. However, instead of ceasing hostilities he mass messaged members of our alliance the following:

    Date: 1/20/2010 10:36:03 AM

    Subject: Attention World Federation

    Message: World Federation Members, the war enters its 5th day. Ask yourselves, how can a single nation stand alone against so mightier alliance? Your leaders have failed you, your comrades are anarchied, your government silent, renounce this false assembly of failure and embrace your true destiny. Long Live Freetopia.

    We tried very, very hard to not do anything about this at first. But after messaging our members it became clear that something else had to be done. No alliance, NONE, would allow someone to outright attack member nations let alone send out messages condemning your leadership. Especially when we have not done ANYTHING untoward to this guy as an alliance. If he has personal issues with someone, he has allowed them to flow over and he has made a scene. So today he was attacked by one of our nations. It's only right and it's only fair. I do not think anyone on our side should be apologizing for any concrete action that has taken place.

    Now, on the other hand, I want to discuss the PZI slip that occured earlier in detail. When you're faced with something as challenging as trying to answer dozens of messages from your members about what is happening, who is this guy, then trying to negotiate peace, and send out aid, and deal with allies concerns, you can overreact easily. I am sure out of complete frustration that PZI was mentioned only as a "definite" way of getting him to cease hostilities but it backfired into something quite big. The scare tactic didn't work, which left us backtracking on a PZI threat, which we don't even support as an alliance.

    After talking with everyone and cooler heads prevailing, the PZI was voided and I am assuming rightfully changed to a possible ZI, which at this point to me seems well worth it. This has been a huge headache over one smart $@!. Nobody deserved to be spending all day on here over this.

    In closing, I would like to be clear on wF policy regarding PZI and ZI. Before i came here a few weeks ago, there was NO PZI OR ZI policy to speak of. It was not allowed by wF and to this day we have no document enforcing either. As a matter of fact, two days ago a revised Code of Conduct was given to me to review and I removed the PZI clause completely. I do not support it at all and I am confident that my alliance does not either. However, the Code of Conduct still contains a ZI phrase for certain offenses, HOWEVER, that has not been ratified as of yet either. Now, being that all government is in agreement with this ZI clause, we reserve the right to pass and act on this immediately if we see fit.

    I hope this makes the situation a little bit clearer on why things transpired the way they did. I apologize to any other alliance who felt slighted or was taken aback by the situation. I appreciate those who support us in this. We are only protecting our members. It's guaranteed in our constitution. We have to do right by them.

    President Hardin, wF

    Minister of Internal Affairs

    and of course, by attempts at peace and in game messages you are essentially saying you delivered to me the ultimatum "stop or die". Thank you so much for eloquently delivering my point for me :-).

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